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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

In same month,
1- Attack on Nevy Bus,
2- Another Attack on Bus,
3- Another Attack on Nevy, ?
what is this,
Noman Bashir sahib were on honey moon ?
It is the ideal time for a civilian leader to exert influence, but he shall have to win the nation over via some brave steps and personal sacrifices.
Pity no one is yet up for it.

Maybe the Pakistan armed forces will show these civilians how it's done - they may lead by example:tup:
At least 11 navy and two rangers personnel were killed, while 14 security officials were wounded, he said, adding that it was unclear how many militant casualties there were.

Authorities sent in several dozen navy and police commandos to battle the attackers, who responded with gunfire and grenades. At least two P-3C Orions, maritime surveillance aircraft given to Pakistan by the US, were destroyed, he said.

The United States handed over two Orions to the Pakistan Navy at a ceremony at the base in June 2010 attended by 250 Pakistani and American officials. By late 2012, Pakistan would have eight of the planes.

Meanwhile, the naval chief, Noman Bashir, has called a high level meeting to discuss the situation.
There have been too many such incidents to comment and repeat what has already been said. It is sad that two PC-3 Orions have been completely destroyed. However even worse is the loss of Navy & Rangers personnel? Planes can be replaced albeit with huge loss of money but human life is irreplaceable. You will see that after a few days all the noise will die down and there will be life until there is another such incident with another loss of life.

TTP have claimed but many naïve Pakistanis would still blame Blackwater, RAW and Zionist agents. To my simple mind, who was really behind this incident is far less important. Most worrisome is the fact that despite security warning and open declaration by TTP & Al Qaeda that they are going to take revenge on Pakistan; how did so many terrorists manage to penetrate inside a high security target and destroyed extremely valuable naval assets?

This is not the first time. TTP have done it at Army GHQ and attached many services installations such as Naval War College, training establishments and so on. Our services don’t appear to follow ‘once bitten twice shy’ rule; they are willing to accept losses again and again!

Don’t you think this sends an ominous signal to rest of the world? It is implied that our armed forces are incapable of defending their own high value target? I am starting to wonder if our nuclear assets are really safe. Would you blame the West if they worry about nukes falling into the wrong hands?

Please don’t think from the seat your pants and say that it is impossible. If you asked PN day before yesterday that your Orions could be destroyed, reply would have been the same. No security in Pakistan is fool proof. Reason being that a section of Pakistan society longer loves Pakistan. These people love Salafin, Takfiris, TTP and Al Qaeda more!!! Some do it out of hate of the US and Pakistan be dammed.

Mufti Mahmoud, chief of the JUI said after the fall of Dacca “We were never party to the Sin of creating Pakistan”. Munawwar Hassan of JI can also claim the same; JI leadership had dubbed the Quaid as ‘Kaffir e Azam’. This sentiment lingers on to this day. Naïve politicians such as Imran Khan have also joined this bandwagon. Pray tell me, why ‘Dharna’ for stopping US drones? Does GOP have any control over it? Can Pakistan really stop it? TTP are local, by attacking Pak Armed Services TTP attack Pakistan State! Why not Dharna against TTP? Followers of TI can act as informers and help reduce the risk of terrorist attacks a little. Even if one innocent life is saved thru this, all the effort would worth it.

Suicide bombers, attackers of services installations etc., did not fall from the sky. These are home grown; somebody provides them with arms and facilitates their movements. Most important, the attackers had exact knowledge of when and where the assets are and they succeeded in entering a high security installation. If you tell me that these did not have inside help, you would be insulting my intelligence.

IMO there is no doubt that there is an element inside the security services that facilitated this attack. This means that Americans were quite correct in the assumption that had they informed ISI, there was a good chance that Osama would have been spirited away

This is abut time when we have to be cruel to be kind. We must acknowledge the fact that there are bad apples within the armed services. Need of the hour is a massive screening of each and every member of the security and armed services to ensure that no one in any sensitive position has any links with extremist religious parties such as JI, JUI or any of the Jihadist organizations. All the bad apples must be rooted out. Unless s this is started with immediate effect, such attacks will continue.

It hurts my national pride but I am no longer against drone attacks. Even if one half of the people killed in drone attacks are innocent, at least the other half are terrorists who were potential attackers of Pakistan. We are in a state of WAR and it is a small price to pay compared to the national disgrace of being unable to stop having our own Naval based successfully attacked by the TTP. Pakistan appears to be incapable of stopping these savages and if some are eliminated thru drone attacks, so much the better.

Agreed with 90% of your content - but disagree with allowing drone attacks. The fundamental problem of Pakistan is that there is no justice. Aap mere khandaan walon ko maaro ge, saying "Chal yaar koi nahi, Mullah Omar ko bhi toh maara na"... You think I would be satisfied with that answer?

If the Government is incapable of arresting and bringing the terrorists under a judicial process then that's the government's fault why should half the people die because of Pakistan's government's incompetence?

This is injustice and when you don't give justice, the only recourse is terrorism.
So its ok if the Kuwaitis do it but if your masters, the Americans do it then its wrong.

Why are you sticking up for the cowards of Kuwait, is your allegiance with Pakistan or them.

These Kuwaitis fund terror in our country and those cowards have the audacity to ban us.

who were the master minds of jihadis ???? when did i said its ok if kuwait bans visa on pakistanis ???? i said its just because of your fking leaders you are getting such gifts from all over the world , pakistan's foreign relation department is busy in licking USA's A$$ and the govt just want to complete its 5 years :S
Is the Pakistan media blaming India by any chance?

Heard in this thread, people are protesting against India being involved.
Is the Pakistan media blaming India by any chance?

Heard in this thread, people are protesting against India being involved.

Sorry, no, not yet, but take a number and get back in line - I'm sure it'll come around.
What similarity that the day when GOP announced that China will take hold of Gawadar port, CM Balochistan showed concerns over this. More over as it cleared that India involved to disrupt any China's move in Balochistan with supporting BLA.

Isn't picture clear?

I agree that India/US/Israel/etc. benefit from creating trouble within Pakistan but, since we can't control India/US/Israel/etc., we should make sure the Baluchistan population is treated fairly and have no reason to support BLA and other separatist movements.
It hurts my national pride but I am no longer against drone attacks. Even if one half of the people killed in drone attacks are innocent, at least the other half are terrorists who were potential attackers of Pakistan. We are in a state of WAR and it is a small price to pay compared to the national disgrace of being unable to stop having our own Naval based successfully attacked by the TTP. Pakistan appears to be incapable of stopping these savages and if some are eliminated thru drone attacks, so much the better.

This is what they wanted from Pakistanis.
Even in the best times these peoiple thought the Pakistanis were fair game for looting and killing. I have been to tribal areas in the 1970's.

There was a board as soon as you enter the area which said " You are entering tribal area on your own risk". I had one armed guard provided by the Esso Reseller Agent. Even then I was referred to as Punjabi and no one even claimed that they were Pakistanis. This has not changed to this day. They only want Pakistan to save them from drone attacks and for smuggling, not when it comes to paying taxes and for electricity.

To Imran Khan lover: yes I am stupid but I am not a friend of enemies of Pakistan. Yes I also hate any one who attacks Pakistan and her people. Something that your leader appears unable to bring himself to do.

You also want to save enemies of Pakistan from US drones? Please go ahead and sit on the Kala Pull till kingdon come. I would pray for your success.

I agree with the above, there is a need to raise questions and encourage debate at the National level about the past, present and future status of FATA within Pakistan.
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