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August 15: Sikh community in US to observe ‘black day on Indian Independence Day


Nov 3, 2014
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Sikh community in United States has decided to take part in Pakistan’s Independence Day celebrations on August 14 and observe black day instead of celebrating Indian independence on August 15, reported Saturday.

Charan Singh, a leader of the Sikh community in the US said that India is pursuing planned operations against Kashmiris and Sikhs.

International powers are ignoring Indian government’s dark character by considering it a meditated plan, he said.

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India had throats of Muslims slit at the time when he was the chief minister of Gujrat and now as the premier, he was playing Holy with blood of the minorities in India, Singh said.

Singh complained that not one country was making efforts to stop this ‘misled elephant’.

A renowned lawyer in New York, Tajinder Singh said that every country was aware of Research and Analysis Wing’s coordination with Afghanistan intelligence agencies to spread unrest in Pakistan.

International powers were playing mere spectators and watching innocent people die, he said adding that the same countries would side with Indian and blame Pakistan if a bomb goes off in India.

Tajinder said that Sikh community would set Indian flag on fire and observe black day on Indian Independence Day.

Sikhs were struggling to get freedom from Indian slavery and White House and United Nations have been dispatched letter to in this regard, he told.

He said that the community completely supports Kashmiris cause and demands that the valley be given right to self determination.

Tajinder Singh urged Pakistan government to help Sikhs realize their dream of a separate homeland, Khalistan :yahoo:and said that they would help free Kashmir from oppression.

link: http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/201...observe-black-day-on-indian-independence-day/

@AKD @SrNair @dadeechi
Punjab: Three with ‘Khalistani links’ arrested
Suspected to be in touch with militants in Belgium, Pakistan, England

Punjab Police have arrested three men alleging them to be members of a hardliner group called Khalistan Zindabad Force, citing as evidence against them two pistols and some cartridges in their posession, and an alleged link with a Belgium-based “known” Sikh militant, who in turn was in touch with another Pakistan-based Sikh militant.

M F Farooqui, head of the Punjab Police counter-intelligence wing in Amritsar, which carried out the arrests, said the men had no record of any criminal actitvity. They were picked up in the course of an operation launched to find the attackers of RSS state vice-president Jagdish Gagneja, but Farooqui said the men were not linked to the attack.

The arrests were announced a day after Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal alleged Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI was planning to disrupt peace in Punjab ahead of the elections by reviving terrorism in the state.

Earlier in the week, three alleged “handlers” of Khalistan Liberation Force were arrested for “unlawful activities” in Hoshiarpur.

The three men arrested Thursday were identified as Gurpal Singh alias Pala, of Jalalpur Kalan village in Jalandhar district, Rachhpal Singh of Rakh Ameer in Fazilka, and Major Singh of Dajjar in Karnal district in Haryana.

The police alleged the men were planning to carry out “anti-national disruptive activities on a large scale”. Two pistols and some live cartiridges were seized from them, the police said.

Major Singh was serving as a priest at Dera Gurdwara Guruana Sahib at Vero Nangal village in Amritsar and Rachhpal Singh was living at Khudda Ali Sher in Chandigarh.

In a press release, Farooqui said a police party arrested Gurpal Singh at Umaranangal at Amritsar-Jalandhar road after identifying him with the help of an informer, while he was sitting on a parked motorcyle, waiting to meet someone.

“During his search, one pistol (9mm) along with magazine and six cartridges were recovered from his possession,” the press release added,

“During the preliminary interrogation, Gurpal Singh revealed he received the pistol and cartridges from a priest Major Singh. Gurpal was in touch with Major and some wanted terrorists based in Belgium, England and Pakistan. They had been entrusted the task of reviving militancy in Punjab by speeding up terrorist activities. It was revealed they had received consignments of arms and ammunition a few days ago and were planning targeted attacks at different places. A special team was constituted to arrest Major Singh,” said the release.

It went on to say that the team then “apprehended Major Singh from Vairo Nangal village on Mehta-Batala road and recovered a pistol along with 10 live cartridges from his possession.
While all Sikhs in India are busy preparing for 15 August independence day celebration's
he doesnt agree
The coward khalistanis and their pakistani supporters are all crying outside hahah.

Indian sikhs be like:

We do enjoy our neighbours butthurt, we really do :D
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