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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Even in the best times these peoiple thought the Pakistanis were fair game for looting and killing. I have been to tribal areas in the 1970's.

There was a board as soon as you enter the area which said " You are entering tribal area on your own risk". I had one armed guard provided by the Esso Reseller Agent. Even then I was referred to as Punjabi and no one even claimed that they were Pakistanis. This has not changed to this day. They only want Pakistan to save them from drone attacks and for smuggling, not when it comes to paying taxes and for electricity.

To Imran Khan lover: yes I am stupid but I am not a friend of enemies of Pakistan. Yes I also hate any one who attacks Pakistan and her people. Something that your leader appears unable to bring himself to do.

You also want to save enemies of Pakistan from US drones? Please go ahead and sit on the Kala Pull till kingdon come. I would pray for your success.

when there will be a drone strike to your neighboring house for the killing of a wanted terrorist and that strike took many peoples around your home than i will ask you was that strike justified ???
the only war forward is separation of state and religion. in simple words follow the turkey model if we have to survive and develop.

the ones who consider themselves muslim first rather than Pakistani's should be kicked out. cleanse the FATA region, even if some 100,000 innocent have to die in a go. its better than some 100+ dying every day.

army needs to be ruthless. no need to arrest and trial, simply kill on the spot policy should be implemented.

islamic parites like jamat-e-islami, jamiat-e-ulma islam etc should be banned, and anyone affiliated with them be persecuted.

Republic of Pakistan is a way forward. islamic republic of Pakistan was a failed experiment.

What about LeT, JuD? They are good if it helps Pakistani State policy?
Mind your words...... I am capable of more than you! If you are not talking about the Jihadi's then who you are calling as hero's? India has nothing to do with it.... Even if Indian agencies are capable of doing this.... I am happy for my countries agencies as they never killed the unarmed civilians like you guys....

Bark as much as you can.... But it is a yet another black mark in Pakistani history.

Read his post again and your reply as well. You will come to know reason for his said reply.
reason of banning from kuwait is majorly the problem with the illiterate people who loves money and for money they do smuggling of drugs to kuwait ,

Really, so they cut off everything even tourism and trade because a few Pakistani's are smugglers.

There is a very high number of Arabs who do a lot of negative things, should be cut off contact with all of them.

Its does not work like that.
Read his post again and your reply as well. You will come to know reason for his said reply.

I read it.... Why is he reminding that Taliban was once a hero? And also I read his 'fu**ing', 'Shi**y Indian' posts as well.
US&A is not a buddy, I have not even been to US&A in my life.

How can US&A be our ally when it supported these Jihadi's at the expense of our nation, to make matters worse, it absconded and left us with all the mess.

The only thing that has defamed this country is your Jihadi policy, your intolerant mindset and subsequent laws, the violent ideology that seeped through into Pakistan.

I continually try and show a positive image of Pakistan to others, in fact my lecturer at a foreign University gave a lecture on Pakistan to clear misconceptions. I also engage people where ever I can and try to dispel any wrong impressions.

We have been continually trying our best to bring a positive change and show the Pakistan that is tolerant, peaceful and very hospitable.

What does not help is the violent, intolerant and hate filled majority which is hell bent on destroying a country.

Its not me who who is damaging this country.

yeah yeah i am watching how much you do for finishing misconception regarding pakistan , internet is best source to do so and you are defaming here openly i dont know why admin have made you MOD :S lol @ jihadi policy there was nothing like bomb attacks before the 2001 suddenly everything started and created huge mess all around pakistan ,,, problem is with our fking leaders who cant do anything for this country fking looters .
This is what is left
Really, so they cut off everything even tourism and trade because a few Pakistani's are smugglers.

There is a very high number of Arabs who do a lot of negative things, should be cut off contact with all of them.

Its does not work like that.

when world can tag you as terrorist on the bases of few fkin terrorists why cant kuwaiti govt can ban pakistanis on few bad peoples ???we have business in kuwait from last 40 years and ban is not recent from last 1.5 years there is ban on pakistanis for getting any kind of visa its nothing new its just because of the fking policies of our govt and foreign department of our govt.
yeah yeah i am watching how much you do for finishing misconception regarding pakistan , internet is best source to do so and you are defaming here openly i dont know why admin have made you MOD :S lol @ jihadi policy there was nothing like bomb attacks before the 2001 suddenly everything started and created huge mess all around pakistan ,,, problem is with our fking leaders who cant do anything for this country fking looters .

Really, there were no bomb attacks in Pakistan before, are you sure?

in 1987, the year I was born, more than 3000 people died in car bombings.

You clearly do not know much, these Jihadi's fought in Malakand division against the state in the Mid 90's.

They were killing Shia's by a handful and you seem to be completely aware of all this.

Your logic is clearly deranged.
when world can tag you as terrorist on the bases of few fkin terrorists why cant kuwaiti govt can ban pakistanis on few bad peoples ???we have business in kuwait from last 40 years and ban is not recent from last 1.5 years there is ban on pakistanis for getting any kind of visa its nothing new its just because of the fking policies of our govt and foreign department of our govt.

So its ok if the Kuwaitis do it but if your masters, the Americans do it then its wrong.

Why are you sticking up for the cowards of Kuwait, is your allegiance with Pakistan or them.

These Kuwaitis fund terror in our country and those cowards have the audacity to ban us.
Zardari, Nawaz or any other civilian actually have the right to rule Pakistan - Pakistan belongs to us, civilians, not the Fauj - Agnostic seems to have made a career arguing that Pakistan belongs to the Army and we should all be happy to be the army's serfs -


Why can the civilian leadership not exert its influence?
You think they cannot do it if they are sincere?
You think no one will support a sincere leadership?

The issue is lack of sincerity and shyness in face of adversity, the issue is personal corruption which can be easily exposed and used against these rightful rulers of Pakistan who think of the consequences and instead focus on making their tenure count in terms of personal gains.

It is the ideal time for a civilian leader to exert influence, but he shall have to win the nation over via some brave steps and personal sacrifices.
Pity no one is yet up for it.
T-Faz,are you following the news regularly? did you read the news, when navy buses were attacked, Azad Baloch of BLA specifically accepted the responsibility beside the TTP. what made you think that BLA is not again involved in it as DAWN has reported Baloch separatists claimed responsibility again

What similarity that the day when GOP announced that China will take hold of Gawadar port, CM Balochistan showed concerns over this. More over as it cleared that India involved to disrupt any China's move in Balochistan with supporting BLA.

Isn't picture clear?
You bet. We've given your country nearly $20 billion from our Treasury and we find that our most wanted criminal is enjoying the good life near your military academy!

I just had to find a forum where Pakistanis would feign shock and surprise. Now I find that Pakistanis compare an attack by terrorists (a Pakistani is being tried in the US in connection with that slaughter) on civilians to an attack on a military base!

I had to see it to believe it!

What is wrong? I am a Chinese, to remind you. As for the other, I did not say anything, just said, suddenly there are some new American members here. It is a fact. As to your reason, unless you show evidence. Otherwise, I do not believe, you can say anything you want.
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