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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

today its proved Pakistani security is worse then Somalia Uganda at least no one dare to bomb Ugandan SU-30 on there base .shame left for Pakistan .:cry:
First I'm never offended to be mentioned along with Agnostic

Now to bidness -- see, NO one, disagrees that these civilians are semi-literate nits -- but they are the freaking legal govt -- the army doe snot have ot like it - they have their own problems to fix and events suggest that don't do that well at all

Just turned on BBC - first question, can't protect a base how can they protect nukes

And this is exactly what the attack is supposed to generate -- and to force Pakistan into choices that will be see as confirmation that Pakistan doesn't get it and is reckless, dangerous, and has to be isolated.

Have you got something positive from BBC?
We all know to what direction western media & their political bosses fixed attention. On 9/11 in USA, firing at US military base, 26/11 in India, Blasts in Atomic research center in India 2010 and many other nuclear security threats in India during 2010, tell me any one of western media pointed their guns toward Nuclear security of their countries?

So why you are taking too much serious these chronic propaganda against our country?

Ok, naval base attacked by terrorist, so now need to thoroughly revise security and fix supporting elements with possible retaliation but not to let any body come on and open mouth against Nukes and national sovereignty.
At least $40 million a piece. $80 million plus other unseen damage total well above $100 million. THe way they attacked GHQ and army training college i saw this coming long back. Google maps can only give you ariel view. There are always weak spots in the periphery of any secure base. Only insider knows it!! Couple of days back there was thread about radicals in PAF airmen. THis proves it.Many PDF members rebuffed that claim saying wikileaks+NDTV are spreading propaganda.
The cable quotes AVM Chaudhry as saying, “You can’t imagine what a hard time we have trying to get to trim their beards.”

That is some serious monetary damage. As well as lifes lost indeed. RIP.
My point was that this ummah mentality is not shared by other Muslim countries. If they put Islam before nationality, they would welcome all Muslims regardless of their nationality. The fact that they don't means that Pakistani who think like that are living in fantasy land.

The example you gave in your previous post would have been appropriate if Ummah has already been established- till now its a concept- I have seen Egypt- Syrian- Jordanians- Saudis- Emiraties talking in favor of Ummah aswell- The problem is people who think otherwise are in power- and reiteration of Ummah is the alternate if they are able to get rid of the corrupt monarchies ruling them- Democracy isn't-
Agreed with 90% of your content - but disagree with allowing drone attacks. The fundamental problem of Pakistan is that there is no justice. Aap mere khandaan walon ko maaro ge, saying "Chal yaar koi nahi, Mullah Omar ko bhi toh maara na"... You think I would be satisfied with that answer?

If the Government is incapable of arresting and bringing the terrorists under a judicial process then that's the government's fault why should half the people die because of Pakistan's government's incompetence?

This is injustice and when you don't give justice, the only recourse is terrorism.

Perhaps people like Niaz were never against drone attacks in the first place... Why should he care if other people's children are killed in such attacks?

I fully agree with you Asim... this terrorism menace wont go away unless Drone strikes are stopped and some justice is given to the oppressed in our society... It is a laughable matter that the Extremist Secularists of our country want more of the same bloodshed on both sides... It also goes to show how utterly disconnected they are from reality and they have no capability to bring the current madness to a resolution... Ah well what does it matter if an innocent man dies in these drone strikes... its exactly the same mentality of the Takfiri terrorist who think the same about their terrorist attacks...

I see absolutely no difference between these two groups... The extremist secularists and the takfiri kharijites...

this jehadi terrorists have 2 tattos on his bodies and he doesnt even look a pakistan even n afghani, he is wearing western cloths
So why you are taking too much serious these chronic propaganda against our country?
Ok, naval base attacked by terrorist, so now need to thoroughly revise security and fix supporting elements with possible retaliation but not to let any body come on and open mouth against Nukes and national sovereignty.

Please be reasonable - Being in denial or behaving in a stubborn manner is not going to help us out --- We are sure to be screwed again by the security apparatus because we shall never find out the truth of these events.
The problem lies in the fact that, either the average pakistani population has surrendered to these atrocities and accepted it as their fate (iI dont believe that) or they are very confused in regards to who is their actual enemy. Pakistan need a mass movement to show the corrupt leaders & bureocrats that they are walking on a thin line & should not test their patience. The way we in India did while supporting Anna hazare's movement against corruption. Every one from a 100+ yrs old freedom fighter to teenage students joined in. 1000 of people from all walks of life rallied against corruption & Govt have to succumb to the pressure.

True, Pakistan right now dont have any leader to follow, but even if there exist one, you will not recognize. because, you have so many conflicting ideologies. Some moderate pakistani think the problem lies within, some think it is outside hand. Some think fundamentalist & religious parties are good, some think they are doing more harm than doing good. Some support US attacks, some prefer Chinese involvement. Some feel terrorism is state sponsored & should be rooted out & some sympatesize with them.

Democracy may have many shortcomings, but its beauty lies in the fact that time & again when politicians & bureocrats have crossed the limits, people have shown them their true "Aukaat".

I sincerely hope that Pakistani citizens will stand up together & demand answers from their leaders this time.
BLA is the same militant group which is being funded by RAW ???
Irrespective of any speculation about the origin and the reasons for BLA existence, please help me understand that how does giving gwadar to china help if pakistan themselves are presumed unable to control the soverignity of it?

this jehadi terrorists have 2 tattos on his bodies and he doesnt even look a pakistan even n afghani, he is wearing western cloths

Well, I dunno, but he looks like an indian..I am just speculating...

this jehadi terrorists have 2 tattos on his bodies and he doesnt even look a pakistan even n afghani, he is wearing western cloths

How you get they are Tatoos, looks like bullet wound.

Don't know whether looks like Pakistani or Afghani and but am sure he looks like South Asian.

this jehadi terrorists have 2 tattos on his bodies and he doesnt even look a pakistan even n afghani, he is wearing western cloths

Looks Special Forces operatives.As you know New Qaeda chief is an ex Commando from Egypt,So Taliban might have access to some SF like training.That's why they were able to hold on for 15hrs.

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