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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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AFP 12 hrs ago | 1 Comment

ISLAMABAD - A second air man died of injuries sustained in an audacious extremist assault on a key air base, raising the overall death toll from the attack to 11, the military said Friday.
Heavily armed militants dressed in fatigues and wearing suicide vests stormed the base on Thursday, sparking heavy clashes that killed one security official and nine attackers at PAF Base Minhas in the northwestern town of Kamra.
Air Force spokesman Tariq Mahmood told AFP that a second air man had died in hospital on Friday morning as a result of injuries from the assault.
The Pakistani Taliban claimed what was the worst attack on a military base for more than a year, reviving concerns about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
PAF Minhas, in Punjab province and only 60 kilometres (35 miles) northwest of Islamabad, has been attacked twice before, but on previous occasions the militants had not managed to penetrate the compound.
Its aeronautical complex assembles Mirage and, with Chinese help, JF-17 fighter jets.
But RPG did pierced through the Hangar and exploded inside it. But we didnot see any smoke than did we?
single RPG round cannot destroy a static plane without starting a fuel fire.....
That too after it had already hit the hanger walls.

AFP 12 hrs ago | 1 Comment

ISLAMABAD - A second air man died of injuries sustained in an audacious extremist assault on a key air base, raising the overall death toll from the attack to 11, the military said Friday.
Heavily armed militants dressed in fatigues and wearing suicide vests stormed the base on Thursday, sparking heavy clashes that killed one security official and nine attackers at PAF Base Minhas in the northwestern town of Kamra.
Air Force spokesman Tariq Mahmood told AFP that a second air man had died in hospital on Friday morning as a result of injuries from the assault.
The Pakistani Taliban claimed what was the worst attack on a military base for more than a year, reviving concerns about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
PAF Minhas, in Punjab province and only 60 kilometres (35 miles) northwest of Islamabad, has been attacked twice before, but on previous occasions the militants had not managed to penetrate the compound.
Its aeronautical complex assembles Mirage and, with Chinese help, JF-17 fighter jets.

Thanks for the Update...But this is PDF and news come here in minutes...
We already know that...
A nozzle of an Airborne Warning and Control System (Awacs) aircraft was damaged as a rocket-propelled grenade hit it when terrorists stormed Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Airbase Minhas in Kamra on Thursday. However, the aircraft is repairable, Minister for Defence Syed Naveed Qamar said.

“The engineers and technicians of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex have examined the partially damaged aircraft, and according to the initial report, this most advanced Awacs aircraft of the Saab-2000 category can be repaired,” said the defence minister while talking to The News at an Iftar-dinner hosted by the Iranian ambassador here on Thursday. “A test flight of the aircraft will be conducted after repairing it,” he added.

So RPG was able to hit AWACS. Now real question remains, Is PAF version true, if true than why rumor mill is persisting so hard and was there more awacs standing beside that AWACS

single RPG round cannot destroy a static plane without starting a fuel fire.....
That too after it had already hit the hanger walls.

HEAT or Fragmentation round can do worse and terrorist have abundance of these rounds
So RPG was able to hit AWACS. Now real question remains, Is PAF version true, if true than why rumor mill is persisting so hard and was there more awacs standing beside that AWACS

HEAT or Fragmentation round can do worse and terrorist have abundance of these rounds

Simple.....because we are Pakistani.
HEAT is shaped charge and is only good for armor piercing as the explosion is concentrated in one point...Once the RPG hits something the shape deforms and effectiveness deteriorates...
Plus RPG is only good for small enclosed spaces such as Armoured vehicles..
For a target the size of Aircraft hanger,it cant be as effective as to destroy a whole aircraft...I fail to see the logic in this argument which is flying around all over...

Fragmentation can do some damage but not to the extent of destroying a plane without fire and smoke.
how do you know - did u see it?

You need to update yourself Mr.Fatman

“They were armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades,” PAF spokesman Group Captain Tariq Mahmood said. He said at least one of the rockets hit a hangar that was holding some aircraft. The rocket pierced the hangar wall and shrapnel from the explosion damaged one of the aircraft inside. The spokesman did not mention the type of aircraft that was damaged in the attack, but another security official, seeking anonymity, said it was a SAAB-2000 Early Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft that was being used for the reconnaissance missions.

HEAT is shaped charge and is only good for armor piercing as the explosion is concentrated in one point...Once the RPG hits something the shape deforms and effectiveness deteriorates...
Plus RPG is only good for small enclosed spaces such as Armoured vehicles..
For a target the size of Aircraft hanger,it cant be as effective as to destroy a whole aircraft...I fail to see the logic in this argument which is flying around all over...

Fragmentation can do some damage but not to the extent of destroying a plane without fire and smoke.

But are we sure Terrorists fired only one RPG towards the hangar?

These reports were from the initial stages of the attack when nothing was clear...
Later the spokesman was probably asked to STFU by higher command.

I stick by my previous question..
There were about half a dozen news teams surrounding the Airbase reporting Live and cameras zoomed into all corners of airbase...
why we didnt see any hanger burning?

So We are certain Higher Command is hiding something. From Substantial to Minor To No Damage. Sign of a nervous person who is definitely hiding something.
what 2 or 3 awacs were doing at MINHAS airbase?

i mean as members are saying 2 awacs remain stationed at chaklala airbase (?)
what 2 or 3 awacs were doing at MINHAS airbase?

i mean as members are saying 2 awacs remain stationed at chaklala airbase (?)

For maintenance purposes most probably

what 2 or 3 awacs were doing at MINHAS airbase?

i mean as members are saying 2 awacs remain stationed at chaklala airbase (?)

For maintenance purposes most probably
The faces and footsoldiers of TTP may be Pakistani (in many instances they have also been foreign), but the planners, financers, suppliers and trainers are not. It may even be that the TTP footsoldiers who carry out terror attacks across Pakistan may not even be aware of the identity of their ultimate controllers and beneficiaries. They may even think that they are carrying out some Jihad for religious purposes when, in fact, all that they are doing is serving the interests of foreign non-Muslim powers and inflicting harm on the world's only nuclear-armed Muslim country. This is not too far-fetched. Victor Ostrovsky, the former Mossad agent, in his 1990 book, By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer, revealed that, at any given time, only around 100 people knew they were working for Mossad, whereas the actual number working for Mossad, directly or indirectly, ran in the thousands, all unaware of their actual employer.

Neutralizing Pakistan's maritime surveillance and anti-submarine/shipping capability can only benefit a state actor with a navy and naval designs against Pakistan. Similarly, neutralizing Pakistan's air-to-air refuelling and airborne early warning and radar jamming capabilities can only benefit a state actor with an air force and aerial designs against Pakistan. Neither of the two can benefit a terrorist organization engaged in urban terrorism and guerrilla warfare in mountainous terrain. Needless to say, terrorist organizations such as the TTP neither have naval or air power, so what threat are they neutralizing by targetting the naval and air power of Pakistan? Thus, it is clear that the TTP is engaged in 4th generation warfare against Pakistan at the behest of a foreign state actor or actor(s).
Neutralizing Pakistan's maritime surveillance and anti-submarine/shipping capability can only benefit a state actor with a navy and naval designs against Pakistan. Similarly, neutralizing Pakistan's air-to-air refuelling and airborne early warning and radar jamming capabilities can only benefit a state actor with an air force and aerial designs against Pakistan.
These would have been more believable if some advantage was taken by the "state actor" after these attacks. None have come to notice. P3C's were destroyed. Forget an attack, not even naval posturing took place.
Like others are saying, state actors would be more bothered about the nukes rather than these force multipliers.
The faces and footsoldiers of TTP may be Pakistani (in many instances they have also been foreign), but the planners, financers, suppliers and trainers are not. It may even be that the TTP footsoldiers who carry out terror attacks across Pakistan may not even be aware of the identity of their ultimate controllers and beneficiaries. They may even think that they are carrying out some Jihad for religious purposes when, in fact, all that they are doing is serving the interests of foreign non-Muslim powers and inflicting harm on the world's only nuclear-armed Muslim country. This is not too far-fetched. Victor Ostrovsky, the former Mossad agent, in his 1990 book, By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer, revealed that, at any given time, only around 100 people knew they were working for Mossad, whereas the actual number working for Mossad, directly or indirectly, ran in the thousands, all unaware of their actual employer.

Neutralizing Pakistan's maritime surveillance and anti-submarine/shipping capability can only benefit a state actor with a navy and naval designs against Pakistan. Similarly, neutralizing Pakistan's air-to-air refuelling and airborne early warning and radar jamming capabilities can only benefit a state actor with an air force and aerial designs against Pakistan. Neither of the two can benefit a terrorist organization engaged in urban terrorism and guerrilla warfare in mountainous terrain. Needless to say, terrorist organizations such as the TTP neither have naval or air power, so what threat are they neutralizing by targetting the naval and air power of Pakistan? Thus, it is clear that the TTP is engaged in 4th generation warfare against Pakistan at the behest of a foreign state actor or actor(s).

Please put inverted commas on quotes and provide the source of the quote. The above quote is from the following article:

The Pakistani Nationalist: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan: An Instrument of 4th Generation Warfare against Pakistan
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