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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

NO...your armed forces are there to protect your installations. Why depend on China or any other country. And mind you...once China is attacked by the terrorists your relation with them would weaken. All Pakistan needs to do is to weed out terrorist sympathizers from the armed forces and everything will fall in line.

Its not depending on someone its cashing in the best option and best option is give China a base in Pakistan.

many countries including your India has bases in foreign countries.

anyway i still support immediate base for China in Pakistan
These two are this governments only guarantee that their government will not end up like all others -

But I thought you wanted the Army to stay out of politics? So why complain about Pasha and Kayani doing exactly that, and not being a threat to the civilian government?

You are utterly confused and really have no idea of what you want.
Zardari, Nawaz or any other civilian actually have the right to rule Pakistan - Pakistan belongs to us, civilians, not the Fauj - Agnostic seems to have made a career arguing that Pakistan belongs to the Army and we should all be happy to be the army's serfs -
our naval defence has got much much weak
but how did these terrorists got access to such things without entering you must have your service id card
and wear a uniform
Charsi, BLA is supported by foreign entities but it is not capable of anything noteworthy, all it does is kill innocents in non secure areas of Balochistan.

Rather than speculating, bring some proof.

Thanks for name calling and abusing. Making racists and idiots a moderator is always a dumb thing to do. Unfortunately defence.pk has committed this mistake.

The banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan and Baloch separatists had claimed the responsibility of the attacks.

Naval Base Attacks

Anyways since all evil comes from Arabs and Zia and Maulivs we shouldn't accuse BLA of this incident even if they claim responsibility.
And who is going to appoint 'formidable replacements'? Zardari, Gillani or perhaps Nawaz? They will choose the most pliant they can find, not the most competent, and typically these 'pliant' types that our political leadership chooses end up being the corrupt ones that overthrow the Govt. - Zia, Musharraf etc.

The changes needed in the security establishment go beyond just the military command, they are required in everything from civilian law enforcement and intelligence to improved intelligence capabilities at the ISI, and not least, improved governance by the 'elected leadership'.

bhutto chose zia over 5 senior officers and nawaz picked musharraf over 6 senior generals and the rest is history as they say - zia destroyed 'professionalism' in the army and musharraf, we are reaping the seeds he sowed........
And even bigger fact is that these muslim strategic assets have joined hands with secular nationalists of BLA. All Americans came out of the base unharmed while terrorists just after destroying the aircrafts went for the building where the chinese men were living. Still no foreign hand. OK. I agree with you. :disagree:

The blame lies on both foreign and domestic agents. The foot soldiers for terrorism are local brainwashed jihadis, but the funding comes from external and domestic agencies. However, since we can't really control CIA, Mossad, RAW, Arabs, etc. the only thing we can do is to eliminate the jihdai scourge from our society, so our enemies cannot find willing recruits already within Pakistan.

If our people put Pakistan first, and being Muslim as a private matter, then troublemakers -- foreign or domestic -- cannot exploit the 'true Muslim' card to promote terrorism.
Zardari, Nawaz or any other civilian actually have the right to rule Pakistan - Pakistan belongs to us, civilians, not the Fauj - Agnostic seems to have made a career arguing that Pakistan belongs to the Army and we should all be happy to be the army's serfs -

Oh right, I am the one arguing we should be 'serfs of the military' when right here you were complaining about the current military leadership not being a threat to the civilian government:

"These two are this governments only guarantee that their government will not end up like all others "

Sir, you are confused and and have no clue as to what you want, hence the repeated distortions of others positions and obfuscation.

My position has always been that we need to hold the elected leadership accountable, and if they say they have no control over certain policies, openly question those that the politicians claim have control. So far our government has not stated anything of the sort openly.
all the formidable men are 'superseded' when the time comes to select 'professionals' for the top jobs!

Because all governments have ti be looking over their shoulder to ensure the army is not scheming against the government of the Republic -- It's very sad that it is not understood on this forum and among people who should know better, that army must return to the barracks in a complete manner, and that thgis is necessary for it's survival in it's present form
we dont know from where geo is getting intel, by all other channels 5 have been arrested
And who is going to appoint 'formidable replacements'? Zardari, Gillani or perhaps Nawaz? They will choose the most pliant they can find, not the most competent, and typically these 'pliant' types that our political leadership chooses end up being the corrupt ones that overthrow the Govt. - Zia, Musharraf etc.

The changes needed in the security establishment go beyond just the military command, they are required in everything from civilian law enforcement and intelligence to improved intelligence capabilities at the ISI, and not least, improved governance by the 'elected leadership'.

Based on Merit and professional successes, not on the orders of our pathetic civilian government.

I would prefer to see Gen. Tariq Khan lead the army while Maj Gen. Asfandyar Ali Khan is made DG ISI.

Both are the right kind of men required for this current predicament.
I think General Khalid Wynne, the current CJCSC should be promoted to COAS. He is also 58 years old and can probably get an extension till he turns 62.

He was supposed to be COAS when Kayani got a few more years through an extension.

But the problem with General Wynne is that he more politically inclined and has links with the PPP government.

Someone who has actually been a part of our operations in FATA should be in charge of this army.

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------

all the formidable men are 'superseded' when the time comes to select 'professionals' for the top jobs!

I know but this is time to change this political tradition.

Get the right leader in place and the whole institution will revert back to its glory days.
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