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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps


Why are you spreading such western anti-China propaganda? No Iranian, minus the outside pro-shah/MEK types would take such western propaganda seriously, especially against countries like Iran and China. You have messed up royally here, I am wondering what your motive is in propagating such propaganda against a friendly country like China. Assuming you're Iranian (which I have started to doubt) then do not spread the lies of the enemies. Otherwise change your flags and remove Soleimani from your avatar because right now, you're the furthest from representing those views by parroting western narratives.

@LittleFish @Beast @beijingwalker

I find it interesting how after the recent Iran-China deal, we're having an "Iranian" spreading such propaganda. Iran officially stands with China fully as do Iranians here. The creator of this thread could potentially be a non-Iranian trying to sow tensions. Be careful and do not see this propaganda as if it is from the view of Iranians.
LMAO foreigners are the root of the problem, yet they create concentration camps in Xinjiang to rid it from Islam. What kind of logic is this?

Someone in here is trying to create sensational news and radicalized claiming destroy of Islam and put words into other mouth.

Skjermbilde 2020-07-23 kl. 03.53.36.png

Why are you spreading such western anti-China propaganda? No Iranian, minus the outside pro-shah/MEK types would take such western propaganda seriously, especially against countries like Iran and China. You have messed up royally here, I am wondering what your motive is in propagating such propaganda against a friendly country like China. Assuming you're Iranian (which I have started to doubt) then do not spread the lies of the enemies. Otherwise change your flags and remove Soleimani from your avatar because right now, you're the furthest from representing those views by parroting western narratives.

@LittleFish @Beast @beijingwalker

I find it interesting how after the recent Iran-China deal, we're having an "Iranian" spreading such propaganda. Iran officially stands with China fully as do Iranians here. The creator of this thread could potentially be a non-Iranian trying to sow tensions. Be careful and do not see this propaganda as if it is from the view of Iranians.
The wise speaks. That false flagger action of working for CIA is so obvious that it's so ridiculous. I can tell you there are many cases of propangada and attempt brainwashing occur in this forum. Treating reader with zero IQ and that, they can't analysis for themselves.

This few bots action are getting more and more desperate like pompeo against China.

May I know what is wrong with this post? Did I claim all uighur are terrorist?

Can u prove there is no uighur terrorist in China and abroad?
Indian hindu speak for Muslim? How surprising?

I can recognise and say oppression in Kashmir by Indian forces.

Can you do the same for glolious CCP in East Turkestan and Tibet?

Or just copy-paste more?...coz no basic brain cell or heart for anything past it?

Keep going man. This thread is quite illuminating for many that once were neutral or even liked PRC before.

Why are you spreading such western anti-China propaganda? No Iranian, minus the outside pro-shah/MEK types would take such western propaganda seriously, especially against countries like Iran and China. You have messed up royally here, I am wondering what your motive is in propagating such propaganda against a friendly country like China. Assuming you're Iranian (which I have started to doubt) then do not spread the lies of the enemies. Otherwise change your flags and remove Soleimani from your avatar because right now, you're the furthest from representing those views by parroting western narratives.

@LittleFish @Beast @beijingwalker

I find it interesting how after the recent Iran-China deal, we're having an "Iranian" spreading such propaganda. Iran officially stands with China fully as do Iranians here. The creator of this thread could potentially be a non-Iranian trying to sow tensions. Be careful and do not see this propaganda as if it is from the view of Iranians.

You can sell your faith if you want, that is entirely up to you, my faith is not for sale. I will not look the other way while they commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on Muslims. Go ahead and support it, call it "lies of the enemies" to clear your conscience.
@LittleFish @Beast @beijingwalker

I find it interesting how after the recent Iran-China deal, we're having an "Iranian" spreading such propaganda. Iran officially stands with China fully as do Iranians here. The creator of this thread could potentially be a non-Iranian trying to sow tensions. Be careful and do not see this propaganda as if it is from the view of Iranians.

Thank you , bro, we always know.

Iran condemns US’ meddling in China’s affairs
6 December 2019 - 13:10


TEHRAN, Dec. 06 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi slammed a recent bill adopted in the US House of Representatives against China.

“With a disgraceful record in genocide of indigenous people, black slavery and massacres of civilians, as well as the killing of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Palestine and Yemen, and the pardoning of war criminals, America is the least qualified to comment on ethnicity, races and Muslims,” Mousavi said on Friday.

The remark came as the US House of Representatives approved a bill that requires President Trump to toughen response to Xinjiang, where Washington claims China is holding re-education camps for Muslims.

“Repeating such blatant violations against the principles of the international law is just stressing the fact that interfering in internal affairs of other countries has become a tenet of America’s anti-normative foreign policy,” added Mousavi.

Condemning the recent measure taken by the US Congress against China, Mousavi warned the international community against threats of such behaviors that endanger global peace and stability.

The spokesman also called on independent countries to react to uncontrolled US behavior and unilateralism.


Why are you spreading such western anti-China propaganda? No Iranian, minus the outside pro-shah/MEK types would take such western propaganda seriously, especially against countries like Iran and China. You have messed up royally here, I am wondering what your motive is in propagating such propaganda against a friendly country like China. Assuming you're Iranian (which I have started to doubt) then do not spread the lies of the enemies. Otherwise change your flags and remove Soleimani from your avatar because right now, you're the furthest from representing those views by parroting western narratives.

@LittleFish @Beast @beijingwalker

I find it interesting how after the recent Iran-China deal, we're having an "Iranian" spreading such propaganda. Iran officially stands with China fully as do Iranians here. The creator of this thread could potentially be a non-Iranian trying to sow tensions. Be careful and do not see this propaganda as if it is from the view of Iranians.
Well, we do know he doesn't represent Iranians. What I'm angry about is:
1. He supports pan-turkism terrorist group that also pose much more threats to Iran herself.
2. He uses the avatar of Shaheed Soleimani whom the terrorists are most afraid of, but propagating fake news made by these terrorists and broadcast by West, given so many IRGC fighters have sacrificed in the battle btw these terrorists. That's betrayal to Iran.
3. He is totally out of logic, keep blabbering like a child. We have shown the proof and do the math, but what he kept doing is blabbering and blabbering.
To some extent, China herself has faults since we are so weak in soft power, people can only hear Western broadcast funded by Zionists. We still have a long way to go.
You can sell your faith if you want, that is entirely up to you, my faith is not for sale. I will not look the other way while they commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on Muslims. Go ahead and support it, call it "lies of the enemies" to clear your conscience.

Your "faith" is buying into western propaganda? What do you think that says about you? These same sources that are creating disinformation claims against China also do so against Iran. The same man who you have in your avatar is called a terrorist by these people. My conscious would be stained if I pretended not to see this and believe the lies manufactured by them. Either you are not Iranian and using a cover to sow discord or you are Iranian and are unacceptably naive and out of touch with reality. The last thing Iran needs is for Iranians to become so absent minded to start spreading such propaganda. You need to realise ASAP that right now, you're doing the job of the western propaganda machines. You are very close to doing irreparable damage to your image, stop and turn back. Consider this a tough friendly advise if you're Iranian. If you carry on with these propaganda, I will no choice but to see you as treasonous to Iran's cause, either deliberately due to false flagging or by the virtue of being naive.
I can recognise and say oppression in Kashmir by Indian forces.

Can you do the same for glolious CCP in East Turkestan and Tibet?

Or just copy-paste more?...coz no basic brain cell or heart for anything past it?

Keep going man. This thread is quite illuminating for many that once were neutral or even liked PRC before.

Lol. Didn't a forumer just come in and speaks for China when he can't bear the amount of propangada against China, who is the one enlightened by this thread? Indians like you who decide to do a cheap shot becos we humiliate India. Soldiers with 20 death with no single fatality.

And save your crocodile tears, I just saw u post a thread defending Indian solidees action in Kashmir. Now u are so quick to claim you recognise the oppression against Muslim in India. How quick you have change according to situation to score a few cheap point. :enjoy:

You can sell your faith if you want, that is entirely up to you, my faith is not for sale. I will not look the other way while they commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on Muslims. Go ahead and support it, call it "lies of the enemies" to clear your conscience.
Typical bot action. Sell faith to white imperialism and got the cheek to accuse real Iranian of betrayal.

Your "faith" is buying into western propaganda? What do you think that says about you? These same sources that are creating disinformation claims against China also do so against Iran. The same man who you have in your avatar is called a terrorist by these people. My conscious would be stained if I pretended not to see this and believe the lies manufactured by them. Either you are not Iranian and using a cover to sow discord or you are Iranian and are unacceptably naive and out of touch with reality. The last thing Iran needs is for Iranians to become so absent minded to start spreading such propaganda. You need to realise ASAP that right now, you're doing the job of the western propaganda machines. You are very close to doing irreparable damage to your image, stop and turn back. Consider this a tough friendly advise if you're Iranian. If you carry on with these propaganda, I will no choice but to see you as treasonous to Iran's cause, either deliberately due to false flagging or by the virtue of being naive.
A true iranian speaks.
Your "faith" is buying into western propaganda? What do you think that says about you? These same sources that are creating disinformation claims against China also do so against Iran. The same man who you have in your avatar is called a terrorist by these people. My conscious would be stained if I pretended not to see this and believe the lies manufactured by them. Either you are not Iranian and using a cover to sow discord or you are Iranian and are unacceptably naive and out of touch with reality. The last thing Iran needs is for Iranians to become so absent minded to start spreading such propaganda. You need to realise ASAP that right now, you're doing the job of the western propaganda machines. You are very close to doing irreparable damage to your image, stop and turn back. Consider this a tough friendly advise if you're Iranian. If you carry on with these propaganda, I will no choice but to see you as treasonous to Iran's cause, either deliberately due to false flagging or by the virtue of being naive.

The same western media is criticizing Israel over its occupation of Palestine. Do they lie? Lets support Israel then
The same western media is criticizing the US for selling arms to Saudi Arabia who bombards Yemenis. Do they lie? Lets support Saudi then.

Not everything that comes out of the west is a lie, there are dozens upon dozens of videos that prove what is happening in China is ethnic cleansing. Do the videos also lie? Does the satellite photos also lie?

Do you want me to support ethnic cleansing and genocide of Muslims just because western media is covering it?

I have no doubt they have a different agenda by covering this topic, but it doesn't make it a lie, and if you honestly expect me to be a sellout and turn a blind out to ethnic cleansing and genocide just out of spite of Americans. Then that says more about you.
Well, we do know he doesn't represent Iranians. What I'm angry about is:
1. He supports pan-turkism terrorist group that also pose much more threats to Iran herself.
2. He uses the avatar of Shaheed Soleimani whom the terrorists are most afraid of, but propagating fake news made by these terrorists and broadcast by West, given so many IRGC fighters have sacrificed in the battle btw these terrorists. That's betrayal to Iran.
3. He is totally out of logic, keep blabbering like a child. We have shown the proof and do the math, but what he kept doing is blabbering and blabbering.
To some extent, China herself has faults since we are so weak in soft power, people can only hear Western broadcast funded by Zionists. We still have a long way to go.

People like him are the furthest from Soleimani. Soleimani spent his life fighting these Pan-Turk terrorists and so on. What the west is doing is obvious and typical, they're muddying the water and trying to equate the terrorists from the Uyghur population to the entirety of that population to create a false picture of genocide. This is obvious to all those familiar with the manner the west performs information warfare.

One thing you and the rest of our China friends should know is we Iranian are with you all the way in this fight against these malign players.
People like him are the furthest from Soleimani. Soleimani spent his life fighting these Pan-Turk terrorists and so on. What the west is doing is obvious and typical, they're muddying the water and trying to equate the terrorists from the Uyghur population to the entirety of that population to create a false picture of genocide. This is obvious to all those familiar with the manner the west performs information warfare.

One thing you and the rest of our China friends should know is we Iranian are with you all the way in this fight against these malign players.
We always know this fact more than 1000 years ago:cheers:
People like him are the furthest from Soleimani. Soleimani spent his life fighting these Pan-Turk terrorists and so on.
Please.. Soleimani went to Xinjiang and murdered innocent children, men and women right? He forced them out of Islam right? You are the one that are furthest from Soleimani, you are the real traitor here that is willing to sell your faith and country to the Chinese
I just saw u post a thread defending Indian solidees action in Kashmir. Now u are so quick to claim you recognise the oppression against Muslim in India.

Yep its completely foreign concept to a moron that thinks in absolute black and white terms.

Good job in proving my point once again.

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