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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Sir jee according to our Mr moderator we shouldn't accuse BLA of this attack even if it claims since all evils are because of maulvis or arabs or zia etc etc.

I know its difficult for the likes of you to understand things but BLA does not have any support mechanisms in Karachi to be able to carry out such attacks.

Lets blame the Amreeki agents, Hinjews, Zionists and whatever that comes to mind.

Even if our very own Pakistani's were the attackers, they must be called a foreigner.

What a joke?

here it is I found it. Sorry there was many more Naval bases in Karachi! This one is close to the runway. PAF base Faisal is within the limits of PNS. How come no immediate support from the Air Wing?

only Mehran base was attacked...why the threads title says mehran-faisal base? its misleading

Look at the map you will get an idea. Even I too was mislead and had a hard look at Google Maps to get things clarified.
from News.inn

Terrorists Attack PNS Mehran karachi chief of pakistan navy staff
Local, World | Big Yaad | May 23, 2011 at 6:36 am

Terrorists Attack PNS Mehran karachi chief of pakistan navy staff: Karachi: heavily armed terrorists mounted brazen attack on the Pakistani Navy installation near the Sharae Faisal on Sunday, killing at least four people, officials said, the fourth attack on a heavily guarded naval facility in the last four weeks.

Head of Public Relations Pakistan Navy Irfanul Haq said the simultaneous terrorist attacks mounted at the base of the front door, which is also called Faisal Gate, the door of the museum or the back door, and another hand weakness Shah Faisal Colony.

He said they fired several rockets on arrival at the base, one of which struck a guard house an aircraft P3C Orion maritime surveillance caught fire. He said no other aircraft were damaged, but other sources, at least three P3C Orion-had been damaged. Besides the P3C aircraft, there was also Fokker, Defender and helicopters on the base.

However, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said the militants had attacked from the rear base.

“We were able to limit them to a building and an operation that will kill or capture them.”

According to the spokesman Navy Commander Salman commands, Navy and Marines were to take action against terrorists. He said the exterior fence was manned by the Rangers.

Haq has confirmed four wounded in the attack and identified two of the deceased as a firefighter and Lieutenant Khalilur Rehman Yasir.

Commander Ali Salman said: “An exchange of gunfire with the terrorists continues. His shot is blurred and we have launched a search operation.”

“This is a terrorist attack. More than 10 terrorists are inside. They attacked a place in the air and naval base located on a Pakistan Air Force, said the housing ministry official Sharfuddin Memon Sindh.

Witnesses said some of the terrorists came three black vehicles.

It was reported that some foreigners, probably from America, was the target of the attack, but Navy spokesman has denied these reports. Smoke and flames were seen rising from less than five seats, one of them was near a fuel tank.

AFP photographer said he had heard up to 10 explosions and bursts of gunfire periodically.

army commandos in the five or six trucks were seen entering the base, while several vehicles Rangers also reached the top spot.

The police have learned not to enter the base.

Officials said that terrorists had taken hostage and were engaged in a fierce gunbattle with security forces.

They added that between 15 and 20 of the assailants were inside the base, and had attacked three housing hangar.

Al-Qaeda led by Taliban militants who have vowed to avenge the killing of their leader Osama bin Laden, the U.S. special forces have conducted several attacks after his death on May 2.

The latest attack evoked memories of an assault on the Pakistani army headquarters in Rawalpindi in 2009 and revived concerns that even the best institutions remained in the country remain vulnerable to the militants.

The attack occurred about four weeks after two bombs hit buses carrying members of the Navy, killing four people and wounding 56.

He did not have direct responsibility requires the latest attack, however.

At the same time Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani immediately sent to Karachi for “Interior Minister to coordinate security efforts for the implementation of civil and military officials, his office said in a statement.

President Asif Ali Zardari also condemned the terrorist attack in the PNS Mehran in Karachi.

He said that these cowardly acts will not deter the country from terrorism.

The confrontation between the terrorists and commands the Navy has maintained the submission of this report.

six terrorists to death during arrest and 4

Lieutenant Yasir Khalil Naik nad death PNS Mehran, Executive Director, the republication of the Navy

Pakistan’s navy chief of staff of the terrorist attack inside the PNS Mehren and commando operations are still

September explosions and gunfire were heard inside the PAF Museum on Shahrah-e-Faisal Road in Karachi. Towering flames arises within the PNS Mehran complex. Eight to 15 terrorists came initial reports suggest the compound.

Ten explosions and gunfire were heard inside the PAF Museum, Shahrah-e-Faisal Road in Karachi. Towering flames emerged from inside the complex PNS Mehran. Eight to 15 terrorists in the compound indicates the first reports.


A tenth explosion was reported on the basis of PAF Tribune reporter Faraz Khan.

President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the attack.


CID police personnel and the army has come for an hour, but CID officers exciting, “said Ahmed reports for Jung Express 24 / 7

However, only the fire is left inside.

The identity of four people suspected in the attack has not been confirmed.


Tribune reporter composed Faraz Khan reports second explosion PAF.

Pakistan, the Navy spokesman confirmed no casualties and only two people were wounded so far. He confirmed that the PC3 Orion aircraft was attacked.

Naval depot, godown and attacked well, that is, the initial investigation.

Shooting continues on the inside of the PAF base.

compost pile has faded considerably.

DG PR Marine Irfanul Haq also confirmed two wounded in the attack.


The fire has spread to three locations to strengthen the reporting of Ahmed Jung Express 24 / 7 The fire is still visible when the terrorists attacked first.

Special forces, including army personnel and police arrived at CID fight against terrorists in the database.

Previous reports that Americans were present when the terrorists attacked P3C Orion have been refuted by a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy.

Twelve and forty-nine

The terrorists entered the back of the base, the sources said. Was no information about which devices were inside. The attack was well planned.

Karachi: Pakistani militants stormed the most important military bases in the country’s largest city late Sunday, start the explosions and gunbattles three weeks after the killing of the United States by Osama bin Laden. According DawnNews attackers may still be 10-12 in the base as reported at least six dead in the middle of a terrorist attack.

At least 10 people were injured in explosions and gunfire rang out at the sprawling base used by the Air Force and the sea in Karachi, where the local government has confirmed that the fund was less than the “terrorist attack”.

An AFP reporter saw dozens of soldiers and armed reinforcements enter the base command, where flames and smoke could be seen rising in the night sky. An AFP photographer heard seven explosions and periodic bursts of gunfire.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Pakistani military has long been at the forefront of suicide gun and bomb attacks blamed on the country’s largest faction of the Taliban and other al-Qaeda militant groups .

The Taliban have threatened on several occasions recently the government’s objectives and West Pakistan to avenge the killing of Bin Laden by the U.S. Navy SEALs Abbottabad garrison city near the capital Islamabad on May 02

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has condemned Sunday’s attack, and ordered his interior minister to Karachi to “coordinate security actions by the civil and military,” his office said in a statement.

Commander Salman Ali, spokesman for the Pakistan Navy, told AFP that security forces have been battling the gunmen.

“Exchange of fire with terrorists continues. The recovery is decreasing, and we have launched a search operation,” he said.

“This is a terrorist attack. More than 10 terrorists are inside. They attacked a place in the air and naval base located on a Pakistan Air Force, said the home ministry official Sharfuddin Memon the southern province of Sindh.

“One of the four planes on the premises was damaged,” he said, adding that at least 10 people were injured.

“I have no information whether they are abusers or navy personnel.” In October 2009, Taliban militants besieged the headquarters of the army in the garrison city of Rawalpindi in two days, killing 22 people and raised serious questions about why it took so long the army to suppress aggression.

Karachi, Pakistan’s financial capital, the port used for NATO supplies to ship about 130,000 US-led foreign troops fighting the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan, have recently seen a spike in attacks by the army.

On 28 April, four members of the Navy and a passing motorcyclist killed in a bomb attack two days after four were killed in the bombing of the bus of the navy.

Last week, the Saudi diplomat was killed in hail of bullets on the way to work their consulate in the city, a few days after assailants threw grenades at a diplomat.

Pakistan apparently powerful security establishment has been humiliated by the discovery and the killing of al-Qaeda terrorist Manager unilateral U.S. Navy SEAL raid that shocked the conservative ally of Washington reports.

In a BBC interview Sunday, U.S. President, Barack Obama, said he was ready to order a mission similar to the one that killed bin Laden if another high-value target has been discovered in Pakistan or any other country.

“We are very respectful of the sovereignty of Pakistan, but we can not allow someone who is actively planning to kill our people or people of our allies, we can not allow this type of planning is active materialize without us take some action, “he added.

Earlier Sunday, thousands marched in Karachi to demand an immediate end to U.S. missile strikes in tribal area in northwestern Pakistan bordering Afghanistan, and urge that blocking NATO supplies across the country.

The activists of the Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice) led by former cricket hero Imran Khan held two days a sit-in outside the Arabian Sea port, urging the government to end its cooperation with Washington its war against terrorism. “- AFP
At the risk of offending both muse and AgnosticMuslim, I would say that both are right, but not acknowledging the other half.

The civilian governments have been criminally inept, not to mention corrupt, and they won't get many takers for passing the buck on to the army for the country's problems.

Also, the security establishment top brass have to be held accountable for this infiltration of jihadi mindset within their ranks. The army and ISI, of all institutions, should be a model of professionalism and patriotism. They are here to defend Pakistan, not Islam, and if there is even a hint of a doubt about someone's total commitment, they don't belong in these institutions.

As for the army's budget, the solution is not to cut their budget but to increase revenues (tax reform) and fix the economy.
If you can get into PAF bases by the simple means of "Dewaarein Phalaangna"... Something went horribly wrong.

Our Army's leaders need to end their lavish lifestyles and get to business... It needs to fix itself from the top to the bottom. If terrorists can get in, the the US can get in and blow up our nukes as well.

that was true 20 years ago when we regularly sneaked in and out of Masroor airforce base without ever being caught...
If its still the same,its a shame..
Lt Yasir(Shaheed) was leading the Rapid Action Force & was 1st @ site with his team......
Pakistan should do what Israel does to terrorists, they find them and ruthlessly kill them.

There is no other way apart from finding these people where ever they are and they must be punished for their actions against Pakistan.

Create a special group, their role must be to find and eliminate these terrorists, strike fear in the heart of these Islamist scum and only then will we get any war in this war.
Pakistan is already a battlefield for our enemies. the next target is Balochistan for sure and its HIGH TIME base should be given to CHINA in Gwadar

suppose gwadar is given to china, then what ? taliban wont attack? maybe not that base , what about other parts of pakistan? solution to the extremists lies with pakistan only, not with other countries. Next time a blast happens, you will repeat the same thing.
There have been too many such incidents to comment and repeat what has already been said. It is sad that two PC-3 Orions have been completely destroyed. However even worse is the loss of Navy & Rangers personnel? Planes can be replaced albeit with huge loss of money but human life is irreplaceable. You will see that after a few days all the noise will die down and there will be life until there is another such incident with another loss of life.

TTP have claimed but many naïve Pakistanis would still blame Blackwater, RAW and Zionist agents. To my simple mind, who was really behind this incident is far less important. Most worrisome is the fact that despite security warning and open declaration by TTP & Al Qaeda that they are going to take revenge on Pakistan; how did so many terrorists manage to penetrate inside a high security target and destroyed extremely valuable naval assets?

This is not the first time. TTP have done it at Army GHQ and attached many services installations such as Naval War College, training establishments and so on. Our services don’t appear to follow ‘once bitten twice shy’ rule; they are willing to accept losses again and again!

Don’t you think this sends an ominous signal to rest of the world? It is implied that our armed forces are incapable of defending their own high value target? I am starting to wonder if our nuclear assets are really safe. Would you blame the West if they worry about nukes falling into the wrong hands?

Please don’t think from the seat your pants and say that it is impossible. If you asked PN day before yesterday that your Orions could be destroyed, reply would have been the same. No security in Pakistan is fool proof. Reason being that a section of Pakistan society longer loves Pakistan. These people love Salafin, Takfiris, TTP and Al Qaeda more!!! Some do it out of hate of the US and Pakistan be dammed.

Mufti Mahmoud, chief of the JUI said after the fall of Dacca “We were never party to the Sin of creating Pakistan”. Munawwar Hassan of JI can also claim the same; JI leadership had dubbed the Quaid as ‘Kaffir e Azam’. This sentiment lingers on to this day. Naïve politicians such as Imran Khan have also joined this bandwagon. Pray tell me, why ‘Dharna’ for stopping US drones? Does GOP have any control over it? Can Pakistan really stop it? TTP are local, by attacking Pak Armed Services TTP attack Pakistan State! Why not Dharna against TTP? Followers of TI can act as informers and help reduce the risk of terrorist attacks a little. Even if one innocent life is saved thru this, all the effort would worth it.

Suicide bombers, attackers of services installations etc., did not fall from the sky. These are home grown; somebody provides them with arms and facilitates their movements. Most important, the attackers had exact knowledge of when and where the assets are and they succeeded in entering a high security installation. If you tell me that these did not have inside help, you would be insulting my intelligence.

IMO there is no doubt that there is an element inside the security services that facilitated this attack. This means that Americans were quite correct in the assumption that had they informed ISI, there was a good chance that Osama would have been spirited away

This is abut time when we have to be cruel to be kind. We must acknowledge the fact that there are bad apples within the armed services. Need of the hour is a massive screening of each and every member of the security and armed services to ensure that no one in any sensitive position has any links with extremist religious parties such as JI, JUI or any of the Jihadist organizations. All the bad apples must be rooted out. Unless s this is started with immediate effect, such attacks will continue.

It hurts my national pride but I am no longer against drone attacks. Even if one half of the people killed in drone attacks are innocent, at least the other half are terrorists who were potential attackers of Pakistan. We are in a state of WAR and it is a small price to pay compared to the national disgrace of being unable to stop having our own Naval based successfully attacked by the TTP. Pakistan appears to be incapable of stopping these savages and if some are eliminated thru drone attacks, so much the better.
If you can get into PAF bases by the simple means of "Dewaarein Phalaangna"... Something went horribly wrong.

Our Army's leaders need to end their lavish lifestyles and get to business... It needs to fix itself from the top to the bottom. If terrorists can get in, the the US can get in and blow up our nukes as well.

hehe...our army thought that only their jawans knew how to jump over high walls like those of PM house, a huge mistake :)

Joking aside, such a defective security and for such an important air base simply shows how incompetent our armed forces are.
At the risk of offending both muse and AgnosticMuslim, I would say that both are right, but not acknowledging the other half.

The civilian governments have been criminally inept, not to mention corrupt, and they won't get many takers for passing the buck on to the army for the country's problems.

Also, the security establishment top brass have to be held accountable for this infiltration of jihadi mindset within their ranks. The army and ISI, of all institutions, should be a model of professionalism and patriotism. They are here to defend Pakistan, not Islam, and if there is even a hint of a doubt about someone's total commitment, they don't belong in these institutions.

As for the army's budget, the solution is not to cut their budget but to increase revenues (tax reform) and fix the economy.

There is a very simple fact that the secular guys can't swallow , why they forget Islam and Pakistan are synonyms for common masses. if a person in army having Islamic mindset then what is his mistake? He is the defender of a Islamic country afterall. So how can you make the army secular when your are hiring Muslims having firm believes ?
Let me beat you with your own stick, every time an incident occurs, all the scum bag start making gloating claims but unlike your set up, the GOP seldom starts pointing fingers. It doesn't need an historian to work out that PN has no role in the WOT.

And if you'd have thought deep enough you'd have figured out the reason for the difference. We are able to show proofs or actually capture people that expose these links. Perhaps GoP realizes that these attacks are more an in-house job rather than a foreign hand.

And do you think terrorists like these care if PN wasnt involved in WoT? To them a military installation is a foreign collaborator and as much guilty as the GHQ. If they had the sense to distinguish and make such informed decisions, they wouldnt have chosen such a path, would they?
It hurts my national pride but I am no longer against drone attacks. Even if one half of the people killed in drone attacks are innocent, at least the other half are terrorists who were potential attackers of Pakistan. We are in a state of WAR and it is a small price to pay compared to the national disgrace of being unable to stop having our own Naval based successfully attacked by the TTP. Pakistan appears to be incapable of stopping these savages and if some are eliminated thru drone attacks, so much the better.

..soo.. Pack your bags and head for Waziristan or wherever the next most likely location of a drone strike is and repeat the same mantra of it being a small price to pay.

I think that your tune will change fairly quickly.
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