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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

If P3C is destroyed... I have question here? where is the nearest runway to land P3C...

I have my own doubts on this news...?


learn to read google map you wont have an issue then.

btw what kind of doubt you have?
What name calling?

Its an apt observation, without any proof or information, you seem to be linking this attack to entities that might not be involved in this attack.

Btw Baloch separatists are not exactly BLA, they are more likely to be Jundullah, another group which was previously supported by our security establishment. We are still accused of supporting them to this day and they have launched attacks in Karachi previously.

But you can keep believing anything you want, its the BLA with Zionist alien Hinjews who carried out this attack.

T-Faz,are you following the news regularly? did you read the news, when navy buses were attacked, Azad Baloch of BLA specifically accepted the responsibility beside the TTP. what made you think that BLA is not again involved in it as DAWN has reported Baloch separatists claimed responsibility again
3:40 pm
The Pakistan navy has issued an official statement that the operation to kill or capture terrorists who had taken over the compound is over.
Spokesperson added that all the naval assets at PNS Mehran have been secured.
Just wanted to point out that as the story develops the facts seem to change and are very liquid...I noticed a lot of members of this forum took that to mean Osama wasn't killed when this happened not to long ago. Just shows that you must wait for some time for the facts to present themselves.
3:40 pm
The Pakistan navy has issued an official statement that the operation to kill or capture terrorists who had taken over the compound is over.
Spokesperson added that all the naval assets at PNS Mehran have been secured.

anyone captured alive? will the bodies be shown to media?
T-Faz,are you following the news regularly? did you read the news, when navy buses were attacked, Azad Baloch of BLA specifically accepted the responsibility beside the TTP. what made you think that BLA is not again involved in it as DAWN has reported Baloch separatists claimed responsibility again

Yes, BLA, that low level and unprofessional scapegoat for all our miseries.

This BLA is a weak and disorganized entity that can never achieve the kind of success these Jihadi's have.

Its goal is separate from the terrorists but our establishment is hell bent on making it a villain.

Baloch Separatist groups are aplenty and the only one which is capable of such an attack is Jundullah.

BLA is simply not strong enough to carry out this attack, they are just used as a scapegoat to divert attention.
If you can get into PAF bases by the simple means of "Dewaarein Phalaangna"... Something went horribly wrong.

Our Army's leaders need to end their lavish lifestyles and get to business... It needs to fix itself from the top to the bottom. If terrorists can get in, the the US can get in and blow up our nukes as well.
A pakistani naval base, where there were US engineers, and Chinese too, was attacked by (suspected) BLA/Afgan supported TTP. Saudi terrorist (OBL) was hiding in Pakistan. Arab money is funding terror organisation based inside Pakistan. US has military presence, Chinese have military presence, so has NATO.... What a mess you have created of your country.

Please for your own sake, its time to tell everyone of the above to get the hell out of your country. Our politicians are equally corrupt, our intel agencies are equally inefficient. But atleast we have not given every other country a free pass to be inside India and play their dirty game at their will.

Pakistani can take care of their country on their own.
Thanks Jana, Can you help me locating the runway here in Google Map. I am novice you see.


here it is I found it. Sorry there was many more Naval bases in Karachi! This one is close to the runway. PAF base Faisal is within the limits of PNS. How come no immediate support from the Air Wing?
T-Faz,are you following the news regularly? did you read the news, when navy buses were attacked, Azad Baloch of BLA specifically accepted the responsibility beside the TTP. what made you think that BLA is not again involved in it as DAWN has reported Baloch separatists claimed responsibility again

Sir jee according to our Mr moderator we shouldn't accuse BLA of this attack even if it claims since all evils are because of maulvis or arabs or zia etc etc.
only Mehran base was attacked...why the threads title says mehran-faisal base? its misleading
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