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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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2 Saabs have been destroyed.

There were three stationed at Kamra, Saabs have never before been stationed at Kamra for a time long enough and that too three together. They are usually in 2 in Chaklala, and 2 somewhere else. This was the first time three were there, and bam. So, the terrorists knew about the movement.

Got off the phone from 3-4 folks, and it is confirmed, the official statement will not come for sometime, until the people forget this.

Now, you may call me a hoax, a stupid man, or whatever.

It is very hard to believe that two have been destroyed....

Anyway, today's Newspaper had an article stating that Airforce is in talks with Sweden's Saab, as they are sending one aircraft for repairs..........
It is very hard to believe that two have been destroyed....

Anyway, today's Newspaper had an article stating that Airforce is in talks with Sweden's Saab, as they are sending one aircraft for repairs..........

Every official that has been quoted by newspapers is saying only one aircraft has been damaged-not destroyed
Did those folks also tell you where exactly the three SAAB parked?

sounds like all three were in the same hanger...

The RPG landed in fornt of the nose of the aircraft. The shockwave has done body and structural damage. One aircraft is more serious than the other. The good thing is that the rocket did not hit the SAAB directly, rather in front.

The Saab team will then come to inspect the damage.

People need to understand that in aviation, aircraft destroyed does not mean blown to bits and pieces. A aircraft's skin is very weak, and depending on the damage a assessment is done. Unlike a car, which can be dented and painted, aircraft cannot. If the RPG shockwave damaged the wing spar or some other crucial part, then it is written off.

ANother thing is the cost offset. Is the repair cost justifiable by the use of the platform. If it was a F-7, no it is not. If it is a Saab or Il-78, yes it is justifiable if it was within the limits.

And no, i didn't ask the location.
It looks like Semtex. Its actually a "commercial grade" plastic explosive, used extensively in the mining and demolition industry. Can't be that hard to procure, in Pakistan.

if u look u can see plant pot and solid flooring indicating that this was inside a building.
sorry i could not include the picture with this post showing one of the dead terrorist.
Every official that has been quoted by newspapers is saying only one aircraft has been damaged-not destroyed

Seriously damaged. Now the Saab team will do their report and get the damage assessment and the cost, and PAF will have the final say.

If the structure of the aircraft has sustained enough damage, it is useless, even though it may seem fine on the surface.
All facts and figures are giving only one result about mastermind of this attack: INDIA. They got and we lost. Let's see next....... PA+PAF+PN.
Seriously damaged. Now the Saab team will do their report and get the damage assessment and the cost, and PAF will have the final say.

If the structure of the aircraft has sustained enough damage, it is useless, even though it may seem fine on the surface.


I think its best for the official reports to come out.

Right now everyone is just speculating on the extent of the damage.
These reports were from the initial stages of the attack when nothing was clear...
Later the spokesman was probably asked to STFU by higher command.

I stick by my previous question..
There were about half a dozen news teams surrounding the Airbase reporting Live and cameras zoomed into all corners of airbase...
why we didnt see any hanger burning?

Why is it necessary for it to burn. RPG hits in front, and does enough structural and body damage to the aircraft.

This part is clear through the PAF spokesman and the MoD, that a RPG did hit the aircraft or somewhere near it. Now, no refute has come by PAF, nor any statement that it is safe. They are saying damage, sometimes say big damage, sometimes not so much.

The links to the spokesman claim has also been given by mafiya that it sustained big damage.
what 2 or 3 awacs were doing at MINHAS airbase?

i mean as members are saying 2 awacs remain stationed at chaklala airbase (?)

Excellent question. 3 aircraft had never before come to Kamra at one time. This was the first time that they were at the same place. And boom. Before it was 2 at Chaklala, and others somewhere else.

I suspect inside info, how else could they have known that 3 aircraft are there at same time?
The RPG landed in fornt of the nose of the aircraft. The shockwave has done body and structural damage. One aircraft is more serious than the other. The good thing is that the rocket did not hit the SAAB directly, rather in front.

The Saab team will then come to inspect the damage.

People need to understand that in aviation, aircraft destroyed does not mean blown to bits and pieces. A aircraft's skin is very weak, and depending on the damage a assessment is done. Unlike a car, which can be dented and painted, aircraft cannot. If the RPG shockwave damaged the wing spar or some other crucial part, then it is written off.

ANother thing is the cost offset. Is the repair cost justifiable by the use of the platform. If it was a F-7, no it is not. If it is a Saab or Il-78, yes it is justifiable if it was within the limits.

And no, i didn't ask the location.

Where'd you get this info?
Excellent question. 3 aircraft had never before come to Kamra at one time. This was the first time that they were at the same place. And boom. Before it was 2 at Chaklala, and others somewhere else.

I suspect inside info, how else could they have known that 3 aircraft are there at same time?

info on exact time, location and bearings - probably must have had some kind of internal help.
All facts and figures are giving only one result about mastermind of this attack: INDIA. They got and we lost. Let's see next....... PA+PAF+PN.

Not yet, i will wait for official confirmation of Erieye damage...
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