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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

It is very sad and pathetic for some one who's commander was killed by the US to start toeing the US line regarding China.

@Philosopher @beijingwalker @LittleFish @Beast we know that Mangekyo is not a flase flagger so while it's unfortunate to say but I think Mangekyo literally has Stockholm syndrom now which is amazing in a way because personally I have never seen some one with Stockholm syndrom before so this is my first time seeing one.
At day they do slave labor and their products are sold to Apple, Nike, Adidas among other brands. At night they are forced to attend re education camps. They are under surveillance 24/7. They are not allowed to leave the concentration camps


Report: At least 80,000 Muslim Chinese forced to produce designer clothes
According to a new report, Chinese factories that use forced labor deliver goods to giant companies such as Nike and Adidas. Lie, China replies.

Just now

Uighurs are being massively monitored in China. They are not allowed to practice Islam and are indoctrinated in the Communist Party program in factories surrounded by barbed wire and watchtowers.

There they also produce branded clothes that are exported to the whole world. It claims a report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

- Basically, everything sent out of China can be "infected" by forced labor, says the report's author, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, to VG.

- Slave labor
In the case of Nike, the report writes that at at least one factory, Uighur employees are refused to practice Islam, or go home on vacation.

- Nike has so many factories in the world, so it is impossible to know which garment or shoes are made of slave labor, says Xiuzhong Xu.

Nike has not responded to VG's repeated inquiries.

- An app monitors
Workers often live with a very high degree of surveillance, according to the report.

- They have an app on the phone that monitors them and they have to inform in chat groups where they are, Xiuzhong Xu says.

A Washington Post reporter who has visited a factory has shared the findings in the report. She saw a watchtower, barbed wire fences everywhere, a police station inside the factory area, and that workers could not leave the factory.

At a factory where Adidas shoes are made, workers have long days. During the day they work, and in the evenings the "retraining" continues.

To VG, Adidas says that their guidelines prohibit the use of coercion and labor from prisoners. They deny that they have used goods from Xinjiang, but after the report was published, Adidas has told its suppliers not to use yarn from this region.

- If any of our partners use forced labor, we will end our partnership, says communications consultant Stefan Pursche to VG.

Further down in the case, you can see what the Chinese authorities respond to the allegations of forced labor and forced assimilation of Uighurs.

Thoroughly documented
In November, The New York Times published more than 400 leaked documents about how the Chinese government is working to break down the Muslim minority. Among the documents is an unpublished speech by President Xi Jinping, urging officials to show "no mercy."

Several human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have accused the Chinese authorities of keeping one million Uighurs incarcerated.

Although the report states that this applies to 80,000 Uighurs, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu says that the estimate is low. Many more Uighurs are likely to be forced to work, both inside and outside Xinjiang Province.

- Absolutely no credibility
The Chinese Embassy in Norway is responding on behalf of the Chinese authorities. They deny that Uighurs are being subjected to forced labor, and say the report is an attempt to blacken China.

According to the embassy, Chinese Uighurs have the opportunity to take paid work with all rights, on an equal footing with all other Chinese citizens.

Call it vocational training
Regarding the retraining program, the Chinese embassy says that Xinjiang has long been plagued by terrorism and extremism. They say that the "education and instruction center" is an attempt to counteract this.

The aim of the school is to provide participants with information about the constitution, criminal law, marriage law, and laws that protect minors and women.

"Attempts by external anti-China forces and extremists who want to sabotage China's development by fabricating lies and provoking inter-ethnic relations will not succeed," the embassy wrote.


https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ad-aspi/2020-06/Uyghurs for sale-05JUN20.pdf?gLsFgI8LmxiW__bfX8GZjgtHpA9dcK30=
Nike and Adidas are so stupid to sell products made by slave labour ? Some batsard has written this article to malign the name of China
It is very sad and pathetic for some one who's commander was killed by the US to start toeing the US line regarding China.

@Philosopher @beijingwalker @LittleFish @Beast we know that Mangekyo is not a flase flagger so while it's unfortunate to say but I think Mangekyo literally has Stockholm syndrom now which is amazing in a way because personally I have never seen some one with Stockholm syndrom before so this is my first time seeing one.
No its a side effect of our language. We speak Turkish hence siding with Turks. @mangekyo is one of the rational users of this forum. He is just confused. Western sources are bashing China 24/7. Their lies are convincing to say the least. They have targeted our people with the same human Rights nonsense that they themself abuse all the time.

Now that China is facing with this Western propaganda its unfair to fall for Western propaganda and hence bashing Chinese.

Our friend repeats same things again and again, if China has sent a handful of headchoppers to educational camps, then id say they have done the right thing.

My personal support for China is not related to economical nonsense. Indian hypocrites wouldve shared their Markets with us only if we ignored massacre of Kashmiris. After our leader's support for Kashmir and vowing to isolate India, Indian sources started insulting Iranians calling us Mullah terrorists. Turkey received it's military bribe for it, they signed a Multi billion contract with India providing them with naval platforms. It wasn't just a coincidence that the deal was signed simultanously to Turkish rhetorics about Kashmir. On the other hand, unlike Indian , China geopolitically is the resisting wall of Asia. Without them and with collapse of China, all of Asia will fall like a domino into NATO hands.

Given all the realities on the Ground, our Muslim Brothers and sisters in China should define a distance between themselves and American/western propaganda.
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Does US want to bash China by using Uyghurs and minorities? Let it be since it helps our cause to make it heard what's really happening there. Everybody knows the US doesn't even care its own black people leave alone China's minorities and it's all about politics. This is a fact.
It doesn't make this topic less important than it really is. There is a human rights violation there and people should see this already.
Here comes second fact, not-surprisingly, other countries' (specially Muslims) reactions to this shame is also politic. Moreoever, unfortunately some "brothers" close eyes whatever China does because they are "ally" in the region.
Whats happening in China is similar to what Hitler did, and the world needs to stop it. Turkish intelligence needs to support our brothers that is suffering massacre and genocide. How did China and France two defeated and invaded powers in ww2 get a UNSC seat boggles my mind. Saved by foreign forces.
Haha, bring it on, a mere Chinese province can beat Turkey hands down with no sweat, how shameless Turkey is , taking our money while couldn't help with their dirty mouth.

Check your disasterous foreign policy, you are the true enemy of the world.
We have already maltreated you, even militarily outnumbered - your history builds on it - sadly we have a lot of open fronts - put the nuclear weapons away, be our neighbor, and you will soon be harvesting rice for our 'Han's' again
We have already maltreated you, even militarily outnumbered - your history builds on it
Haha, you guys even don't have a history, if you like to know your history you have to refer to Chinese books, sorry to kick you guys out of north China, your ancestrol land, now is ours.
US line regarding China.
You are partly correct. Yes, we now issues about Uyghurs have been raised in the Western Media just in the recent years. We also know that Western sudden interest in the issue have nothing to do with Human Rights or Religious Rights. They use this opportunity to pressure China in the international community, since US sees China as it's main adversary.

However regardless of the US / Western Stance on this issue. As Turkish members of this forum we have been raising this issue since years, way before Westerners opened their mouth.

I'm also aware that people that loath US and Western world in general + the people who like China for similar reason or their state having close connection with China in economic/military matters. Choose to not believe anything regarding Uyghur issues.

And regardless of these people, many Turkish posters will continue to raise this issue, as we don't believe but know this is issue for years.

I really understand Muslims who side with China on this issue, be it Pakistani or Irani. They are lining their personal views with their state views. We also have Turkish members like that. Reason is nationalism, lack of indiviualism, etc... So, i'm not angry on the Muslims who side with China on this issue.
if they had any power, a fascist communist state like China would show moves far worse than what US and Europe ever did combined. Europe and US built China, they can destroy them whenever they want

1000% agree that what I always say too

they dont have same values like the abrahamic religions and they are raised in a system we can hardly imagine

your ancestrol land, now is ours

good to see you saying the truth.. our ancestors warned us with monuments deep in our region the uyhurs forgot that warning that had been carved in stone.. andit descripes you very well
good to see you saying the truth.. our ancestors warned us with monuments deep in our region the uyhurs forgot that warning that had been carved in stone.. andit descripes you very well
Peoples come and go in that central Asian region, we went there first, earlier than Turks for at least a thousand years, and Turks came down from Mongolia and started to dominate that region killing off the aboriginal Caucasian tribes, then we went there again and defeated Turks and forced them to move westward. That's the history.
By the way, we never believe you are Turks, you are just conquered Anatolians who adopted Turkic conquerors culture and identity.
Peoples come and go in that central Asian region, we went there first, earlier than Turks for at least a thousand years, and Turks came down from Mongolia and started to dominate that region killing off the aboriginal Caucasian tribes, then we went there again and defeated Turks and forced them to move westward. That's the history.
By the way, we never believe you are Turks, you are just conquered Anatolians who adopted Turkic conquerors culture and identity.
Peoples come and go in that central Asian region, we went there first, earlier than Turks for at least a thousand years, and Turks came down from Mongolia and started to dominate that region killing off the aboriginal Caucasian tribes, then we went there again and defeated Turks and forced them to move westward. That's the history.
By the way, we never believe you are Turks, you are just conquered Anatolians who adopted Turkic conquerors culture and identity.

you can belive what you want in your haed no one can change that...

I have central asian genes mixed with the regions ethnics.. and it would be abnormal if not..

the same in central asia so you have in central asia westasian geen pool to finno + mongolian, and traces of chinese and others lets say this people around this area and people who have traveled there left their traces..

if you say so and belive than central turks can also be called mongols instead of turks because many of them have a good chunk of mongolian genes.. so belive what you want I dont care for pink bunnies wich hop around a green meadow and candy trees while in the sky green limegreen and turquoise cotton candy flies around.. its your dream sir!
Haha, bring it on, a mere Chinese province can beat Turkey hands down with no sweat, how shameless Turkey is , taking our money while couldn't help with their dirty mouth.

Check your disasterous foreign policy, you are the true enemy of the world.

Hope your joking about one province. Chinese paid tribute to the Gokturks before it got split into two for many years and was numerically much smaller.

On another note. If China can treat Uyghurs properly, Turks and Chinese can be natural allies. Can fight against US terrorism and propaganda together and could help stop USA encirclement policy against China. However, we cannot look the other way then our brothers are being treated like that.
Hope your joking about one province. Chinese paid tribute to the Gokturks before it got split into two for many years and was numerically much smaller.

On another note. If China can treat Uyghurs properly, Turks and Chinese can be natural allies. Can fight against US terrorism and propaganda together and could help stop USA encirclement policy against China. However, we cannot look the other way then our brothers are being treated like that.

normally it should be very easy for chinese to act good.. they have the upper hand.. their numbers are extreem huge.. they could give uyghurs their rights religious freedom assist in mosque building and be soft prefer them in good jobs.. that would handly it easier no one except a handfull people would go mad about it..

man we are talking about a >10 million population vs a 1billion population its like just one big city! and they are freaking out about this..
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