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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Hope your joking about one province. Chinese paid tribute to the Gokturks before it got split into two for many years and was numerically much smaller.

On another note. If China can treat Uyghurs properly, Turks and Chinese can be natural allies. Can fight against US terrorism and propaganda together and could help stop USA encirclement policy against China. However, we cannot look the other way then our brothers are being treated like that.
You moved out because of the pressure from China, that's a known fact, your history was written in China so better listen otherwise you won't have any history left.
Turkey is a natural ally of no one, not to US, not to EU, not to Russia,not to Gulf Arab nations, not to China.
British Jews Board of Deputies Compares China’s Treatment of Uighur Muslims to Nazi Germany

Board of Deputies of British Jews President Marie van der Zyl wrote a letter to Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming, stating that his government’s treatment of Uighur Muslims is analogous to Nazi Germany.

The July 20 letter noted that the similarities include “people being forcibly loaded on to trains; beards of religious men being trimmed; women being sterilized; and the grim specter of concentration camps.”

“China risks squandering its achievements and sabotaging its own legacy if it fails to learn the lessons of history,” van der Zyl added. “The World will neither forgive nor forget a genocide against the Uyghur people.”

The letter concluded with a call for the Chinese government to release Uighur Muslims from the concentration camps and allow the camps to be investigated.

“The world is watching,” van der Zyl wrote. “The hand of history is poised. For its future, China has a choice between great glory and eternal shame. Let it choose the former.”

The letter comes after leaked drone footage released on July 15 showed Uighur Muslims and other minority groups handcuffed and blindfolded, being led to trains in Xinjiang, which is located in northern China. When the BBC pressed Xiaoming about the video, he said he didn’t know where the news outlet got the video.

“Sometimes you have a transfer of prisoners, in any country,” Xiaoming said. “Uighur people enjoy peaceful, harmonious coexistence with other ethnic groups of people.”

The United States announced sanctions against various Chinese government officials on July 9 because of their treatment of the Uighur Muslims.

“The United States will not stand idly by as the [Chinese Community Party] carries out human rights abuses targeted [at] Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and members of other minority groups in Xinjiang, to include forced labor, arbitrary mass detention, and forced population control, and attempts to erase their culture and Muslim faith,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement at the time.


You moved out because of the pressure from China, that's a known fact, your history was written in China so better listen otherwise you won't have any history left.
Turkey is a natural ally of no one, not to US, not to EU, not to Russia,not to Gulf Arab nations, not to China.
Even the Japanese considered the Chinese to be cave dwellers and farmers - the West is supposed to make China what it used to be - a small, starving-people nation, who paid protection money to the Turks and were later ruled by the Japanese. Oh and slapped by Vietnamese...20 years of slavery, low-quality copies and dog-meat have made COVID19 a bit cocky ...

Here is some racist trolling for yall crypto-neo-nazis, talking about 10M people being IS...

British Jews Board of Deputies Compares China’s Treatment of Uighur Muslims to Nazi Germany

Board of Deputies of British Jews President Marie van der Zyl wrote a letter to Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming, stating that his government’s treatment of Uighur Muslims is analogous to Nazi Germany.

The July 20 letter noted that the similarities include “people being forcibly loaded on to trains; beards of religious men being trimmed; women being sterilized; and the grim specter of concentration camps.”

“China risks squandering its achievements and sabotaging its own legacy if it fails to learn the lessons of history,” van der Zyl added. “The World will neither forgive nor forget a genocide against the Uyghur people.”

The letter concluded with a call for the Chinese government to release Uighur Muslims from the concentration camps and allow the camps to be investigated.

“The world is watching,” van der Zyl wrote. “The hand of history is poised. For its future, China has a choice between great glory and eternal shame. Let it choose the former.”

The letter comes after leaked drone footage released on July 15 showed Uighur Muslims and other minority groups handcuffed and blindfolded, being led to trains in Xinjiang, which is located in northern China. When the BBC pressed Xiaoming about the video, he said he didn’t know where the news outlet got the video.

“Sometimes you have a transfer of prisoners, in any country,” Xiaoming said. “Uighur people enjoy peaceful, harmonious coexistence with other ethnic groups of people.”

The United States announced sanctions against various Chinese government officials on July 9 because of their treatment of the Uighur Muslims.

“The United States will not stand idly by as the [Chinese Community Party] carries out human rights abuses targeted [at] Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and members of other minority groups in Xinjiang, to include forced labor, arbitrary mass detention, and forced population control, and attempts to erase their culture and Muslim faith,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement at the time.


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Oh, I forgot to mention, how we slapped them in Korea, with just few K boots on the ground
Even the Japanese considered the Chinese to be cave dwellers and farmers -
Ha, then why they use Chinese written language, dress old Chinese style clothes , build Chinese styple houses and think Chinese Confucius ideology? ever hear "Sinosphere"? You Turkish history was written in Chinese, Turks are the last people which can ridicule other cultures.

Oh, I forgot to mention, how we slapped them in Korea, with just few K boots on the ground
Why your top commander Macarthur was fired?

normally it should be very easy for chinese to act good.. they have the upper hand.. their numbers are extreem huge.. they could give uyghurs their rights religious freedom assist in mosque building and be soft prefer them in good jobs.. that would handly it easier no one except a handfull people would go mad about it..

man we are talking about a >10 million population vs a 1billion population its like just one big city! and they are freaking out about this..
We treat our people better than most government do, including yours, saying we treating Uighurs bad is ridiculous, China treats Han people bad sometimes, but never treats minorities bad.
Ha, then why they use Chinese written language, dress old Chinese style clothes , build Chinese styple houses and think Chinese Confucius ideology? ever hear "Sinosphere"? You Turkish history was written in Chinese, Turks are the last people which can ridicule other cultures.

Why your top commander Macarthur was fired?

We treat our people better than most government do, including yours, saying we treating Uighurs bad is ridiculous, China treats Han people bad sometimes, but never treats minorities bad.
Our history is written in Turkish runes, nothing like these joke letters you use, we were only mentioned by name for the first time in Chinese history because your rulers shook themselves in fear...
Our history is written in Turkish runes, nothing like these joke letters you use, we were only mentioned by name for the first time in Chinese history because your rulers shook themselves in fear...
You do know Turks as a people appeared in the history long before you finally learned how to write, don't you?
You do know Turks as a people appeared in the history long before you finally learned how to write, don't you?
Every country, every religion, every region falsifies history according to its own sociological, strategic, religious, and political interests. In the German Wikipedia as an ex., there were e.g. falsified numbers that have now been corrected - still wrong, but more realistically falsified. It was said that the Turks have been around for 1000 years, which even contradicts your sources ... so my conclusion:

All of you are allowed to chew us, we do not allow ourselves to be robbed of our history - we have certainly not learned to write from OUR subjects (Chinese wall)
Every country, every religion, every region falsifies history according to its own sociological, strategic, religious, and political interests. In the German Wikipedia as an ex., there were e.g. falsified numbers that have now been corrected - still wrong, but more realistically falsified. It was said that the Turks have been around for 1000 years, which even contradicts your sources ... so my conclusion:

All of you are allowed to chew us, we do not allow ourselves to be robbed of our history - we have certainly not learned to write from OUR subjects (Chinese wall)
If your ancestors had a choice, probably they would write their history by themselves, but it seemed they didn't.
If your ancestors had a choice, probably they would write their history by themselves, but it seemed they didn't.
We would like to thank the copy ninjas (Chinese) who stole, destroyed, and falsified our history and the evidence, inscriptions, etc.
This BW guy is starting to really show his true colors. First he said they need to get rid of the "root of the problem" now his hatred and racism towards Turks really is a reflection of the ethnic cleansing and genocide he supports too.
And did he seriously try to say that the amazing Japanese copied their culture/language etc? Hint: They don't eat dog and cockroach in Japan.
This BW guy is starting to really show his true colors. First he said they need to get rid of the "root of the problem" now his hatred and racism towards Turks really is a reflection of the ethnic cleansing and genocide he supports too.
And did he seriously try to say that the amazing Japanese copied their culture/language etc? Hint: They don't eat dog and cockroach in Japan.
Haha, Japanese are part of Sinosphere which can trace most of their cultural roots to China, even they themselve don't deny it, what do you know about East Asian culture. As for Turks, they originated from today's north China and we have very detailed account of this people in our old history books, that's also a fact, don't try to show our ignorance as a badge of honor here.
Haha, Japanese are part of Sinosphere which can trace most of their cultural roots to China, even they themselve don't deny it, what do you know about East Asian culture. As for Turks, they originated from today's north China and we have very detailed account of this people in our old history books, that's also a fact, don't try to show our ignorance as a badge of honor here.
The Japanese have no genetic relations with you. They have lived on an isolated island, you on the other hand have been conquered and ruled by different ethnicities countless times. Japanese people are a clean pure race. Far superior to the Han Chinese in every single way. Han Chinese people are a mix of all the races that conquered them. Why do you think Han Chinese people were forced to eat dog? Because you were never rulers. I know communist China fabricates history, like this one Chinese guy I met in Norway that didn't even know Taiwan has its own flag.

Anyways lets not derail the thread.

This is how they steal small children to brainwash them into losing their faith, culture and language. To turn them into communist slaves:

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Haha, are you Japanese? You are so ignorant...Genetically they are most related to the people of Chinese Yunnan province, this is also recognised by the Japanese scientiests, Japanese DNA is very diverse, they also have a lot of Austronesian elements.

You are so ignorant, we north Chinese never eat dogs, only a few people from a couple of provinces like Guangdong and Guangxi do, the only nation eating dog meat as a tradition in east Asia are Koreans.

Han Chinese in both northern and southern China traditionally ate dog meat. Meat was a rare commodity in feudal China, so farmers often slaughtered their dogs to supplement their diets of rice, millet, and vegetables. In “The Discourses of the States,” a text published during the 4th century B.C., it is written that King Goujian of Yue, hoping to boost birth rates and recruit more soldiers for his armies, ruled that families giving birth to male offspring would be rewarded with two urns of wine and a dog to be eaten by the boy’s mother to help her recover after giving birth.

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Han Chinese in both northern and southern China traditionally ate dog meat.
You are so ignorant, did you ever meet one Chinese who eats dog meat?Do you know how big China is and how diverse the country is, Do you know each province of China used to be a country? so funny that a foreign tells we Chinese what we eat, lol.

LOL this guy is so ashamed of his own history that he is even denying their own texts.
Source of the article is even a Chinese woman who graduated in China.

Han Chinese in both northern and southern China traditionally ate dog meat. Meat was a rare commodity in feudal China, so farmers often slaughtered their dogs to supplement their diets of rice, millet, and vegetables. In “The Discourses of the States,” a text published during the 4th century B.C., it is written that King Goujian of Yue, hoping to boost birth rates and recruit more soldiers for his armies, ruled that families giving birth to male offspring would be rewarded with two urns of wine and a dog to be eaten by the boy’s mother to help her recover after giving birth.


What more do you expect from genocide deniers?
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