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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

LOL this guy is so ashamed of his own history that he is even denying their own texts.
Source of the article is even a Chinese woman who graduated in China.
LOl, you know Chinese better than we Chinese , right? Ask all Chinese member here who eats dog meat. It's like I m say all Iranians eat cats even I've never been to Iran, that's ridiculous.
Han Chinese in both northern and southern China traditionally ate dog meat. Meat was a rare commodity in feudal China, so farmers often slaughtered their dogs to supplement their diets of rice, millet, and vegetables. In “The Discourses of the States,” a text published during the 4th century B.C., it is written that King Goujian of Yue, hoping to boost birth rates and recruit more soldiers for his armies, ruled that families giving birth to male offspring would be rewarded with two urns of wine and a dog to be eaten by the boy’s mother to help her recover after giving birth.


I have to admit, I don't give a single shit about dogs, I don't mind if they are slaughtered, because I don't differentiate between animal life and I'm not vegan or a PETA-occultist ... (I'm more of a cat-loving person) ...
but it has to be mentioned, that yall eat not just dogs, but also all other kinds of creatures - bats, rats, insects, human children, urine-eggs, etc.
As you can see, Jacky, one can also show you, how inferior yall are, what kind of shit you want to impose on the Eastern Turks - that you have no legitimacy for your arrogance and racism ... you have only been there for 20 years, before that you were a vassal of the Russians and before that the Japanese, Turks, etc. but what the heck...
I have to admit, I don't give a single shit about dogs, I don't mind if they are slaughtered, because I don't differentiate between animal life and I'm not vegan or a PETA-occultist ... (I'm more of a cat-loving person) ...
but it has to be mentioned, that yall eat not just dogs, but also all other kinds of creatures - bats, rats, insects, human children, urine-eggs, etc.
As you can see, Jacky, one can also show you, how inferior yall are, what kind of shit you want to impose on the Eastern Turks - that you have no legitimacy for your arrogance and racism ... you have only been there for 20 years, before that you were a vassal of the Russians and before that the Japanese, Turks, etc. but what the heck...
I mentioned eating dogs because he was implying that the Japanese (I have a huge respect and interest in Japanese culture) have copied the Chinese language and culture. The reason the Han Chinese had to eat dogs, flies and cockroaches in China is because the Han Chinese have never been a ruling class, they have always been subordinates of their rulers.

And then he denied they eat dogs, I showed him an article written by a Chinese woman educated in China who even referred to an old Chinese text from 4.BC. He still denies they traditionally ate dog meat. He just denies everything. What a lame guy
Hello can someone post candid videos of inside the camps
Bro. This is a video from one of the camps. Its a strictly guided video, the whole tour was monitored by the Chinese, and keep in mind, this is the camps the Chinese actually wants you to see, just think about whats going on in the camps the reporters weren't allowed to film

I mentioned eating dogs because he was implying that the Japanese (I have a huge respect and interest in Japanese culture) have copied the Chinese language and culture. The reason the Han Chinese had to eat dogs, flies and cockroaches in China is because the Han Chinese have never been a ruling class, they have always been subordinates of their rulers.

And then he denied they eat dogs, I showed him an article written by a Chinese woman educated in China who even referred to an old Chinese text from 4.BC. He still denies they traditionally ate dog meat. He just denies everything. What a lame guy
I know brother...I know what you targeted - and that's the same I tried to tell this guy - he thinks China and Chinese people are some kind of upper, high-class people, with high culture - but were slaves their entire lifespan...
I love Japan as well - love their culture, picture of family structures, and their understanding of honor and pride, even in battle - there is a strong bond between Japan and Turkey for nearly 200 yrs, they don't even give PKK-diaspora-Kurds legal asylum ... but maybe that will change too, because of US pressure
. you have only been there for 20 years, before that you were a vassal of the Russians and before that the Japanese, Turks, etc. but what the heck...
Ha, you can write you own version of history books and enjoy reading them everyday.

Xinjiang local official in Qing dynasty


After Qing dynasty's fall and before 1949, Xinjiang was under the rule of the Republic of China
The Chinese charaters in the photos mean " Love the country, loyal to the party (KMT Chinese nationalist party)"


And then he denied they eat dogs, I showed him an article written by a Chinese woman educated in China who even referred to an old Chinese text from 4.BC. He still denies they traditionally ate dog meat. He just denies everything. What a lame guy
Of course you know Chinese better than we Chinese, ha, how ridiculous , did you ever meet a Chinese who eats dog meat? why not ask Chinese members here if they eat dog meat? So funny, we know what we eat, become we eat to live everyday.

I mentioned eating dogs because he was implying that the Japanese (I have a huge respect and interest in Japanese culture) have copied the Chinese language and culture.
You really don't know that? I thought you pretended that you don't know cause it's common sense, now it seems like you really don't know, oh my goodness..

Kanji (漢字), one of the three scripts used in the Japanese language, are Chinese characters, which were first introduced to Japan in the 5th century via Korea. Kanji are ideograms, i.e. each character has its own meaning and corresponds to a word. By combining characters, more words can be created.

I can read Japanese newspaper and have a general idea of what the reports are about even I never studied Japanese for a minute in my life, do you know why?
I know brother...I know what you targeted - and that's the same I tried to tell this guy - he thinks China and Chinese people are some kind of upper, high-class people, with high culture - but were slaves their entire lifespan...
I love Japan as well - love their culture, picture of family structures, and their understanding of honor and pride, even in battle - there is a strong bond between Japan and Turkey for nearly 200 yrs, they don't even give PKK-diaspora-Kurds legal asylum ... but maybe that will change too, because of US pressure

They have such a shameful history that they are now fabricating a whole new history. They are still slaves. They slave for Europeans and Americans to create their products. A human slaveyard for western companies. I really hope the Japanese don't give in to US pressure. It would really damage my respect for the Japanese culture and tradition. Did you know, if the Japanese fell in battle. They would say it was an honorable death to be killed by a great enemy?
Ha, you can write you own version of history books and enjoy reading them everyday.

Xinjiang local official in Qing dynasty


After Qing dynasty's fall and before 1949, Xinjiang was under the rule of the Republic of China
The Chinese charaters in the photos mean " Love the country, loyal to the party (KMT Chinese nationalist party)"

Of course you know Chinese better than we Chinese, ha, how ridiculous , did you ever meet a Chinese who eats dog meat? why not ask Chinese members here if they eat dog meat? So funny, we know what we eat, become we eat to live everyday.

You really don't know that? I thought you pretended that you don't know cause it's common sense, now it seems like you really don't know, oh my goodness..

1949? Oh... sweet...


East Turkestan

President of East Turkestan 1948:


Turks were already there when China was still a small patch of shit on the coast ... poor Tibet, poor Taiwan
They have such a shameful history that they are now fabricating a whole new history. They are still slaves. They slave for Europeans and Americans to create their products. A human slaveyard for western companies. I really hope the Japanese don't give in to US pressure. It would really damage my respect for the Japanese culture and tradition. Did you know, if the Japanese fell in battle. They would say it was an honorable death to be killed by a great enemy?
I can read Japanese newspaper and have a general idea of what the reports are about even I never studied Japanese for a minute in my life, do you know why?

1949? Oh... sweet...


East Turkestan

President of East Turkestan 1948:


Turks were already there when China was still a small patch of shit on the coast ... poor Tibet, poor Taiwan
Never recognised by anyone, after Qing's collapse, every province in China declared independence, but they never gained recognition by any countries. If whoever decleared self claimed independence can automatically become a country, how many countries Turkey will become?
I can read Japanese newspaper and have a general idea of what the reports are about even I never studied Japanese for a minute in my life, do you know why?
Can you answer me this question, I asked several times already.
Bro. This is a video from one of the camps. Its a strictly guided video, the whole tour was monitored by the Chinese, and keep in mind, this is the camps the Chinese actually wants you to see, just think about whats going on in the camps the reporters weren't allowed to film

Would be nice to have some leaked footage.
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