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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

The civilian governments have been criminally inept, not to mention corrupt, and they won't get many takers for passing the buck on to the army for the country's problems.

First I'm never offended to be mentioned along with Agnostic

Now to bidness -- see, NO one, disagrees that these civilians are semi-literate nits -- but they are the freaking legal govt -- the army doe snot have ot like it - they have their own problems to fix and events suggest that don't do that well at all

Just turned on BBC - first question, can't protect a base how can they protect nukes

And this is exactly what the attack is supposed to generate -- and to force Pakistan into choices that will be see as confirmation that Pakistan doesn't get it and is reckless, dangerous, and has to be isolated.
There have been too many such incidents to comment and repeat what has already been said. It is sad that two PC-3 Orions have been completely destroyed. However even worse is the loss of Navy & Rangers personnel? Planes can be replaced albeit with huge loss of money but human life is irreplaceable. You will see that after a few days all the noise will die down and there will be life until there is another such incident with another loss of life.

TTP have claimed but many naïve Pakistanis would still blame Blackwater, RAW and Zionist agents. To my simple mind, who was really behind this incident is far less important. Most worrisome is the fact that despite security warning and open declaration by TTP & Al Qaeda that they are going to take revenge on Pakistan; how did so many terrorists manage to penetrate inside a high security target and destroyed extremely valuable naval assets?

This is not the first time. TTP have done it at Army GHQ and attached many services installations such as Naval War College, training establishments and so on. Our services don’t appear to follow ‘once bitten twice shy’ rule; they are willing to accept losses again and again!

Don’t you think this sends an ominous signal to rest of the world? It is implied that our armed forces are incapable of defending their own high value target? I am starting to wonder if our nuclear assets are really safe. Would you blame the West if they worry about nukes falling into the wrong hands?

Please don’t think from the seat your pants and say that it is impossible. If you asked PN day before yesterday that your Orions could be destroyed, reply would have been the same. No security in Pakistan is fool proof. Reason being that a section of Pakistan society longer loves Pakistan. These people love Salafin, Takfiris, TTP and Al Qaeda more!!! Some do it out of hate of the US and Pakistan be dammed.

Mufti Mahmoud, chief of the JUI said after the fall of Dacca “We were never party to the Sin of creating Pakistan”. Munawwar Hassan of JI can also claim the same; JI leadership had dubbed the Quaid as ‘Kaffir e Azam’. This sentiment lingers on to this day. Naïve politicians such as Imran Khan have also joined this bandwagon. Pray tell me, why ‘Dharna’ for stopping US drones? Does GOP have any control over it? Can Pakistan really stop it? TTP are local, by attacking Pak Armed Services TTP attack Pakistan State! Why not Dharna against TTP? Followers of TI can act as informers and help reduce the risk of terrorist attacks a little. Even if one innocent life is saved thru this, all the effort would worth it.

Suicide bombers, attackers of services installations etc., did not fall from the sky. These are home grown; somebody provides them with arms and facilitates their movements. Most important, the attackers had exact knowledge of when and where the assets are and they succeeded in entering a high security installation. If you tell me that these did not have inside help, you would be insulting my intelligence.

IMO there is no doubt that there is an element inside the security services that facilitated this attack. This means that Americans were quite correct in the assumption that had they informed ISI, there was a good chance that Osama would have been spirited away

This is abut time when we have to be cruel to be kind. We must acknowledge the fact that there are bad apples within the armed services. Need of the hour is a massive screening of each and every member of the security and armed services to ensure that no one in any sensitive position has any links with extremist religious parties such as JI, JUI or any of the Jihadist organizations. All the bad apples must be rooted out. Unless s this is started with immediate effect, such attacks will continue.

It hurts my national pride but I am no longer against drone attacks. Even if one half of the people killed in drone attacks are innocent, at least the other half are terrorists who were potential attackers of Pakistan. We are in a state of WAR and it is a small price to pay compared to the national disgrace of being unable to stop having our own Naval based successfully attacked by the TTP. Pakistan appears to be incapable of stopping these savages and if some are eliminated thru drone attacks, so much the better.

I dont know if IK is naive but iam sure you are stupid and well versed in hating...
There is a very simple fact that the secular guys can't swallow , why they forget Islam and Pakistan are synonyms for common masses. if a person in army having Ismaic mindset then what is his mistake? He is the defender of a Islamic country afterall. So how can you make the army secular when your are hiring Muslims having firm believes ?

Mafiya, you raise a excellent point but how is it that the Pakistan armed forces and the Pakistan state is not Muslim, however, people who reject Pakistan are Muslim?? Please explain, it will be instructive for these "seculars"
Pakistan should do what Israel does to terrorists, they find them and ruthlessly kill them.

There is no other way apart from finding these people where ever they are and they must be punished for their actions against Pakistan.

Create a special group, their role must be to find and eliminate these terrorists, strike fear in the heart of these Islamist scum and only then will we get any war in this war.

We can go one better. We can turn our greatest liability into an asset in this fight.

Since the indoctrination and training camps for these terrorists are within Pakistan, we can cut them off at the root. We have less control over the money coming in, but we can make at least sure the only terrorists we have to worry about are foreign ones and that they don't find sanctuary amongst our people/
There is a very simple fact that the secular guys can't swallow , why they forget Islam and Pakistan are synonyms for common masses. if a person in army having Ismaic mindset then what is his mistake? He is the defender of a Islamic country afterall. So how can you make the army secular when your are hiring Muslims having firm believes ?

Your thinking is the root cause of all our problems.

This army belongs to Pakistan, it is supposed to defend Pakistan, it is supposed to fight for Pakistan.

Pakistan foots its bill, not Islam, Pakistan hosts this army, not Islam, Pakistan makes up this army, not Islam.

This army used to be a staunchly secular entity until it become an Islamist one and look how we suffer today.

Islam has a defender in Allah, it does not need an army to defend or fight for its honor.

There is a difference between being a Muslim and being an Extremist.
According to Rehman Malak, despite American denials, there were six US personal at the Air Base as well as eleven Chinese Nationals, however, during the fire fight, all seventeen were safely evacuated by the Rangers.
So any one can get a good look at our bases... No wonder we are insecure.... Can any thing be done about these Google Images?

No only US bases in mainland US is blocked. Dont know about china though..
We can go one better. We can turn our greatest liability into an asset in this fight.

Since the indoctrination and training camps for these terrorists are within Pakistan, we can cut them off at the root. We have less control over the money coming in, but we can make at least sure the only terrorists we have to worry about are foreign ones and that they don't find sanctuary amongst our people/

So what do you make of the decision to not do this? Anyway you look at this, to be honest to yourself, you run into a contradiction that really has just one explanation
My question: i'll appreciate the appropriate answer

Yesterday the pak. Navy was attackd.
Taliban aceptd the responsibilty.
A month ago our air force was under threat . As pak. Army remaind underattack for last few years.

Do u think its only taliban activities.
There is no other force in world who want to attack our forces.

If its only taliban then whois financing them. Giving them the latest ammuniation.
Why they r attacking pakistan. There is no need of sharia in india ,libya, syria, nd other 57 muslim countries. Why other muslim country dont suport pak.
Many more question. But i got no answer for them.
Do u have the answers?
According to Rehman Malak, despite American denials, there were six US personal at the Air Base as well as eleven Chinese Nationals, however, during the fire fight, all seventeen were safely evacuated by the Rangers.

Out goes the Amreeki agent theory and of the RAW involvement too because India would never back an attack on US and Chinese nationals through proxy.

If by any chance their involvement is revealed, the two powers of the world will pounce on them so India is out of the question too.
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