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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Its not depending on someone its cashing in the best option and best option is give China a base in Pakistan.

many countries including your India has bases in foreign countries.

anyway i still support immediate base for China in Pakistan

What must be coincidental is that a couple of days before there were reports Pakistan wanted to China to build a naval base at Gwadar.


And a couple of days later, this one gets attacked.
Its not depending on someone its cashing in the best option and best option is give China a base in Pakistan.

many countries including your India has bases in foreign countries.

anyway i still support immediate base for China in Pakistan
I dont say having a base is not a good thing. But now is not the right time IMO. You have given a base to US, UAE and now China? NATO base also is so near. Pakistan will become a battleground for the proxies of all these major players oncea base is given.
Zardari, Nawaz or any other civilian actually have the right to rule Pakistan - Pakistan belongs to us, civilians, not the Fauj - Agnostic seems to have made a career arguing that Pakistan belongs to the Army and we should all be happy to be the army's serfs -

and Agno can claim the same about you sir by saying you made career by supporting corrupt politicians and bashing army :)

lets not malign the jawans and officers of Army who are sacrificing their lives, just because few idiots are committing mistakes
The blame lies on both foreign and domestic agents. The foot soldiers for terrorism are local brainwashed jihadis, but the funding comes from external and domestic agencies. However, since we can't really control CIA, Mossad, RAW, Arabs, etc. the only thing we can do is to eliminate the jihdai scourge from our society, so our enemies cannot find willing recruits already within Pakistan.

If our people put Pakistan first, and being Muslim as a private matter, then troublemakers -- foreign or domestic -- cannot exploit the 'true Muslim' card to promote terrorism.

A case for a communist state. Someone had to say it.
Zardari, Nawaz or any other civilian actually have the right to rule Pakistan - Pakistan belongs to us, civilians, not the Fauj - Agnostic seems to have made a career arguing that Pakistan belongs to the Army and we should all be happy to be the army's serfs -

Easy to criticize army while sitting in some western country. Empty words and concerns, at least army is doing something, fighting terrorists, no matter how much they fail each time. they again rise up and live to fight another day. What you do, you woke up every day and live to criticize army another day?

What will happen If Pasha and Kiyani changed? The old policies will still be followed, the budget constraints will remain there, the intelligence failures will still occur. What will actually happen if we change Kiyani and Pasha?
I dont say having a base is not a good thing. But now is not the right time IMO. You have given a base to US, UAE and now China? NATO base also is so near. Pakistan will become a battleground for the proxies of all these major players oncea base is given.

True. But now is the right time to shift all the bases in China's camp.
Thanks for name calling and abusing. Making racists and idiots a moderator is always a dumb thing to do. Unfortunately defence.pk has committed this mistake.

Naval Base Attacks

Anyways since all evil comes from Arabs and Zia and Maulivs we shouldn't accuse BLA of this incident even if they claim responsibility.

What name calling?

Its an apt observation, without any proof or information, you seem to be linking this attack to entities that might not be involved in this attack.

Btw Baloch separatists are not exactly BLA, they are more likely to be Jundullah, another group which was previously supported by our security establishment. We are still accused of supporting them to this day and they have launched attacks in Karachi previously.

But you can keep believing anything you want, its the BLA with Zionist alien Hinjews who carried out this attack.
Because all governments have ti be looking over their shoulder to ensure the army is not scheming against the government of the Republic -- It's very sad that it is not understood on this forum and among people who should know better, that army must return to the barracks in a complete manner, and that thgis is necessary for it's survival in it's present form

i beg to differ my friend - bhutto, nawaz, BB are 'parnoid' to the hilt. they have never tried to understand how the army works/operates. because of this 'weakness', they have time and again given space not only to the military but to the establishment to 'undermine' their authority - in nawaz's case, he wanted to run the army like it was a branch of his steel business, he wanted to interfere in the day-to-day affairs of the military. it dosnt work that way, while bhutto and BB were not as 'stupid' as NS, but their self-inflicted paranoia let them down the wrong road.
all the formidable men are 'superseded' when the time comes to select 'professionals' for the top jobs!

The Superseding of generals for COAS is acceptable to a limit. Musharraf's appointment was odd, Kayani's wasn't.

Anyway as things stand General Kayani and Zardari seem hand in glove as well. Right now the question is being raised on whether or not can he defend Pakistan.
we dont know from where geo is getting intel, by all other channels 5 have been arrested

But what does that mean - arrested were or are attackers or not - were they arrested inside the base?

I'm really concerned that we simply will not have a investigation into this - and once again, like the Lahore attacks, the Navy Bus attack and a host of other attacks, never know the truth of how the enemy is - how the armed forces are situated, the depth and breadth of Islamist infiltration -- This operation has been a huge success, all over the world the story is if the base can be attacked, how safe are the nuclear materials, triggers, components.

I realize this is not how it is or will be seen in Pakistan and this is a reflection of the insularity Pakistan seek escape in, but I hope there are people who realize we need a different kind of army, one that fights Pakistan's enemies, not Pakistan's civilian governments.
Easy to criticize army while sitting in some western country. Empty words and concerns, at least army is doing something, fighting terrorists, no matter how much they fail each time. they again rise up and live to fight another day. What you do, you woke up every day and live to criticize army another day?

What will happen If Pasha and Kiyani changed? The old policies will still be followed, the budget constraints will remain there, the intelligence failures will still occur. What will actually happen if we change Kiyani and Pasha?

should we then not grant them a life time service option ?
If P3C is destroyed... I have question here? where is the nearest runway to land P3C...

I have my own doubts on this news...?


Wreckage of P-3C Orion aircrafts seen at the base after an assault by Khariji TTP militants. 23 May 2011


Soldiers take position during the operation against the Takfiri militants of TTP to regain control of the base. 23 May 2011


Soldiers arrive at PNS Mehran naval base to regain control after attack by Khariji TTP militants. 23 May 2011


Soldiers take position during the operation against the Takfiri militants of TTP to regain control of the base. 23 May 2011


Soldiers gather at PNS Mehran naval base during an operation against militants. 23 May 2011
I dont say having a base is not a good thing. But now is not the right time IMO. You have given a base to US, UAE and now China? NATO base also is so near. Pakistan will become a battleground for the proxies of all these major players oncea base is given.

Pakistan is already a battlefield for our enemies. the next target is Balochistan for sure and its HIGH TIME base should be given to CHINA in Gwadar
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