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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

The same western media is criticizing Israel over its occupation of Palestine. Do they lie? Lets support Israel then
The same western media is criticizing the US for selling arms to Saudi Arabia who bombards Yemenis. Do they lie? Lets support Saudi then.

Not everything that comes out of the west is a lie, there are dozens upon dozens of videos that prove what is happening in China is ethnic cleansing. Do the videos also lie? Does the satellite photos also lie?

Do you want me to support ethnic cleansing and genocide of Muslims just because western media is covering it?

I have no doubt they have a different agenda by covering this topic, but it doesn't make it a lie, and if you honestly expect me to be a sellout and turn a blind out to ethnic cleansing and genocide just out of spite of Americans. Then that says more about you.

It seems to me that you are looking for a reason to justify believing in this propaganda. I am asking you to see the obvious disinformation in this particular case and you reply with saying west is not always deceitful? Your rational is based on very shaky grounds. Sporadic videos and pictures can be taken out of context. You need to have a very low threshold for extreme suspicions against western claims. It's almost as if you're not familiar with how information warfare works. You have fallen for this western narrative of Chinese "genocide", you are being used as a tool by the west and you do not even realise it. Snap out of this delusory state and instead fight against these disinformation.

Please.. Soleimani went to Xinjiang and murdered innocent children, men and women right? He forced them out of Islam right? You are the one that are furthest from Soleimani, you are the real traitor here that is willing to sell your faith and country to the Chinese

Elements from the Uyghur population went into places like Syria, whom do you think Soleimani was fighting against there? I think it is obvious that those treasonous to the cause of Iran are the ones using the words of Iran's enemies as factual in such a propaganda manner.
It seems to me that you are looking for a reason to justify believing in this propaganda. I am asking you to see the obvious disinformation in this particular case and you reply with saying west is not always deceitful? Your rational is based on very shaky grounds. Sporadic videos and pictures can be taken out of context. You need to have a very low threshold for extreme suspicions against western claims. It's almost as if you're not familiar with how information warfare works. You have fallen for this western narrative of Chinese "genocide", you are being used as a tool by the west and you do not even realise it. Snap out of this delusory state and instead fight against these disinformation.

Elements from the Uyghur population went into places like Syria, whom do you think Soleimani was fighting against there? I think it is obvious that those treasonous to the cause of Iran are the ones using the words of Iran's enemies as factual in such a propaganda manner.

I am not stupid, this is not some white helmet propaganda BS. China doesn't even deny the camps exists, they just deny the reason behind the concentration camps.

I don't get your point, are you trying to twist my emotions for Soleimani into accepting this genocide?

Soleimani fought terrorists, not innocent children, men and women.

I am aware some Uighurs were part of the terrorist in Syria, so were our very own Kurds, so were Iraqis and Syrians themselves. What is your point exactly? Why do you feel you need to mention this? Uighurs are enemies and deserves ethnic cleansing and genocide?

How come we don't do exactly the same to Kurds in Iran. Do yo support it? You want concentration camps for Kurds in Iran? Do you want us to slaughter all Iraqis and Syrians?

If China is so concerned about Syria, they can send their soldiers to Syria and hunt down and kill the terrorists there. It doesn't justify that they are sending innocent men, women and children in Xinjiang to "re education" camps. Forcing Uighur women to marry Han Chinese, steal their children and sending them to special "re education" kindergartens and schools, where they are thought to disassociate themselves with Islam, forget their culture, language, worship communism and become Chinese robots.
I am not stupid, this is not some white helmet propaganda BS. China doesn't even deny the camps exists, they just deny the reason behind the concentration camps.

I don't get your point, are you trying to twist my emotions for Soleimani into accepting this genocide?

Soleimani fought terrorists, not innocent children, men and women.

I am aware some Uighurs were part of the terrorist in Syria, so were our very own Kurds, so were Iraqis and Syrians themselves. What is your point exactly? Why do you feel you need to mention this? Uighurs are enemies and deserves ethnic cleansing and genocide?

How come we don't do exactly the same to Kurds in Iran. Do yo support it? You want concentration camps for Kurds in Iran? Do you want us to slaughter all Iraqis and Syrians?

If China is so concerned about Syria, they can send their soldiers to Syria and hunt down and kill the terrorists there. It doesn't justify that they are sending innocent men, women and children in Xinjiang to "re education" camps. Forcing Uighur women to marry Han Chinese, steal their children and sending them to special "re education" kindergartens and schools, where they are thought to disassociate themselves with Islam, forget their culture, language, worship communism and become Chinese robots.

You seem to not get the actual point here, which is there is no genocide or any of the accusations you just made. Those are part of the disinformation campaigns used by the west which you have chosen to buy into and spread. This is your issue and you're oblivious to it. That is why you need to become very aware of disinformation warfare otherwise you'll become an instrument of it, like you have demonstrated in this thread.
You seem to not get the actual point here, which is there is no genocide or any of the accusations you just made. Those are part of the disinformation campaigns used by the west which you have chosen to buy into and spread. This is your issue and you're oblivious to it. That is why you need to become very aware of disinformation warfare otherwise you'll become an instrument of it, like you have demonstrated in this thread.

Ok fine.

Look at this video:

And give me a simple yes or no. Just yes, or no.

From what you see in the video. Do you support such camps be built in Iran for Kurds, Azeris, Arabs, Lors, Baluchs, Turkmens, Armenians and Assyrians?

You want Iranian minorities to be sent to and live in these camps for years? Simple yes or no.

I await your honest answer
Ok fine.

Look at this video:

And tell me a simple yes or no question. Just yes, or no.

From what you see in the video. Do you support such camps be built in Iran for Kurds, Azeris, Arabs, Lors, Baluchs, Turkmens and Assyrians?

Simple yes or no.

Now you're posting a BBC i.e western source and asking me to assume its validity. I tried to help you snap out of this delusion but it seems you're adamant to pursue it. You're spreading this propaganda even more than the Turks here, this should tell you something. Continue spreading the western lies, but please do not act as if you're in anyway Iranian in origin or spirit. You are doing the job of Iran's enemies. If this is how you want to be seen by Iranians and friend of Iran here then you have achieved it.
Now you're posting a BBC i.e western source and asking me to assume its validity. I tried to help you snap out of this delusion but it seems you're adamant to pursue it. You're spreading this propaganda even more than the Turks here, this should tell you something. Continue spreading the western lies, but please do not act as if you're in anyway Iranian in origin or spirit. You are doing the job of Iran's enemies. If this is how you want to be seen by Iranians and friend of Iran here then you have achieved it.

You see the video, what do you mean validity? Forget about the source. I am not asking about what you don't see. Or what you believe is propaganda. This is a strict guided tour arranged by the Chinese government.

I asked you, from what you see, do you want these camps to be built all over Iran, and have Iranian minorities sent there to live for years? Yes or no?

The video is in front of your eyes.

It was a simple question.

Do you want these camps to be built all over Iran, and have Iranian Azeris, Armenians, Kurds, Lors, Turkmens, Assyrians, Arabs etc to be sent there and live there for years?

Yes or No?

I am waiting for your answer..
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You see the video, what do you mean validity? Forget about the source. I am not asking about what you don't see. Or what you believe is propaganda. This is strict video toured by Chinese tour guides.

I asked you, from what you see, do you want these camps to be built all over Iran, and have Iranian minorities sent here to live for years? Yes or no?

The video is in front of your eyes.

It was a simple question.

Do you want these camps to be built all over Iran, and have Iranian Azeris, Armenians, Kurds, Lors, Turkmens, Assyrians, Arabs etc to be sent here and live here for years?

Yes or No?

Consider this my final reply to you.

I have no interest in those inane questions that are a red herring. You are using a fallacious way of thinking, we call this "circular reasoning" where you have assumed the sources to be true and hence your argument must be too. As I have already made it clear to you that the main problem here is you're spreading western disinformation and concluding as if those disinformation were true. More-over, your out of place questions to me also require me to assume the BBC source is valid in its substance, which clearly is contradictory to my entire comments in this thread. Now whether you're oblivious to this simple fact or pretending to be is another matter.

I was being courteous with you and tried to help as I had communicated and advised you in the past, but this time you crossed a line and refusing to see the light. Spreading the lies of Iranian enemies in a such manner is unacceptable and you have left me with no choice but to see you in the same light as I do the likes of Zionists and other enemy entities.
Consider this my final reply to you.

I have no interest in those inane questions that are a red herring. You are using a fallacious way of thinking, we call this "circular reasoning" where you have assumed the sources to be true and hence your argument must be too. As I have already made it clear to you that the main problem here is you're spreading western disinformation and concluding as if those disinformation were true. More-over, your out of place questions to me also require me to assume the BBC source is valid in its substance, which clearly is contradictory to my entire comments in this thread. Now whether you're obvious to this simple fact or pretending to be is another matter.

I was being courteous with you and tried to help as I had communicated and advised you in the past, but this time you crossed a line and refusing to see the light. Spreading the lies of Iranian enemies in a such manner is unacceptable and you have left me with no choice but to see you in the same light as I do the likes of Zionists and other enemy entities.

LOL. You are so full of crap, I show you a video of a Chinese guided tour and you call it BBC propaganda. I asked you one simple yes or no question which you refuse to answer because you don't want to expose your hypocrisy. Congratulations selling your soul.
At day they do slave labor and their products are sold to Apple, Nike, Adidas among other brands. At night they are forced to attend re education camps. They are under surveillance 24/7. They are not allowed to leave the concentration camps


Report: At least 80,000 Muslim Chinese forced to produce designer clothes
According to a new report, Chinese factories that use forced labor deliver goods to giant companies such as Nike and Adidas. Lie, China replies.

Just now

Uighurs are being massively monitored in China. They are not allowed to practice Islam and are indoctrinated in the Communist Party program in factories surrounded by barbed wire and watchtowers.

There they also produce branded clothes that are exported to the whole world. It claims a report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

- Basically, everything sent out of China can be "infected" by forced labor, says the report's author, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, to VG.

- Slave labor
In the case of Nike, the report writes that at at least one factory, Uighur employees are refused to practice Islam, or go home on vacation.

- Nike has so many factories in the world, so it is impossible to know which garment or shoes are made of slave labor, says Xiuzhong Xu.

Nike has not responded to VG's repeated inquiries.

- An app monitors
Workers often live with a very high degree of surveillance, according to the report.

- They have an app on the phone that monitors them and they have to inform in chat groups where they are, Xiuzhong Xu says.

A Washington Post reporter who has visited a factory has shared the findings in the report. She saw a watchtower, barbed wire fences everywhere, a police station inside the factory area, and that workers could not leave the factory.

At a factory where Adidas shoes are made, workers have long days. During the day they work, and in the evenings the "retraining" continues.

To VG, Adidas says that their guidelines prohibit the use of coercion and labor from prisoners. They deny that they have used goods from Xinjiang, but after the report was published, Adidas has told its suppliers not to use yarn from this region.

- If any of our partners use forced labor, we will end our partnership, says communications consultant Stefan Pursche to VG.

Further down in the case, you can see what the Chinese authorities respond to the allegations of forced labor and forced assimilation of Uighurs.

Thoroughly documented
In November, The New York Times published more than 400 leaked documents about how the Chinese government is working to break down the Muslim minority. Among the documents is an unpublished speech by President Xi Jinping, urging officials to show "no mercy."

Several human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have accused the Chinese authorities of keeping one million Uighurs incarcerated.

Although the report states that this applies to 80,000 Uighurs, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu says that the estimate is low. Many more Uighurs are likely to be forced to work, both inside and outside Xinjiang Province.

- Absolutely no credibility
The Chinese Embassy in Norway is responding on behalf of the Chinese authorities. They deny that Uighurs are being subjected to forced labor, and say the report is an attempt to blacken China.

According to the embassy, Chinese Uighurs have the opportunity to take paid work with all rights, on an equal footing with all other Chinese citizens.

Call it vocational training
Regarding the retraining program, the Chinese embassy says that Xinjiang has long been plagued by terrorism and extremism. They say that the "education and instruction center" is an attempt to counteract this.

The aim of the school is to provide participants with information about the constitution, criminal law, marriage law, and laws that protect minors and women.

"Attempts by external anti-China forces and extremists who want to sabotage China's development by fabricating lies and provoking inter-ethnic relations will not succeed," the embassy wrote.


https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ad-aspi/2020-06/Uyghurs for sale-05JUN20.pdf?gLsFgI8LmxiW__bfX8GZjgtHpA9dcK30=

Civilized world should ban all items made by slave labour , it is most inhuman thing in modern world .
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Communist opression of sick minds has slaughtered innocent millions so far millions on earth. Exactly PRC also will be abolished with its extractive coorporations. There is no instance that the regimes against human rights would survive. But guys Why do you expect from a wicked country where there is no free election to imply liberal policies?
Communist opression of sick minds has slaughtered innocent millions so far millions on earth. Exactly PRC also will be abolished with its extractive coorporations. There is no instance that the regimes against human rights would survive. But guys Why do you expect from a wicked country where there is no free election to imply liberal policies?
Cry me a river, No time for you now, watching Long March 5 heavy lift rocket launching Mars mission now.
Haha, Turks are coming out in force, we always know who you are, messing with China, US, Russia, EU and Arab nations, you guys never know your proper place in the world, do you?
What you are saying is absolutely non-sense.

We are here as individuals and we are talking about our individual views. My view doesn't represent the official Turkish goverment's view or Turkish government's view may not represent my view as an individual. In that regard, i have no problems with the individual citizens of the countries that you have mentioned.

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