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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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Despite what the Indian media trumpets everyday, the China side of the China-India border is pretty demilitarized as compared to our border with Vietnam or the coast facing the Taiwan straits. This could change.
Here is the area where some of China's extended range rocket artillery can be placed to hit New Delhi.

So this warning given by China was basically for India not for the U.S. Even so ..if there was a surgical strike by India on training camps etc ...what exactly can China do about it ?

My personal view, if there is a security commitment, then China will do all necessary actions to stop India attacks, but China should not expand the war. Our goal should be to continue to maintain peace and stability in South Asia. But war is not predictable, who knows what will happen, so best not to fire, it is not interesting enough.
A dumb thread and 36 pages !
Position strike forces at the border and theatre missile forces (300-400km) within distance of New Delhi.

And India wont counter ? a similar response by India is guaranteed ...probably a massive increase in the flying sorties of MKIs on the Eastern front with our Cruise missile aimed at Tibetan silos .

Remarkably despite all the hallabaloo about the so called two font war - this is exactly what Gen Kapoor envisioned :cheers: - Now see how accurate the scenario he predicted is ....
And India wont counter ? a similar response by India is guaranteed ...probably a massive increase in the flying sorties of MKIs on the Eastern front with our Cruise missile aimed at Tibetan silos .

Basically if China sits a strike forces on India's border. India cannot conduct offensive operations against Pakistan without risking a two front war against the People Liberation Army.
The extent of Chinese support would be diplomatic and utilization of the veto in the UN - else the Chinese will not do jack. And they are right - why get embroiled in a fight which is not theirs?
And India wont counter ? a similar response by India is guaranteed ...probably a massive increase in the flying sorties of MKIs on the Eastern front with our Cruise missile aimed at Tibetan silos .

Does India have enough planes to increase sorties at the Tibet border and conduct an air war against Pakistan?
Sure if you think the IA can match the PLA at the border and still conduct an offensive operation against Pakistan.

I dont need to think ...This is EXACTLY what the IA is geared to do ...hold the line on the Eastern Front ...offensive on the West ....

All the strategies Cold start , Two font war etc etc ...and all the preparations and allotments of mountain corps and divisions etc are geared towards this particular scenario.
I dont need to think ...This is EXACTLY what the IA is geared to do ...hold the line on the Eastern Front ...offensive on the West ....

All the strategies Cold start , Two font war etc etc ...and all the preparations and allotments of mountain corps and divisions etc are geared towards this particular scenario.

You're being unrealistic. My advice India should stop thinking about "punishing" Pakistan and take steps to recognize Pakistan's fear of India. That is the root of their terror campaign against India.
My personal view, if there is a security commitment, then China will do all necessary actions to stop India attacks, but China should not expand the war. Our goal should be to continue to maintain peace and stability in South Asia. But war is not predictable, who knows what will happen, so best not to fire, it is not interesting enough.

The only reason India may attack is NOT to capture territory , invade etc etc...but

1) to eliminate terrorists in the event of a terrorist attack

2) to crack down on training camps and terrorist safe havens

so if China protects its ally after a terrorist attack , it is tantamount to encouraging terrorism against India.
Here's something I posted on anther thread.

I can't help wondering if this Indian rapid spending to gain rough parity with China's ramping up of defence spending is a good idea.

China's expansion is focused toward several concrete goals, such as winning a confrontation over the Taiwan straits, maintaining the balance of power on the Korean peninsular, control of the China seas south and east, and working towards blue water power projection to protect its commerce towards Malacca straits and beyond.

Why is India expanding at an equal pace to China? Well it seems to me on the surface of it, there are a couple of reason and their merits vary. One, India is a rapidly growing economy looking to take what it think is its rightful place amongst the traditional great powers, and you can't be a great power without the military heft. Two, to get rid of that nagging feeling of vulnerability that India picked up when it was defeated pretty effortless in 1962. China is expanding and India vowing never to let 1962 repeat, wants to keep pace, matching every China's breakthrough with arm purchases. Three, Pakistan, the eternal foe. India wants to put Pakistani terrorism in the dirt and hopefully Pakistan along with it for all the past grievances.

But these are all vague objectives, what kind of contingency can you plan for against China when China isn't even paying much attention to its western borders except with an eye on stopping terrorist infiltration (hence the SCO and continuing cooperation with Pakistan)? And how much "military heft" do you reckon is enough for a 'great power'? as much as the UK? as much as China? As much as the US? Where do you want to be and how much are you willing to spend to get there on borrowed gear (ie bought without the means of production). And lastly Pakistan, do you really think that conventional military capabilities are what's going to deter Pakistan? You can't afford a war that will derail your growth, Pakistan knows this, and they will keep pushing to the limits by unofficial support for irregulars and Jihadis. They hate you so much and are so fearful that they are grasping live coals in their bare hands to throw in your eyes, even if they get burned. You think that making them feel more vulnerable by conventional capabilities and meddling in Afg. is going to make them renounce support for terrorism?
The only reason India may attack is NOT to capture territory , invade etc etc...but

1) to eliminate terrorists in the event of a terrorist attack

2) to crack down on training camps and terrorist safe havens

so if China protects its ally after a terrorist attack , it is tantamount to encouraging terrorism against India.

Looks like my answer from #535 anticipated this post.

You're being unrealistic. My advice India should stop thinking about "punishing" Pakistan and take steps to recognize Pakistan's fear of India. That is the root of their terror campaign against India.
You're being unrealistic. My advice India should stop thinking about "punishing" Pakistan and take steps to recognize Pakistan's fear of India. That is the root of their terror campaign against India.

we realize their fear. we also realize the fear is self-induced.
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