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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

the only way forward is separation of state and religion. in simple words follow the turkey model if we have to survive and develop.

That can only be accomplished through social change a change in the mindset of most Pakistanis in support of seperation of religion from the State, and then having those Pakistanis go out and vote for political leaders willing to enforce that change through constitutional amendments, legislation and institutional reform.

Easier to say than do, especially when the largest 'liberal' party in Pakistan, the PPP, has not stood up against extremism and intolerance even when its own leadership has been targetted. Not to mention that this party has rock bottom approval ratings in any case, and is a poor choice to champion any sort of 'social reform'.

First we need political leadership that delivers on governance and security, then and only then can such a leadership push through the kind of change being referred to, and not invite a massive backlash.
they are wearing clothes like soldiers

they dont have beard

seems like they are not from TTP
TTP talibans look like this

That can only be accomplished through social change a change in the mindset of most Pakistanis in support of seperation of religion from the State, and then having those Pakistanis go out and vote for political leaders willing to enforce that change through constitutional amendments, legislation and institutional reform.

Easier to say than do, especially when the largest 'liberal' party in Pakistan, the PPP, has not stood up against extremism and intolerance even when its own leadership has been targetted. Not to mention that this party has rock bottom approval ratings in any case, and is a poor choice to champion any sort of 'social reform'.

First we need political leadership that delivers on governance and security, then and only then can such a leadership push through the kind of change being referred to, and not invite a massive backlash.

liberals like musharraf brought this into pakistan, and liberals are tearing the country away
they are wearing clothes like soldiers

they dont have beard

seems like they are not from TTP
TTP talibans look like this


there was one retired brigadier giving an interview, he said these men the most modern weapons, and they had a perfect planning, they knew about the compund very well, it cant be simply just talibans
there was one retired brigadier giving an interview, he said these men the most modern weapons, and they had a perfect planning, they knew about the compund very well, it cant be simply just talibans

and the stupid TTP has already taken the responsibilit

its been 6-7 years we are fighting with enemy in our own country and ISI still dont know who are they

are they only TTP or someone else too
we must to leave USA as soon as possible
this is not the war of the people of Pakistan
but our corrupt leaders says this is our war
just due to dollar this is our war
they are killing our innocents people because we are supporting USA
talibans have long beards, they dont wear western cloths and they follow islam and shariah which doesnt allow to have tattos, your friend must not be a taliban

Actually this is what I was thinking when the Indians started blaming LeT for Mumbai operations...
These people don't have anything else, their entire life and identity is about their struggle -- all very revolutionary, even somewhat Franz Fannon - So I'm at the Dubai airport, at a shabby terminal, and I buy a sandwich and realize this guy looking at my sandwich - it was some 8 or 10 Pakistanis - Deportees -- they seemed hungry, so I bought them all lunch and we spoke some, they were all Pashtuns, and to a man expressed hatred of Pakistan - nothing goes unpunished --

I agree with the idea that their existence is the proof of state failure - I really do - on the other hand, like any man or woman, they want what they think is best for them - and they are convinced that the material world does not and will not hold much for them - I've argued that our focus should be on achievement in the material world -- that's what the hate for Pakistan was about, they were headed to failureistan, to hopelessistan, to a look in the eyes of their loved ones in which they were objects of pity.

Yes, it's painful to watch poor Pakistani laborers being humiliated at Middle Eastern airports. Even Indians and Filipinos are not treated this badly.
Once again, its a function of Pakistan's economic and diplomatic clout, which is essentially nonexistent.

As for the second part, yes, Islam provides consolation against poverty by downplaying the materialistic aspects and emphasizing the afterlife, but this has been abused in Pakistan to excuse the State's failure in meeting the basic needs of its citizens. They have almost made a virtue out of being poor and uneducated.
Leaving aside the whole India Pak traditional rivalry.. Isnt the similarity of modus operandi between this and Mumbai uncanny??
there was one retired brigadier giving an interview, he said these men the most modern weapons, and they had a perfect planning, they knew about the compund very well, it cant be simply just talibans

Why underestimate the Taliban ? It is only natural that after years of resistance they will only get better. You can download the best military training books for free on the internet. Even the Naxals built anti Helicopter weapons learning from books.

this jehadi terrorists have 2 tattos on his bodies and he doesnt even look a pakistan even n afghani, he is wearing western cloths

look like bullet holes...but if that's the tatoos they want...
my point is, they dont look like talibans at all

talibans said they sent 22 men!!!!!

but reports say they were 4-7

talibans have got statistics wrong :lol::lol::lol:

Well, I am always surprised to the Claims by TTP accepting the responsibility of every event, who verifies these statements? How do these Mother Fcukers call from an UNKNOWN place. Our fcuking media just ON AIR a blank call, as it is in race that who plays the news FIRST. I guarantee it that if someone from indian terrorists group would have called and claimed its responsibility, they must have asked "Who are you and how do we believe you, prove your identity first". However, their response is in total contrast why the claimant calls himself from TTP.

Well one thing is much clear that we are in state of WAR. We are facing gorilla war that can be termed as proxy war from our enemies.
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