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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Buddy I didn't write the last line directed at You,I was telling that If any Pakistani thinks that Ind is involved,they are very very wrong.Even there NSA accepted India never supported any terrorists.Even the World's most powerful man acc.that Pakistani's are too obsessed with India.

who is hel is NSA now ???
I really wish people who consider themselves Muslim first and Pakistani second would show up at a Saudi -- or any foreign Muslim country -- airport without a visa. They will quickly get a reality check about this ummah nonsense.

These people don't have anything else, their entire life and identity is about their struggle -- all very revolutionary, even somewhat Franz Fannon - So I'm at the Dubai airport, at a shabby terminal, and I buy a sandwich and realize this guy looking at my sandwich - it was some 8 or 10 Pakistanis - Deportees -- they seemed hungry, so I bought them all lunch and we spoke some, they were all Pashtuns, and to a man expressed hatred of Pakistan - nothing goes unpunished --

I agree with the idea that their existence is the proof of state failure - I really do - on the other hand, like any man or woman, they want what they think is best for them - and they are convinced that the material world does not and will not hold much for them - I've argued that our focus should be on achievement in the material world -- that's what the hate for Pakistan was about, they were headed to failureistan, to hopelessistan, to a look in the eyes of their loved ones in which they were objects of pity.
our Islamist crew is becoming desperate, instead o focusing on the airmen, sailors and the security and guard contingent, they are pointing fingers at all manner of foreigners - - This operation could not be possible without help from the inside, just like the Bus attacks

Your islamist friends are not your friends at all my dear... Dont be under any confusion on this point...

Why do you think foreigners are angels and could nt possibly be behind these attacks?? is it coz they are white and the Islamists are brown?

Be a little sensible muse... If you have to investigate then everything and everyone should be investigated... and stop painting everyone with the same brush... The Islamists at least on this forum that I can see have consistently condemned all terrorist attacks against Pak Army... true they dont consider Pakistan as Islamic at all and dont approve of the American sponsored WOT... but your all high attitude on this issue is quite delusional considering the Secularists that are running this country including the Civilian as well as the Army elites have made themselves a laughing stock of the world... what is it? a group of less than twenty people destroyed millions of dollars worth our hardware? If the Secularists cannot provide security to our country perhaps it is high time that they take a back seat and let us the Islamists run the show... now smoke that in your pipe for a change...
So never call SHAHEED when any soldier died! because Shaheed is whom who died for Islam "defend Islam against kufar"

Secondly why Commando and Military calling "ALLAH HU ALLAH HU ... ALLAH HU AKBAR" (in exercise) ????? better to call PAKISTAN. .. PAKISTAN ... PAKISTAN rather thn ALLAH - HU!

Save your breath Stealth... He has no answer to questions such as these... Have nt you realized that yet?
This is what they wanted from Pakistanis.

Like him- most of the people in Army and Civilian government- already have made up their minds- Thats why there no stopping drone attacks-

next thing on Ameriki agenda is to make them believe that military operations inside Pakistan just like they did in Abbotabad is also for their benefit- and the cookie is half baked already-
i think u really need a KIck n ur A$$ now or i should give this trophy including tendulkar in ur A$$

Calm down, me geting into a personal attack with you, will lead to me getting banned.

Rather not waste my time with you and tell me if Pakistan destroyed aircraft were given free or paid for?
i dont understand what sort of taliban 'jehadi islamic' terrorists as our members niaz t-faz are claming, makes a tatto on his body, wears western cloths and keeps 1 inch small beard???
how much did pakistan pay for PC orions or were they free?
At least $40 million a piece. $80 million plus other unseen damage total well above $100 million. THe way they attacked GHQ and army training college i saw this coming long back. Google maps can only give you ariel view. There are always weak spots in the periphery of any secure base. Only insider knows it!! Couple of days back there was thread about radicals in PAF airmen. THis proves it.Many PDF members rebuffed that claim saying wikileaks+NDTV are spreading propaganda.
The cable quotes AVM Chaudhry as saying, “You can’t imagine what a hard time we have trying to get to trim their beards.”
So never call SHAHEED when any soldier died! because Shaheed is whom who died for Islam "defend Islam against kufar"

Am I calling them shaheed, have I ever called them shaheed.

Ous soldiers are fighting Muslims too, they are not fighting any Kuffar, the terrorists call themselves Shaheed too.

Words and such titles are for temporary elevation of the sacrifices and are used by all sides.

This Kufar you speak of is exactly what the terrorists accuse this state of.

Secondly why Commando and Military calling "ALLAH HU ALLAH HU ... ALLAH HU AKBAR" (in exercise) ????? better to call PAKISTAN. .. PAKISTAN ... PAKISTAN rather thn ALLAH - HU!

Yes, the question is why?

They are fighting for Pakistan, not Islam.

Such things negate the image of Islam and add a violent aspect to it.

This is Pakistani defence, not Islamic defence.

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