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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

The ones who were killed are nationals from Central Asia, most likely Uzbeks and one of them is reported to be an Afghani too.

However the ones that got away were Pakistani's.

The terrorists who were killed did not harm the aircraft's, their responsibility was just to keep the commandos away while the terrorists inside can cause their damage.

Similarly their was internal support for the terrorists as they knew all the blind spots and how to enter the base.

All in all a well planned attack with support from amongst the ranks.

Its definitely some Al Qaeda linked Jihadi group.

How did they found out that those who managed to escape were Pakistanis? And as far as I know Uzbeks normally have broad and flat faces although according to Rehman Malik the terrorists who were killed had sharp features.
Pakistan media ridicules military after attack

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Pakistan's military was ridiculed and accused of complicity in the media on Tuesday after a small group of militants laid siege to a naval air base, holding out for 16 hours against about 100 commandos and rangers.

As few as six militants infiltrated the PNS Mehran naval base in Karachi, the headquarters of Pakistan's naval air wing, on Sunday night, killing 10 security forces and wounding 20.

"Our mujahideen who conducted this operation were equipped with faith as well as with sophisticated weapons and that's why they fought with hundreds of security forces and inflicted heavy losses on them," Pakistan Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told Reuters from an undisclosed location.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Monday three militants were killed in the gun battle while the body of a fourth was believed to be buried under the rubble of a collapsed wall. Two suspects were believed to have fled the scene, he added.

Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani travelled to the base on Tuesday to pay tribute to the security forcers who died.

Gilani particularly praised Lieutenant Yasir Abbas, the young Navy officer who died leading a counter-attack against the militants and who has been embraced as a national hero.

"We are proud of our these brave men," Gilani said.

Pakistan's military has been on the back foot since U.S. special forces killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden on May 2, unable to explain either why they had been unable to catch the world's most wanted man themselves or why the Americans could launch a raid deep into their territory undetected.

Two P-3C Orion aircraft from the United States -- crucial assets for Pakistan's anti-submarine and maritime surveillance capability -- were destroyed in Monday's raid, and the Pakistan military's reputation as a defender of the country and of Islam was left in tatters.

Reaction to the raid from the generally pro-military Pakistani media was harsh.

"Political rhetoric and a Cabinet Defense Committee meeting are not going to solve this one," read an editorial in the English-language daily, The News. "This is an epic failure exposing an existential threat that will need epic leadership to countervail."

An editorial in the Urdu-language Jang, one of nuclear-armed Pakistan's biggest and most pro-military newspapers, said the attacks illustrated "a weakness of security measures."

"In very polite words, it can be called worrisome negligence."

Others went beyond incompetence and suggested that the attackers had help from within the military.

"Did the Taliban raiders have information inside the naval base?" wrote Dawn, another English-language daily. "Such a possibility cannot be ruled out, because the involvement of serving personnel in several previous attacks has been well-established."

In October 2009, a similarly small raiding party attacked the Army's General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, taking 42 people hostage, including several officers. By the end of the day-long ordeal, nine gunmen, 11 soldiers and three hostages were dead.

Later investigations found several low-ranking soldiers and officers were involved in helping the attackers.

Ehsan declined to confirm whether the militants had help in the military.

"Our 'local friends' from Karachi helped us in yesterday's operation but I would not say whether we had friends on the base or not," Ehsan said.

Amir Rana, director of the Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies and author of a book on jihadi groups in Pakistan, doubts the Taliban was directly involved, but more likely worked through other, Punjab-based groups affiliated with al Qaeda.

"There are militant groups which have training and capabilities for these kind of attacks and they also are in direct contact with al Qaeda," he said.

He thought groups attached to Ilyas Kashmiri, who reportedly commands the "313 Brigade," al Qaeda's operational arm, more likely staged the raid, given its sophistication.

He identified three groups active in Karachi -- Jundullah, Arshad Wahid group and Harkat-ul-Mujahideen-Al-Alami, which he said could also have been be involved.

The military launched operations against the Pakistan Taliban in South Waziristan in 2009, scattering the leadership and racking up some victories.

Last year was relatively quiet, but the Pakistan Taliban appears to have built up its connections, giving militants a new strike capacity in Pakistan's economic hub.

(Additional reporting by Saud Mehsud, Augustine Anthony, Zeeshain Haider, Mubashir Bukhari and Kamran Haider; Editing by Nick Macfie)

I am pleased our Media blast our Army, SSG, Navy for their incompetences and failure. How pathetic!

This story sure gives me warm fuzzy feelings about how well the Pakistan military guards their nuclear weapons.
There is some BS information coming from certain members, refrain from posting lies..

I am extremely disappointed with Govt. It is so wrong to suggest to award Nishan-e-Haidar to one person and leave out rest. Thousands of soldiers died in Waziristan/Sawat and all over Pakistan and they're not even awarded anything while mr. yassir is possibly might get nishan-e-haidar, many generals and colonels, majors, captains have sacrificed their lives this is so wrong this is really turning into a sindh card and "shia favored" to award nishan-e-haidar to certain people of certain sect and leave out the rest.

I agree with your post. Very true.
How did they found out that those who managed to escape were Pakistanis? And as far as I know Uzbeks normally have broad and flat faces although according to Rehman Malik the terrorists who were killed had sharp features.

By reading reports, articles and first hand accounts.
osama is not killed in pakistan, americans have already lowered their credibility by producing fake pictures and fake videos, these videos are even without the audio

hafiz saaed has been proven innocents through pakistani courts, so you have provided null proof that he is terrorist, you dont have any prove at all, go and find some credible proves

as you indians say that to root out terrorists is your indian duty, why hasnt the terrorist indian colonel responsible for samjhota express not been tried and convicted??

why babu bajrangi and lalit modi who have been proved guilty for gujrat muslim massacre and who have confessed on tape been tried and convicted??

I can go ahead and give reply to each and every statement to you on above as well as earlier points but profit?? are we discussing India here?? No.. What we are discussing here is the reason and introspection from neighbours which in turn will save you.. and not only discussion but to go ahead, take a step and change the course of bomb explosion to save your fellow countrymen.. Discussion about India and comparison we can do later
Brother don't give comments which further divides the nation. I myself believe that our govts & armed forces have always shown too much discrimination when awarding to people belonging to some specific regions despite the fact there were other nationals/ soldiers who also sacrificed their lives for the country but let-it-go. The most imp thing is that what Allah is keeping for that person is far far better than any worldy medals/ recognitions. This is my opinion.

How did they found out that those who managed to escape were Pakistanis? And as far as I know Uzbeks normally have broad and flat faces although according to Rehman Malik the terrorists who were killed had sharp features.

they can never find who where even the terrorists, there will not be a slight investigation because uncle sam has said that, they even havent found who killed benazir, this zerdari rejected international team to investigate her murder
Your post is inane as usual, there are no 'secularist' leaders in this nation as you like to put it, a secular leader would advocate separation of state and religion. Zardari, Sharif, Gilani, Chaudhary brothers, Imran et al are not secular leaders, they are just following the old mantra of keeping state and religion together. Was Gen Zia a secularist, I think not, was Sharif a secularist, not really, did Musharraf do anything to promote secularism, nothing.

Your affiliation means that you are unable to comprehend things properly and blame it all on some non-existent 'seculars' while all along its the Islamists who have maligned and hurt Islam.

There is no anti-state force apart from the Islamists who opposed Pakistan throughout and want to establish a regressive Islamic state at war with others.

The militants have killed 35,000 people.

Do you even understand how much that is, do you even know what the people have been through. We even tried to bring peace through dialog but these people rebuked us. Now it is time to deal with them in the harshest manner possible, there are many Islamists in the military who facilitate such attacks, their ideology and them need to be dealt with.

There is no secularist nonsense in this scenario as there are no seculars involved, its all to do with Islamists who want to impose themselves on us and on this state.

well since you dont even understand secularism, I dont think I should respond to your post...

if Zardari and Musharaf are Islamists according to you, then the only thing I can do is laugh... haha

and yes... be my guest... let us continue the aggression against these "Islamists" and cause further bloodshed in the country, humiliation for our nation and our army...

and yeah... it must be some 'Army" people who helped this operation... what rubbish yaar... You think our own Army is attacking itself now?

The only support the "extremist" element in our army has ever given to what is now the Kharaji problem for us... is Anti India and Anti America moral support... these very "extremist" elements that you are accusing of treason have tried to bring the militants onboard and utilize their energies against our enemy in the east instead of against our own people... Its a different matter that it did nt work because our stupid Uncle Musharaf allowed the Americans to kill our own people using drone attacks...

Sir I think this move will not help.anyone can e mail the images from outside.We should look at what the American forces strategy are in Afghanistan.There are no updated images of Afghanistan(sensitive locations) since (2004 2005).Besides the western media openly gives the updated images of our nuclear facilities from time to time.Can we enforce or restrict this on the international level.
There is some BS information coming from certain members, refrain from posting lies..

I am extremely disappointed with Govt. It is so wrong to suggest to award Nishan-e-Haidar to one person and leave out rest. Thousands of soldiers died in Waziristan/Sawat and all over Pakistan and they're not even awarded anything while mr. yassir is possibly might get nishan-e-haidar, many generals and colonels, majors, captains have sacrificed their lives this is so wrong this is really turning into a sindh card and "shia favored" to award nishan-e-haidar to certain people of certain sect and leave out the rest.

Sindh card? He was from Lahore you idiot. And how do you know he's shia or sunni or whatever?
I can go ahead and give reply to each and every statement to you on above as well as earlier points but profit?? are we discussing India here?? No.. What we are discussing here is the reason and introspection from neighbours which in turn will save you.. and not only discussion but to go ahead, take a step and change the course of bomb explosion to save your fellow countrymen.. Discussion about India and comparison we can do later

i didnt ask you and your buddies to troll here, we are discussing a terrorist attack which can occur both from internal elements and external elements, you said some thing to support your opinion of terrorist being pakistani and you started to troll then, i started to discuss the foreign elements possible for this attack, those who are killed are total foreigners, they are not pakistanis, my question is if it was an inside job how come those terrorists were foreigners, they could have been pakistanis

now we all know indians are in afghanistan, they are supporting terrorism in balochistan which our presidents have cleary declared and that they have the proves..

do you understand now what i mean
sect or place of birth or any of that trivial crap does not matter here at all....so leave it out

he is a Pakistani, and a shaheed. Just like the others who died serving the country honourably and with conviction

and for whatever its worth mentioning, he hailed from Kurram Agency (FATA)
well since you dont even understand secularism, I dont think I should respond to your post...

if Zardari and Musharaf are Islamists according to you, then the only thing I can is laugh... haha

Very odd argument, you call me a secularist and then say that I don't even understand secularism.

Similarly, I have never stated that Zardari and Musharraf are Islamists, I said that they are not secularists as you claim them to be. They keep religion and state together when a secular leader would strive to separate it.

and yes... be my guest... let us continue the aggression against these "Islamists" and cause further bloodshed in the country, humiliation for our nation and our army...

you are a true patriot...


They have killed 35,000 Pakistani's, should we sing love songs to them?

Do you think they will stop bombing and killing Pakistani's if we back away.

The only humiliation is that we cannot defeat these terrorists, the whole world is laughing at us for our incompetency, our complicity and our double game.

You are not thinking logically, there is no secularist involved in this, its Islamists all the way.
im sick of this shitt, why bring ideology debate like these guys muse, t-faz, niaz, and why not discuss the actull facts sorrounding the stories and debate, whats the problem with these people???????????????

i hate when people always cry mullah mullah, islamist islamic terrorists, jemati, jehadi, tafkiri, secular republic of pakistan, pakistan must follow turkey, 72 virgins in heaven blah blah

Sadly its the favorite pastime of some of our dear members here... You forgot another favorite mantra of theirs... Zia Zia Zia...
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