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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

This is the article i have found... hopefully it will provide some insights...

Why terrorists targeted the Pak naval base

B Raman

Senior analyst B Raman explains the real motive behind the daring terrorist strike on a Pakistan military base in Karachi.

The Faisal Base of the Pakistan Air Force located about 10 kilometres from the Karachi international airport is what the PAF calls a joint user airfield. It is used by the PAF and the air arms of the Pakistan army and navy as well as by the VVIP squadron. All air surveillance movements over the sea -- whether by the PAF or by the army or by the PN -- are controlled from this base.

Since 1975, the operating base of the Naval Air Arm, called PNS Mehran, is located inside this airfield. All senior officers of the Naval Air Arm operate from PNS Mehran.

The Naval Air Arm at PNS Mehran is headed by Commander Naval Aviation (COMNAV). Under him there are four Heads of Department designated as Commander Air (Cdr Air), Commander Air Engineering Department (Cdr AED), Commanding Officer MEHRAN (CO MEH) and Officer Commanding Naval Aviation Training School (OC NATS).

The squadrons of the Naval Air Arm are stationed in PNS Mehran. These are the P3C Orion Squadron (28 Sqn), the Atlantic Squadron (29 Sqn), the Fokker Squadron (27 Sqn), the Seaking Squadron (111 Sqn) and the Alouette Squadron (333 Sqn).

While the Naval Air Arm was raised primarily to provide maritime surveillance capability against India, it has been playing, in addition, a counter-terrorism role since the US started its Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in October, 2001.

This counter-terrorism role consists of air surveillance to prevent any sea-borne intrusions of Al Qaeda and to detect any terrorist plans for attacks on ships bringing supplies for the NATO forces in Afghanistan. The supplies are landed in the Karachi port and then moved by trucks to Afghanistan.

While the Pakistani army and air force have no operational role to play in the US-led military operations in the Afghan territory against Al Qaeda and the Neo Taliban, the Pakistani navy is a member of the US-led international naval force which patrols the seas to the west of Pakistan to prevent any hostile activity which could hamper the operations in Afghan territory.

The Combined Task Force 150, established at the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001, comprises naval forces from France, Germany, Italy, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The task force conducts maritime security operations in the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. The leadership of the Task Force is rotated amongst the participating navies. A Pakistani naval officer has been commanding it off and on when the turn of the Pakistan navy comes.

On November 16, 2004, the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency announced that it had accepted Pakistan's request to buy seven P-3C Orion aircraft with T-56 turboprop engines, communications equipment, training devices, medical services, support and test equipment, engineering technical services, supply support, operation and maintenance training, documentation, spare/repair parts, publications, personnel training, training equipment, contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related support elements. The estimated cost would be $970 million.

The DSCA announcement added: "The command-and-control capabilities of these aircraft will improve Pakistan's ability to restrict the littoral movement of terrorists along Pakistan's southern border and ensure Pakistan's overall ability to maintain integrity of their borders."
"Pakistan intends to use the proposed purchase to develop a long needed fleet of maritime and border surveillance aircraft. The addition of these aircraft will provide Pakistan with search, surveillance, and control capability in support of maritime interdiction operations and increase their ability to support the U.S. Operation Enduring Freedom Operations; anti-ship and anti-submarine warfare capabilities; and a control capability over land against transnational terrorists and narcotics smugglers. The modernization will enhance the capabilities of the Pakistani Navy and support its regional influence and meet its legitimate self-defense needs. Pakistan is capable of absorbing and maintaining these additional aircraft in its inventory."

The first two of these aircraft were delivered in April 2010 and officially inducted into the Naval Air Arm at a function held at PNS Mehran on June 2, 2010. Some more of the remaining five have since been inducted, but their number is not known. These planes are generally kept in hangars belonging to the Naval Air Arm and operate from the joint user airfield.

The active role played by the Pakistani Navy in support of the NATO operations in Afghanistan has attracted the anger of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

On March 4, 2008, two unidentified suicide bombers, operating in tandem, attacked the prestigious Naval War College located in a high security area of Lahore. They were both on motor-cycles.

One of them rammed his motor-cycle against the security gate at the rear of the building breaking it open. The other drove through this opening into the parking area and blew himself up.

Their target was the naval institution and not any particular individual or individuals inside. They wanted to demonstrate their ability to penetrate the campus and cause damage. Six persons were killed -- one of them a naval officer, three members of the security guards at the gate and the two suicide bombers.

On December 2, 2009, an alert official of the Pakistani naval intelligence in plain clothes and a naval security guard in uniform deployed outside the building of the Pakistan Navy Headquarters in Islamabad prevented what could have been a major terrorist strike against the Naval Headquarters by an unidentified suicide bomber.

Spotting a suspicious-looking individual outside the NHQ, they stopped him and searched him. He turned out to be a suicide bomber wearing a concealed suicide vest.

However, they could not prevent him from activating the explosive device in the vest. One person was killed on the spot and another succumbed to his injuries later.

Two Pakistani naval personnel -- a commissioned officer of the rank of sub-lieutenant and a sailor -- were among four persons killed in two separate but coordinated explosions in Karachi on April 26, 2011. The explosions targeted two buses of the Pakistan Navy which were transporting naval personnel to their places of work. According to available indications, the improvised explosive devices, which struck the buses, had been planted along routes normally taken by the buses and activated through mobile telephones.

According to the 'Daily Times' of Lahore (April 27,2011), the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, as the Pakistani Taliban is known, claimed the responsibility for the blasts, and threatened more attacks on security forces. The claim was made in a telephone call to a foreign news agency by a person who identified himself as Ehsanullah Ehsan, a spokesman of the Taliban.

He reportedly said: "Security forces will be targeted in the future as well, because they are killing their own people in Waziristan and elsewhere at the behest of the United States."

Since the raid by the Pakistani military commandos into the Lal Masjid in Islamabad in July, 2007, there has been a number of retaliatory attacks by the TTP against the army, the air force, the Special Services Group, the Inter-Services Intelligence, the para-military forces and the police.

It is, however, believed that the attacks on the navy were connected to its role in providing maritime support to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. The navy had no role to play in the Lal Masjid raid.

The Pakistani authorities have been apprehending a surge in these attacks on the security forces, including the navy, in retaliation for the raid by US naval commandos into the residence of Osama bin Laden at Abbottabad on May 2, in which OBL was killed.

At around 10 pm on the night of May 22, an unidentified group of about 15 terrorists armed with explosives, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and assault weapons was reported to have managed to infiltrate into the PNS Mehran base through a side of the Faisal PAF base where a PAF museum is located and engaged in a fire fight with naval and other security personnel after destroying at least one -- according to some other reports two -- PC 3 aircraft kept in the hangars. The fire-fight was still going on at 3 am on the morning of May 23 when last reports came in.

It has been reported that the survivors among the attackers have taken some hostages and taken shelter inside a building in the base. According to unconfirmed reports, among the hostages are one or more Chinese military personnel working in the base.
It has been further reported that some Americans and Turks were also working in the base. It is not known whether any of them has been taken hostage. At least 11 naval personnel are reported to have died in the fire fight so far.

The daring attack and the inability of the navy to prevent it are likely to add to the feelings of humiliation in the Pakistani Armed Forces which have been prevalent since the Abbottabad raid.

To deflect anger over the security failure at PNS Mehran, attempts could be made to divert suspicion against India. Extra vigilance and extra security would be required along our coast in general and in the Mumbai area in particular.

Instructions should be issued to all concerned to avoid any statements and comments which could aggravate the paranoia of the Pakistani Armed Forces and to refrain from exhibiting any sense of glee over the discomfiture of the PAF.

Well, clearly, the security establishment thinks the jihadi card is still viable after American withdrawal and are saving them for later use. However, as we all acknowledge, a weapon that you cannot control any more and, worse, is used against yourself is no longer a reliable weapon.

Army needs to come up with plan B for Afghanistan and Kashmir cause this one is past its use-by date.

This was a point I was making to someone when I suggested that it's an insult to the intelligence of Pakistanis what we win Afghanistan and kashmir by losing Pakistan. And just a reminder, these were army projects, again, failures and yet these can't shoot straight gang imagine they have the right to tell the legitimate government how to run it's affairs
KARACHI: A spokesman for Pakistan’s Navy said Monday that the PNS Mehran base in Karachi was back under control, 17 hours after militants attacked with guns, bombs and rockets.

In an ongoing operation at one of Pakistan’s main military bases, security forces are engaged in a battle against militants who stormed the base late Sunday night. At least 12 security officials have been killed in the operation that continues on Monday morning.

More than 10 terrorists late Sunday attacked the PNS Mehran base on Shahrah-e-Faisal Road, Karachi. At least 13 people, including Navy and Rangers personnel died in the attack.

Towering flames arose from inside the PNS Mehran compound throughout the night.

End of live updates

3:50 pm

Pakistan Navy official said several terrorists have been arrested but did not confirm the number. The arrested terrorists have been shifted to an unknown location.

3:40 pm

The Pakistan navy has issued an official statement that the operation to kill or capture terrorists who had taken over the compound is over.

Spokesperson added that all the naval assets at PNS Mehran have been secured.

Navy says PNS base under control after attack – The Express Tribune
Out goes the Amreeki agent theory and of the RAW involvement too because India would never back an attack on US and Chinese nationals through proxy.

If by any chance their involvement is revealed, the two powers of the world will pounce on them so India is out of the question too.
Albeit season is ripe for the conspiracy theories but I wouldn't hold it as a trump card my dear.
Zia's plane crash comes to mind with the US Ambassador and a General being part of the party.
Mafiya, you raise a excellent point but how is it that the Pakistan armed forces and the Pakistan state is not Muslim, however, people who reject Pakistan are Muslim?? Please explain, it will be instructive for these "seculars"

Muse it's not the phenomena of today, one side is brandished "Kafir" and other side is brandished "Hard core Pious muslims". let's go back to history shall we, The first seed of this very phenomena were sowed during the era Fourth Caliph Hazrat Ali(RA). the "Khawarji" Phenomena. Which up to date continues.

Now since we always talk about penetration in the lower ranks. the personnels of these lower ranks are from middle or below middle class living in the areas where there is a mosque who is spewing Anti Americanism. So in the longer run, they are prone to negative exposure of ideologies, hence corrupting their minds and thinking themselves as the defenders of islam, who should cleanse the elements in army who are secular and working against Islam.
"It is not possible for these terrorists to have so much creditable information about the presence of the aircrafts on the base without inside help.
Yet many here were able to figure it out through google images ....

Its an airbase, what else would be based there?
Ran away.

What is this.?I thought they cordoned off the whole base.How can they run.This is insane.If this is true than it's shame for PN.

P.S:Stop bringing PA into this thread;they are not co-related.
This mentality is the reason why we are losing this war.

Kuwait recently banned a number of Muslims country from traveling, they have even stopped travel and tourism.

Also the wikileaks release yesterday pointing to Arab funding.

Its all very clear, they just do not want to look at the facts.

reason of banning from kuwait is majorly the problem with the illiterate people who loves money and for money they do smuggling of drugs to kuwait ,
these jihaid's were heros of you and your budy america before 1990s, now instead of doing something good for country you are just defaming image of pakistan more.. tell me attacking on few areas in a country makes whole country a place of terror ??? come on man you got a great platform you should bring up the positive side of pakistan instead of spreading disappointment.

:-) So you consider the Jihad's as your hero's? Wow..... few areas cannot be Army and Navy head offices. So if tomorrow if he comes into your house and kill your sibling... Will you be the same.... What if one of the died solider is your relative.... Still Jihadi's are your heroes?
..soo.. Pack your bags and head for Waziristan or wherever the next most likely location of a drone strike is and repeat the same mantra of it being a small price to pay.

I think that your tune will change fairly quickly.

Even in the best times these peoiple thought the Pakistanis were fair game for looting and killing. I have been to tribal areas in the 1970's.

There was a board as soon as you enter the area which said " You are entering tribal area on your own risk". I had one armed guard provided by the Esso Reseller Agent. Even then I was referred to as Punjabi and no one even claimed that they were Pakistanis. This has not changed to this day. They only want Pakistan to save them from drone attacks and for smuggling, not when it comes to paying taxes and for electricity.

To Imran Khan lover: yes I am stupid but I am not a friend of enemies of Pakistan. Yes I also hate any one who attacks Pakistan and her people. Something that your leader appears unable to bring himself to do.

You also want to save enemies of Pakistan from US drones? Please go ahead and sit on the Kala Pull till kingdon come. I would pray for your success.
these jihaid's were heros of you and your budy america before 1990s, now instead of doing something good for country you are just defaming image of pakistan more.. tell me attacking on few areas in a country makes whole country a place of terror ??? come on man you got a great platform you should bring up the positive side of pakistan instead of spreading disappointment.

US&A is not a buddy, I have not even been to US&A in my life.

How can US&A be our ally when it supported these Jihadi's at the expense of our nation, to make matters worse, it absconded and left us with all the mess.

The only thing that has defamed this country is your Jihadi policy, your intolerant mindset and subsequent laws, the violent ideology that seeped through into Pakistan.

I continually try and show a positive image of Pakistan to others, in fact my lecturer at a foreign University gave a lecture on Pakistan to clear misconceptions. I also engage people where ever I can and try to dispel any wrong impressions.

We have been continually trying our best to bring a positive change and show the Pakistan that is tolerant, peaceful and very hospitable.

What does not help is the violent, intolerant and hate filled majority which is hell bent on destroying a country.

Its not me who who is damaging this country.
We are talking about a million plus personnel in the Armed forces of Pakistan (regular and reserves combined), not to mention the civilian staff employed in various departments. Extremists don't go around with banners proclaiming they are 'terrorist sympathizers'. To monitor all these personnel for 'extremist tendencies' would require a huge amount of resources. The more obvious ones are probably already being picked out and monitored, but those are not always the ones that are the risk.

Pakistan has put in place a pretty comprehensive personnel monitoring program for its nuclear program, but that covers a much smaller number of people - tens of thousands vs million plus. There are limits to what the Military alone can accomplish.

Well, that's a fair point and I also understand that morale would plummet if everybody was always paranoid about being investigated by their coworkers. It's a tough situation.
the only way forward is separation of state and religion. in simple words follow the turkey model if we have to survive and develop.

the ones who consider themselves muslim first rather than Pakistani's should be kicked out. cleanse the FATA region, even if some 100,000 innocent have to die in a go. its better than some 100+ dying every day.

army needs to be ruthless. no need to arrest and trial, simply kill on the spot policy should be implemented.

islamic parites like jamat-e-islami, jamiat-e-ulma islam etc should be banned, and anyone affiliated with them be persecuted.

Republic of Pakistan is a way forward. islamic republic of Pakistan was a failed experiment.
True. But now is the right time to shift all the bases in China's camp.

No, i don't think this is good idea, require as we can bear and not to let situation then on level where USA exists in our mind.
off fuk off u shiiity indian i am not talking about those fking jihadis heros who are being funded by ur fking agencies.

Mind your words...... I am capable of more than you! If you are not talking about the Jihadi's then who you are calling as hero's? India has nothing to do with it.... Even if Indian agencies are capable of doing this.... I am happy for my countries agencies as they never killed the unarmed civilians like you guys....

Bark as much as you can.... But it is a yet another black mark in Pakistani history.
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