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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

suppose gwadar is given to china, then what ? taliban wont attack? maybe not that base , what about other parts of pakistan? solution to the extremists lies with pakistan only, not with other countries. Next time a blast happens, you will repeat the same thing.

than there will be more attacks by talibans if we hand over gawadar to chinese indians will increase the funding will provide them more high tech weapons n equipments.
Why are Pakistanis pointing fingers at India alone?
Even US will benefit if China does not get access to Gwadar.

Increased Chinese presence in Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea can also pose a problem to Diego Garcia.
If you can get into PAF bases by the simple means of "Dewaarein Phalaangna"... Something went horribly wrong.

Our Army's leaders need to end their lavish lifestyles and get to business... It needs to fix itself from the top to the bottom. If terrorists can get in, the the US can get in and blow up our nukes as well.

I could be wrong, but the sheer size of most large airbases (runway's, hangars, other infrastructure) means that they typically have simple fencing around the perimeter, and would require a lot of manpower to physically guard the entire perimeter.

The size issue could be offset with CCTV coverage and spotlights around the entire perimeter, but that too would require considerable expense to put up, given the number of installations that need to be covered.
Out goes the Amreeki agent theory and of the RAW involvement too because India would never back an attack on US and Chinese nationals through proxy.

If by any chance their involvement is revealed, the two powers of the world will pounce on them so India is out of the question too.

how many such attacks talibans have done in afghanistan on US bases ??
As per RM 3 confirmed killed, 1 might b under debri & 2 r suspected(not confirmed) to have escaped
Ran away?? Please say you are kidding -- Got in without a problem and out without a problem -- Don't we have a great army and armed forces, how competent they are at blackmailing civilians governments
2 ran away, they are probably in the local religious-political party offices celebrating.

yeah may be in Dar Ul Terror , your location is clearly showing how much you love your country by defaming its name.
Your thinking is the root cause of all our problems.

This army belongs to Pakistan, it is supposed to defend Pakistan, it is supposed to fight for Pakistan.

Pakistan foots its bill, not Islam, Pakistan hosts this army, not Islam, Pakistan makes up this army, not Islam.

This army used to be a staunchly secular entity until it become an Islamist one and look how we suffer today.

Islam has a defender in Allah, it does not need an army to defend or fight for its honor.

There is a difference between being a Muslim and being an Extremist.

I really wish people who consider themselves Muslim first and Pakistani second would show up at a Saudi -- or any foreign Muslim country -- airport without a visa. They will quickly get a reality check about this ummah nonsense.
So any one can get a good look at our bases... No wonder we are insecure.... Can any thing be done about these Google Images?

These are just google images, to which any person can have access. Can you imagine the images that US special forces would have taken using satellites.
how many such attacks talibans have done in afghanistan on US bases ??

A number of the perviously but know NATO has learned from their mistakes.

Even though the taliban are still capable of attacking high security targets like the military hospital recently.
how many such attacks talibans have done in afghanistan on US bases ??

With the exception of the Jordanian double agent, none, that all killed before they even got close to the bases
My question: i'll appreciate the appropriate answer

Yesterday the pak. Navy was attackd.
Taliban aceptd the responsibilty.
A month ago our air force was under threat . As pak. Army remaind underattack for last few years.

Do u think its only taliban activities.
There is no other force in world who want to attack our forces.

If its only taliban then whois financing them. Giving them the latest ammuniation.
Why they r attacking pakistan. There is no need of sharia in india ,libya, syria, nd other 57 muslim countries. Why other muslim country dont suport pak.
Many more question. But i got no answer for them.
Do u have the answers?

First of all, Let the dead soldiers soul RIP, I am not sure if the foolish Indian politicians have the guts to aid these courageous Taliban who takes on Army and Navy Head offices.... I have great regard for these Taliban who attacks the armed base with great courage. Not like the cowardly LeT terrorists who killed the unarmed in Mumbai... If they have guts they should have attacked Indian Army in Kargil.
sharp featured fair colored guys.... young 20-22 .. suicide bomber around 25.. they were in black trouser & shirt ...
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