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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Don't know much about the terrorists who briefly took over the navy base, or the details of how they managed it. As for them destroying the Pakistani surveillance aircraft - why wouldn't they? Why would they even need a reason? It was there.

As for what foreign power might be behind such acts -look at who would benefit. Certainly not the US. What's one more or less P-3?

Maybe the terrorists if the P-3 was being used to hunt them down / provide for Pakistani security.

Maybe the Chinese, who will do what they can to promote their agenda of increasing their influence while diminishing that of the U.S. If China can fan the flames of Pakistani nationalism, point to an internal terrorist threat and lay blame somehow on the U.S., while offering "friendship" and financial incentives -- why not?

Odds are, a combination of interests designed to anger people and embarass the Pakistani military.

Oh Yes! Ur right .....Raymond Davis was working for China too then.....umm.......and blaming everything on poor CIA....:woot:
Musharraf said this:

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pakistan 'not meant to be secular'

How is he secular then?

Zardari is not a secular leader either, his daddy and him were part of the Zia gov, they never voted against any Islamic legislature.

Zardari has not repealed any Islamic law.

I am against drone strikes too but I believe the only way to stop them is to eradicate the militants.

Its not like I approved the drone strikes, its not like I am killing anyone.

It was the MMA Provincial gov under Gen. Mush which allowed this, the same Gen. Mush you call a secularist.

Why would a secular leader put hardliners in power?

Said this??

What does saying has to do with anything... He said a lot of things... does nt make him an Islamist either my friend...

You seem very confused about this subject... Secularism my dear is the separation of state from religion... Musharaf did everything in his power to keep religion and state separate as it is the case today... calling something Islamic does nt make it Islamic.. how many times do I have to tell you this??

As long as our country adopts Capitalism in its economics, Democracy in its legislation, allows feudalism, nationalism and all sorts of these cancer ISMS... how can you consider Pakistan as "Islamic"

You think Taliban were following Islam by denying women the obligation of getting educated?? Get some perspective here yaar... You think Saudi Arabia is Islamic by banning women from driving?? I can give you a million examples such as these... if you want to take the word of Musharaf or Zardari on these issues well then they are both angels and the best gift of God that Allah blessed us with in Pakistan... after Molana Fazool Ur Rahman... what does statements have anything to do with anything?? Dont you see the reality on the ground?
These P3's were provided by US - Do you really think they would be afraid of them?Looking at our navy's size i doubt it could survive onslaught of any fleet of US Navy.You people should write novels.
It is fascinating that the janglee terrorist who know crack about aircraft came to mount a precise attack against survelliance aircrafts and were wise enough in tactics as well well versed with directions inside the base. Some forgien agency is at work here and mullahs are know to sell religion for dollars. Throughout the history the mullahs have not done anything good other than mutilating religion for money.

I guess u dont know about the history of Mullahs....thay have been created and implanted on us by British MI6 when they ruled us for last 150 years....:woot:
now we all know indians are in afghanistan, they are supporting terrorism in balochistan which our presidents have cleary declared and that they have the proves..
Original Post By Hammy007

Do you trust your president .... Even he took advise from USA before selection of your PM and told USA to droned your motherland as much as possible..
As for the MMA... Musharaf used them to stay in power... I think MMA and groups such as them are even worst than groups that do not identify with Islam such as PPP or PML... because the other parties dont use the name of Islam for their dirty games in politics...

and as far as saying is concerned... MMA has always said they are against drone strikes...
Any Photographs of soldiers as well?

Many Many civilians have died losing their whole family in terrorist attacks with daughters and sons getting married the next day. Please honor all of those Pakistanis.
actually i agree with him this time, you are muslim but you dont understand islam, you declare 'muslim' terrorists, but the religion islam doesnt make one terrorist, it denounce terrorism

Mera bhai, I am not calling them Muslim, they say they are Muslims themselves and who am I to declare them Non-Muslims.

The terrorists say they are Muslims, I did not say it.

secularism is a believe which doesnt always allow to restrict the religion, just the politics and religion is not involved, secularism allows freedom of practicing religion, if some communities are conservative, secularism doesnt allow govts to impose their liberal believes on those societies

secularism doesnt allow to exterminate the ideology of some people

True, in secular system you can follow your religion openly and any way you like. The only limitation is that the state will remain neutral in the matter of religion, the good thing about a secular system is that you can even implement Islamic provisions for Muslim, if they like to live under them

secondly the statistics of 35,000 pakistanis being killed also involves drone attacks, more pakistanis have been killed through drone attacks then the internal attacks, but you seem to demand the drone attacks, you logic has been very flawed, and this muhmmad dude is right this time

No, more have died in terrorist attacks but many have died in drone strikes too and the Gov should have never allowed them.

We should have gone after the terrorist themselves, I am against the drone strikes and the only way to stop them is for our own selves to launch covert attacks against the militants.

lastly musharraf was a staunch secularist, as is the current PPP govt, and both sold the country to their western masters, so next time one would insure those secularists dont even come to power because all secularists are western sell out

No, he was not, read this:

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pakistan 'not meant to be secular'

PPP was the first government to make Islam the state religion, it defined what a Muslim was, it brought in laws banning Alchohol gambling etc.

How can it be secular?

PPP is not a secular party: Mehdi Hasan | BottomNews
oh god!!! Dont tell me that you value the blood of your brethen so cheaply so as to compare the figures in killings adn even try to offer justification ...god help pakistan

speak when spoken to Indian... the one I m talking to understood what I was saying here... Drone strikes are one of the fundamental reasons why militants are gaining support against Pak Army... its as black and white as anything can ever become...
anyway guys... i think we are deviating slightly from the topic... we can continue our discussion on secularism/islam some other time... back to topic...
T Faz... Nimaz tak he agar Islam ko rakha to phir Islamic Economic system ka kya karo gay??

ok back to topic...

folks... Uncle Hameed Gul has written that this operation was backed by the US... I can proudly say that I said this much before he did...

This operation has India and America written all over it...
ask your hamid kerzai who said that indians are supporting balochi eparatists, also ask the bramdakh bughti ho spends lots of his time in afghanistan
I am not in touch with Karzai nor Bugti, but since you are then you tell me. Which proves and where are those?
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