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Aussie scientists' time travel breakthrough

how going back in time is possible....???
going in future is possible if u can travel with speed of light...the time around u will slow down...making u leap in future...or u can use wormhole....if u can find one to fit u...
future travel is possible because of gravity ........and gravity pulls time ......but in order to go past you have to travel faster than light ..for example sun rays takes almost 8 min to reach on earth imagine a sudden blackout in sun then this blackout you will realize after 8 min..that mean you are looking sun's past state.
future travel is possible because of gravity ........and gravity pulls time ......but in order to go past you have to travel faster than light ..for example sun rays takes almost 8 min to reach on earth imagine a sudden blackout in sun then this blackout you will realize after 8 min..that mean you are looking sun's past state.
gravity is a excellent thing...gravity is related to mass...the greater the mass the greater is the gravity.... in the case of blackholes...the mass of the system becomes so much that gravity increases to almost infinity... sucking in everything around...and even light can't escape the system...but it again come to same thing...the concept of light.... suppose u are revolving round a black hole and some how manages to not getting sucked in...what will happen....due to its extreme weigh and gravity...the light bends in to the blackhole...making the time around the blackhole go slower and so u start time travel...and after a year if return back to the planet earth u will find ur self a year ahead as u have time travelled...
faster then light...??? how will u do that... u simply can't....the moment u start reaching the speed of light the time slows down... making the adjustment in itself...and u never reach the light speed limit...
ya thats true we look in the past....not only sun, but also to statrs...many twinkle we see are of dead stars...whose light reached earth after millions of year...heck even in the earth u see things in past...ur hand, ur keyboard, ur computer...may be the time lapse is millionth of a second but it is....

if u can travel back in time...which is nt possible...so leave it...
The team was able to send single particles of light, known as photons, along a path in space-time that returns the travelling object to the same point at an earlier time, known as a closed timelike curve.
I got lost on this and couldnt read further!
gravity is a excellent thing...gravity is related to mass...the greater the mass the greater is the gravity.... in the case of blackholes...the mass of the system becomes so much that gravity increases to almost infinity... sucking in everything around...and even light can't escape the system...but it again come to same thing...the concept of light.... suppose u are revolving round a black hole and some how manages to not getting sucked in...what will happen....due to its extreme weigh and gravity...the light bends in to the blackhole...making the time around the blackhole go slower and so u start time travel...and after a year if return back to the planet earth u will find ur self a year ahead as u have time travelled...
faster then light...??? how will u do that... u simply can't....the moment u start reaching the speed of light the time slows down... making the adjustment in itself...and u never reach the light speed limit...
ya thats true we look in the past....not only sun, but also to statrs...many twinkle we see are of dead stars...whose light reached earth after millions of year...heck even in the earth u see things in past...ur hand, ur keyboard, ur computer...may be the time lapse is millionth of a second but it is....

if u can travel back in time...which is nt possible...so leave it...
That concept is only in theory because it is also true that we can't reach beyond light'speed . the moment an object is near to speed of light , it's mass will be infinite hence can't further speed up and it will be a black hole then but it's all on Einstein's theory

So theory is there but practically impossible
That concept is only in theory because it is also true that we can't reach beyond light'speed . the moment an object is near to speed of light , it's mass will be infinite hence can't further speed up and it will be a black hole then but it's all on Einstein's theory

So theory is there but practically impossible
hmm..... correct...
but its not like its impossible....may be humans may not be able time travel in near future but Many nuclear particular do..and this is what they are experimenting at the particle accelerator in Switzerland... we have many proof of particles travelling at the approx. speed of light and were able to sustain for approx. double their lifetime.... which proves time traveling theories...
so, now they are not only theory but have beed inducted in practical too...
There is and there will be no possibility of Time Traveling as it will break some fundamental rules of Universe.

Case 1: Go Back in Past.
If anyone can go back in past, his slightest of action there will change the current world, hence will create a new world in another time line.

Case 2: Travel in future:
Its also not possible as our future is the net result of all the actions we humans collectively take. Lets suppose for one day, 8 billion people of earth just stand still. Do nothing for a whole day. we can safely assume that tomorrow will exactly be the same, where we left a day before. When we all humans have not shaped the future yet, where the hell that physical world exist, where one time traveler could go for?

Now what really is possible is.. The Earth is a huge magnet, North and South pole. A continues magnetic field exist on Earth. Like magnetic disc, it is very possible that we can invent something someday, which can play back the history recording for us. Audio/video. We may then can see past events but would not be able to change them.
i hardly think that possible...
travelling back in time...will break the many rules of space- time concept

if someone can prevent his grandfather coitus that means his father was not born and so was he..and if he didn't existed ib the first place how can he time travell back....
+ just think of the infinite changes that these two have brought in the universe...will it just disappear like nothing....its a classical time paradox....
not possible...
u can go in future but not back in time....or if u can go back in.time u can't change anything but can only observe....that will be the rule..

Not neccesarily according to some Physicists. If you go back in time and kill your mother, in your present universe when you come back your mother is still alive. But in the universe where your mother was killed, it will create its own universe without you or your mother in that alternate universe.
Obviously, you're a short, lungi clad Bangladeshi. Physics is beyond you guys. :D

Secrecy!! ;)

How can that be when you don't have a head to begin with? :lol:
Not neccesarily according to some Physicists. If you go back in time and kill your mother, in your present universe when you come back your mother is still alive. But in the universe where your mother was killed, it will create its own universe without you or your mother in that alternate universe.
alternatate universe ...really...
we have no proof of alternate universes.... its just a bogus theory now.... and how will it make other alternate word after i make some change there....
and the main question how will u travel back in time...
Not neccesarily according to some Physicists. If you go back in time and kill your mother, in your present universe when you come back your mother is still alive. But in the universe where your mother was killed, it will create its own universe without you or your mother in that alternate universe.
interesting....can you please elaborate it or provide some references.....i really need to know this...thanks..

alternatate universe ...really...
we have no proof of alternate universes.... its just a bogus theory now.... and how will it make other alternate word after i make some change there....
and the main question how will u travel back in time...
may be he is talking about multi dimensions ..which have theory of multiple universe......

Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Dimensions
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Not neccesarily according to some Physicists. If you go back in time and kill your mother, in your present universe when you come back your mother is still alive. But in the universe where your mother was killed, it will create its own universe without you or your mother in that alternate universe.
So there are and there will be infinite universes

And after killing his mother and coming back to this world, can he go again to that same universe to check if his father has married a 2nd time or not?
interesting....can you please elaborate it or provide some references.....i really need to know this...thanks..

may be he is talking about multi dimensions ..which have theory of multiple universe......

Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Dimensions

Michio Kaku as heard on the Art Bell radio show used to mention about multi universe in relations to time travel.

So there are and there will be infinite universes

And after killing his mother and coming back to this world, can he go again to that same universe to check if his father has married a 2nd time or not?

I'm not too familiar on how this works, but check Michio Kaku, American theoretical physicist.
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