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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

its high time we hand over Gwadar to China completely as the next war is coming our way over Gwadar and it will be joined all of our foreign enemies and so-called allies in WoT.
NO...your armed forces are there to protect your installations. Why depend on China or any other country. And mind you...once China is attacked by the terrorists your relation with them would weaken. All Pakistan needs to do is to weed out terrorist sympathizers from the armed forces and everything will fall in line.
its high time we hand over Gwadar to China completely as the next war is coming our way over Gwadar and it will be joined all of our foreign enemies and so-called allies in WoT.

Given all these chaos, will Gwadar be economically feasible for China? just a thought.
Many Pakistanis in denial mode again blaming RAW, CIA, Zionist Aliens and whatever that comes to their confused mind. To this day, not one attack has been succesfully linked to any foreign entity. It's our very own Muslim strategic assets who attacked us because in their view, Pakistan is not Islamic enough.

Harkat-ul-Islam is probably behind this, our Arab brothers give them a lot of money and they are very well trained. Their aim is probably to show that they can still attack military installments.

Our forces have shown their incompetence again and until we do not realise that these terrorists are the enemy, this will continue.

How shameful?

There are just too many terrorist sympathizers in our forces.

And even bigger fact is that these muslim strategic assets have joined hands with secular nationalists of BLA. All Americans came out of the base unharmed while terrorists just after destroying the aircrafts went for the building where the chinese men were living. Still no foreign hand. OK. I agree with you. :disagree:
here is My P3 :hitwall: Orian
This Pasha and Kiyani need to go.

What kind of unprofessional army has PA become, why aren't their replacements for these men who have utterly failed?

Tell them to go play golf so we can get some formidable men to lead us in this war.
And even bigger fact is that these muslim strategic assets have joined hands with secular nationalists of BLA. All Americans came out of the base unharmed while terrorists just after destroying the aircrafts went for the building where the chinese men were living. Still no foreign hand. OK. I agree with you. :disagree:

Charsi, BLA is supported by foreign entities but it is not capable of anything noteworthy, all it does is kill innocents in non secure areas of Balochistan.

Rather than speculating, bring some proof.
USA and Europe are just trying to keep alive their dying influence in the region -

1. If USA and NATO wants, it can finish off this Taliban business very quickly. But they won't.
2. Pakistan is not allowing US investments into its economy the way americans want it. This will allow USA to take control of Pakistan in more comprehensive way. This is a major contention between US and Pakistan, OBL is only a smaller drama and irrelevant here.
3. USA wants to cut off Pakistan from India and sabotage SAARC economic block. SAARC currency will single handedly over-shadow Euro as single biggest currency block in just 10 years, if you look at market size of SAARC.
4. Keeping TTP alive helps in accomplishing 2 and 3.
5. After the Civilian Govt. (zardari) came to power, 2 and 3 are becoming more difficult because Civilian politicos of Pakistan are in favour of good economic relations with India.
6. The recent OBL episode took place due to event 5. Otherwise, there was no hurry to do 5. OBL episode is convincing me that, USA will attempt something more desperate in coming months to take control in the region.

Now, some obervations:

1. Let it be clear, that an unstable Pakistan in hands of Jihadis is bad for India and China both. But it fully achieves USA+British European agendas for region.
2. There might be some temptations in China to let this unstable situation carry on for few more years or a decade, to slow down regional growth. It will help China push up its own profile in Asia.
3. China has no stakes in SAARC or rupee block. In fact, it will only hurt China(renmibi) as competitor. Same is true with Dollar and Euro. Noone likes a new competitor.
4. Saudis have no role in this region and never had in history. Those who think they have, are fooling themself and only helping outside agendas. Saudis have sold out their own state to west, why they will fight for you? The recent attack on Saudi diplomat was showing this frustration of a segment in Pakistan who believed in that idea. Its a wake up sign.

Points 3,3 above are very important. That's the reason China, USA and Europe all have common objective here. They will keep region boiling forever and break it if possible.

I think the end-game here is, India and Pakistan should join hands to finish off this western funded terrorism mess(started with Saudi+USA funded Jehad war on Soviets) and form an economic union. Lets bring peace and prosperity for our brothers. Its time to complete what was left in 1947.

I dont think you can say China, USA, and Europe have a common plan to break the region.

China needs the region stable and Pakstan as an ally for pipelines and export ports.

USA would not like China to have such freedom. Their interests arent the same. This fault line gives rise to the Great Game which is usually played in Afghanistan but Pakistan also is part of the playground that everyone uses.
This Pasha and Kiyani need to go.

What kind of unprofessional army has PA become, why aren't their replacements for these men who have utterly failed?

Tell them to go play golf so we can get some formidable men to lead us in this war.

These two are this governments only guarantee that their government will not end up like all others - The army really has become a liability, it merely sucks the wealth out of Pakistan and gives us failure after failure after failure -- it may be time to think if we don't need a very large and effective national police force and a small army, but one that fights and kills the enemies of Pakistan for a living, as opposed to ruling over us.
This Pasha and Kiyani need to go.

What kind of unprofessional army has PA become, why aren't their replacements for these men who have utterly failed?

Tell them to go play golf so we can get some formidable men to lead us in this war.

And who is going to appoint 'formidable replacements'? Zardari, Gillani or perhaps Nawaz? They will choose the most pliant they can find, not the most competent, and typically these 'pliant' types that our political leadership chooses end up being the corrupt ones that overthrow the Govt. - Zia, Musharraf etc.

The changes needed in the security establishment go beyond just the military command, they are required in everything from civilian law enforcement and intelligence to improved intelligence capabilities at the ISI, and not least, improved governance by the 'elected leadership'.
This Pasha and Kiyani need to go.

What kind of unprofessional army has PA become, why aren't their replacements for these men who have utterly failed?

Tell them to go play golf so we can get some formidable men to lead us in this war.

I think General Khalid Wynne, the current CJCSC should be promoted to COAS. He is also 58 years old and can probably get an extension till he turns 62.

He was supposed to be COAS when Kayani got a few more years through an extension.
This Pasha and Kiyani need to go.

What kind of unprofessional army has PA become, why aren't their replacements for these men who have utterly failed?

Tell them to go play golf so we can get some formidable men to lead us in this war.

all the formidable men are 'superseded' when the time comes to select 'professionals' for the top jobs!
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