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Australia, US, India and Japan plan to counter China's Belt and Road initiative

What should worry China and regional nations is not the economic aspect of this counter belt and road initiative but the security aspect. Economic development will have synergies, especially regarding basic infrastructure. It's a win-win for all involved.

I don't see the economic interests lining up for all nations. The underwriter in this group is undoubtedly the United States, thus interests of this arrangement will be aligned with the US. It is imperative for the US to keep international trade naval (due to its geographic location), keeping nations regional/isolated and maintain balance of power within the Eurasian continent, so long as it is the dominant naval military power.

This counter initiative will likely be aimed at tilting China's initiative vectors more towards the coast, away from connecting the interior (Central Asia), while increasing the naval aspect of development. There is still opportunities for synergies with China's and US's initiatives in this front. On the other hand the US will potentially render Central Asia in future years to become a security focal point rather than economic development by making it unprofitable/costly. This serves 2 main purposes: Realign development and prevent Eurasian integration .

Two main tools to do this: economic incentives (carrot) and military (stick). Belt and road was originally a hybrid of deep continental connectivity and naval trade routes. To be profitable it will depend much on private capital for operations, and private capital is sensitive towards risk adjust returns. With an economic realignment by America, trade routes will be entirely pointing outwards with nearly all value concentrated along the continental coast. Yes, on paper coastal development will be much more profitable but will cause severe structural issues for many countries that reach deep into the continent. Development of the continental interior is a major aspect of BRI. The application of formal military is merely a staging front for covert operations. On the surface nations of the continent and US will be cooperating on the security front (playing good cop), as there is not much choice, unless you want to oppose America. Overtly, the terrorist forces in Afghanistan will be decimated and mostly pushed out of the country (likely going north). Covertly various rebel groups (bad cop) will be supported as a proxy to contain remaining groups and initiate revolutions against Central Asian governments. Eventually creating insurgencies to justify the military presence. Official military presence is a mere logistics/intelligence system, real damage are the proxies who will render Central Asia a no investment zone and that is good enough for the counter belt initiative to be considered successful.

The fallout of military policy in Central Asia will be neighbouring nations locking down their borders and no significant trade through the continental interior will be possible. Not only will trade and investment be redirected towards the American dominated coastal regions, Eurasian political and military coordination becomes difficult as the incentive structure changes.
What should worry China and regional nations is not the economic aspect of this counter belt and road initiative but the security aspect. Economic development will have synergies, especially regarding basic infrastructure. It's a win-win for all involved.

I don't see the economic interests lining up for all nations. The underwriter in this group is undoubtedly the United States, thus interests of this arrangement will be aligned with the US. It is imperative for the US to keep international trade naval (due to its geographic location), keeping nations regional/isolated and maintain balance of power within the Eurasian continent, so long as it is the dominant naval military power.

This counter initiative will likely be aimed at tilting China's initiative vectors more towards the coast, away from connecting the interior (Central Asia), while increasing the naval aspect of development. There is still opportunities for synergies with China's and US's initiatives in this front. On the other hand the US will potentially render Central Asia in future years to become a security focal point rather than economic development by making it unprofitable/costly. This serves 2 main purposes: Realign development and prevent Eurasian integration .

Two main tools to do this: economic incentives (carrot) and military (stick). Belt and road was originally a hybrid of deep continental connectivity and naval trade routes. To be profitable it will depend much on private capital for operations, and private capital is sensitive towards risk adjust returns. With an economic realignment by America, trade routes will be entirely pointing outwards with nearly all value concentrated along the continental coast. Yes, on paper coastal development will be much more profitable but will cause severe structural issues for many countries that reach deep into the continent. Development of the continental interior is a major aspect of BRI. The application of formal military is merely a staging front for covert operations. On the surface nations of the continent and US will be cooperating on the security front (playing good cop), as there is not much choice, unless you want to oppose America. Overtly, the terrorist forces in Afghanistan will be decimated and mostly pushed out of the country (likely going north). Covertly various rebel groups (bad cop) will be supported as a proxy to contain remaining groups and initiate revolutions against Central Asian governments. Eventually creating insurgencies to justify the military presence. Official military presence is a mere logistics/intelligence system, real damage are the proxies who will render Central Asia a no investment zone and that is good enough for the counter belt initiative to be considered successful.

The fallout of military policy in Central Asia will be neighbouring nations locking down their borders and no significant trade through the continental interior will be possible. Not only will trade and investment be redirected towards the American dominated coastal regions, Eurasian political and military coordination becomes difficult as the incentive structure changes.

Thank you... What a change and Interesting arguments.
Less emotion driven comments is always welcome.
The problem is these few clowns do not have the money and expertise to execute such mega infrastructure projects :enjoy:

There is a saying. “God create the earth, China build the rest.”
Nonsense. China can build, other cannot? the Japanese have both: money and IQ.

If we wait for China giving us money and expertise to build infrastructure we need we could wait for 100 years.
The message is pretty clear: these nations are weak, incapable and insecure to compete alone against China. In military maybe a big deal for China to face the military power of the 4 combined nations but when come to execute mega project, we have money, more qualified and experienced workers in infrastructure project than all these 4 countries combined, we certainty can compete to win any infrastructure projects around the world.

I put my bet on China. :china:
If you begin to believe to your own cooked propaganda then it’s high noon to seek a doctor.
The message is pretty clear: these nations are weak, incapable and insecure to compete alone against China. In military maybe a big deal for China to face the military power of the 4 combined nations but when come to execute mega project, we have money, more qualified and experienced workers in infrastructure project than all these 4 countries combined, we certainty can compete to win any infrastructure projects around the world.

I put my bet on China. :china:

None of these nations are weak. They are here to coordinate not only for military purpose but for trade as well.
and dont forget, Chinese were poorest in whole asia and investment by western companies or by japanese taught chinese to raise their heads.

lol india is trolled by every country of the world, thats what happened when you love to be slave of people who are sitting far and watching you fighting with all your neighbors:lol:

Look who is calling india slave. A nation who has been looking for laps of military powers to save its back.
Earlier it was U.S now its russia-china.
Be careful about what you wish for...

If President Dotard's track record is of any indication, he will treat his allies far worse than his supposed enemy, after all, dotard is a bigly sad bully and as bully, he will just love to stick to take on underweighted players like most of his allies while being bigly cool with heavy weight players like China like he always does:lol:
India, US, Australia and Japan in talks to build alternative to China’s Belt and Road

Countries have revived four-way talks to deepen security cooperation, coordinate for regional infrastructure financing
Australia, the United States, India and Japan are talking about establishing a joint regional infrastructure scheme as an alternative to China’s multibillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative in an attempt to counter Beijing’s spreading influence, the Australian Financial Review reported on Monday, citing a senior US official.

The unnamed official was quoted as saying the plan involving the four regional partners was still ”nascent“ and ”won’t be ripe enough to be announced’ during Australian Prime Minister Turnbull’s visit to the United States later this week.

The official said, however, that the project was on the agenda for Turnbull’s talks with US President Donald Trump during that trip and was being seriously discussed. The source added that the preferred terminology was to call the plan an “alternative” to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, rather than a “rival.”

China’s Silk Road revival ‘hits hurdles’

“No one is saying China should not build infrastructure,” the official was quoted as saying. “China might build a port which, on its own is not economically viable. We could make it economically viable by building a road or rail line linking that port.”

Representatives for Turnbull, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Trade Minister Steven Ciobo did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, asked at a news conference about the report of four-way cooperation, said Japan, the United States, Australia, and Japan, Australia and India regularly exchanged views on issues of common interest.

“It is not the case that this is to counter China’s Belt and Road,” he said.

Pakistan’s development by-product of China’s global integration

Japan, meanwhile, plans to use its official development assistance (ODA) to promote a broader “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy” including “high-quality infrastructure”, according to a summary draft of its 2017 white paper on ODA. The Indo-Pacific strategy has been endorsed by Washington and is also seen as a counter to the Belt and Road Initiative.

First mentioned during a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping’s to university students in Kazakhstan in 2013, China’s Belt and Road plan is a vehicle for the Asian country to take a greater role on the international stage by funding and building global transport and trade links in more than 60 countries.

Xi has heavily promoted the initiative, inviting world leaders to Beijing last May for an inaugural summit at which he pledged $124 billion in funding for the plan, and enshrining it into the ruling Communist Party’s constitution in October.

Local Chinese governments as well as state and private firms have rushed to offer support by investing overseas and making loans.

Adding Afghanistan to China’s OBOR is a tricky gambit

In January, Beijing outlined its ambitions to extend the initiative to the Arctic by developing shipping lanes opened up by global warming, forming a “Polar Silk Road”.

The United States, Japan, India and Australia have recently revived four-way talks to deepen security cooperation and coordinate alternatives for regional infrastructure financing to that offered by China.

The so-called Quad to discuss and cooperate on security first met as an initiative a decade ago – much to the annoyance of China, which saw it as an attempt by regional democracies to contain its advances. The quartet held talks in Manila on the sidelines of the November ASEAN and East Asia Summits
India takes out all continents in between and its possible.:rofl:

India takes out all continents in between and its possible.:rofl:
India takes out all continents in between and its possible.:rofl:

India takes out all continents in between and its possible.:rofl:
Hey Day Dreamer When you wake up call me. You dont have even one thing to say about the possibility on ground. But yeah you can just laugh on it.:rofl:
trying to win a race with inexperienced drivers that just started, while experienced drivers of the other team are nearly finished
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but Australia,what does CHINA ever done to Australia,

Oh, poor China. :disagree:

Espionage using Chinese immigrants.


Espionage by bribing an MP


Stealing information, sensitive data.


Finally, the Australian Prime Minister terms relation with China as quote "poisonous".


Wow! Just wow.... And you are asking why Australia is against China?:lol:
The message is pretty clear: these nations are weak, incapable and insecure to compete alone against China. In military maybe a big deal for China to face the military power of the 4 combined nations but when come to execute mega project, we have money, more qualified and experienced workers in infrastructure project than all these 4 countries combined, we certainty can compete to win any infrastructure projects around the world.

I put my bet on China. :china:

The combined Construction services exports earnings of the 4 nations is already more than China for 2016
Japan : $9.3 billion
India : $ 2 billion
USA : $ 2 billion
Australia : $ 113 million

Total approx - $ 13.1 billion

China - $12. 6 billion



Oh, poor China. :disagree:

Espionage using Chinese immigrants.


Espionage by bribing an MP


Stealing information, sensitive data.


Finally, the Australian Prime Minister terms relation with China as quote "poisonous".


Wow! Just wow.... And you are asking why Australia is against China?:lol:
Interestingly there was previous Australian PM Kevin Rudd supportive of Chinese withdrew Australia from Quad dialogue

In response the Chinese did something deplorable that earned them a title from Kevin Rudd

Alleged 'rat-f**k' outburst tarnishes Aussie PM Kevin Rudd's China-friendly image
THE China-friendly image of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has been tarnished by claims he branded the Chinese "f**kers" at the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

By staff writers
NewsCoreJUNE 7, 201012:52PM
THE China-friendly image of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has been tarnished by claims he branded the Chinese "f**kers" at the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

The ABC quotes today in the June edition of the Quarterly Essay, journalist David Marr as saying Mr Rudd remarked to a group of journalists and aides during the December 2009 summit that: "Those Chinese f**kers are trying to rat-f**k us."

The angry tirade reportedly came after tense negotiations with the Chinese, who are one of Australia's most important trading partners, over a binding agreement on reducing carbon emissions.

Mandarin-speaker Rudd - who has often spoken of his love for Beijing, where he worked as a diplomat in the 1980s - believed that the Chinese were frustrating efforts pursued by him and other countries, including the US, to negotiate an agreement.

Interestingly there was previous Australian PM Kevin Rudd supportive of Chinese withdrew Australia from Quad dialogue

In response the Chinese did something deplorable that earned them a title from Kevin Rudd

Alleged 'rat-f**k' outburst tarnishes Aussie PM Kevin Rudd's China-friendly image
THE China-friendly image of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has been tarnished by claims he branded the Chinese "f**kers" at the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

By staff writers
NewsCoreJUNE 7, 201012:52PM
THE China-friendly image of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has been tarnished by claims he branded the Chinese "f**kers" at the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

The ABC quotes today in the June edition of the Quarterly Essay, journalist David Marr as saying Mr Rudd remarked to a group of journalists and aides during the December 2009 summit that: "Those Chinese f**kers are trying to rat-f**k us."

The angry tirade reportedly came after tense negotiations with the Chinese, who are one of Australia's most important trading partners, over a binding agreement on reducing carbon emissions.

Mandarin-speaker Rudd - who has often spoken of his love for Beijing, where he worked as a diplomat in the 1980s - believed that the Chinese were frustrating efforts pursued by him and other countries, including the US, to negotiate an agreement.

In short, Rudd played the Chinese, he accepted the green bills and called them *****:lol:.

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