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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

I reposted them because you are spamming the thread with the same copy/paste all day to prevent people from seeing the videos.

LOL, believe me, if I really want to spam this thread with my videos, you don't have a chance to have your videos been seen, I have so many of them, you just have couple of them being reposted again and agian.
LOL, believe me, if I really want to spam this thread with my videos, you don't have a chance to have your videos been seen, I have so many of them, you just have couple of them being reposted again and agian.
It was my first repost, you have been desperately spamming since I created the thread. Feel free to create your own Uighurs of TikTok propaganda thread.

It was my first repost, you have been desperately spamming since I created the thread. Feel free to create your own Uighurs of TikTok propaganda thread.
By the way, what do you think of these people, they are largely ignored by the western media, they are also Muslims, are they? Why no one speaks for them?

Kazakh violence makes Chinese Muslim minority ponder future

It was my first repost, you have been desperately spamming since I created the thread. Feel free to create your own Uighurs of TikTok propaganda thread.

Tik Tok is truer than western media, like if you get Covid-19 in Xinjiang, you get free treatment, free hospital ward, free medication, free testing, free food and free transportation. you just think that you are having a weeklong carefree vacation, what your government provides you with?
@mangekyo many thanks for bring this issue forth. For years, mods erased or locked our threads about Muslim Uyghurs because of our nationality.

Turkey tried its best to divide Iranians Based on the same Concept of Pan Turkism which is equal to paganism. He is confused, the amount of anti China propaganda in Western sources could confuse anyone out there.

IMO China made the right decision to send those terrorists into educational camps. We witnessed their savagery in Syria where they beheaded Syrian 6 month old kid for being a Shia. These terrorists also target Sunnis as you mentioned but they try to portray their savagery as a matter of religion.

Chinese territorial integrity is our red line. Thats Iran's policy
All i see you from you, is bad mouthing Turkey in this thread. Why don't you go and open a thread about Turkey and not polluting this thread?
@mangekyo many thanks for bring this issue forth. For years, mods erased or locked our threads about Muslim Uyghurs because of our nationality.
I can understand that there will naturally be divided opinion on Syria, because the country is in a free for all war, I can understand there will be difference of opinion because of sectarian bias, political stance etc. But to deny (which amounts to support) this genocide and ethnic cleansing of Muslims (in peace time nonetheless), by non-Muslim atheist Chinese who even have the audacity to come here and put fatwas and takfir on Muslims. I cant understand it, and I distance myself from such people and don't want to associate myself with them.
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Yup, Indian attacking Pakistan, Nepal and China while continue bully Bhutan into submission. You think rest of the world do not know Indian dirty trick? The western media not reporting all these indian evil deed becos of their biased to stop superpower China from over taking white man leadership in globe.

I asked you for evidence of attacking US but after so long, you seems into go into hiding and avoid my inquiry? What take you so long to prove if you are so called so impartial. Maybe you are busy posting post attacking US now just to try to prove your fake sympathy for muslim?

Your trick of CIA mole against China is too commonly used in PDF. There is another trash forumer who behave exactly like you. Pretending to be defender of Islam and fly Pakistan but all the while only post attacking China. It so easy to see thru such pathetic trick :enjoy:

India Pakistan have violent history... border clash with bhutan ? Umm no , we don't.. nepal, chinese ambassador directly instigating fuel and involved in internal politics..
So living in poverty without enough food, water, education, medicare housing... is observing tradition and cultural practice? Sorry, not in China.

So , the so called concentration camps are more of facturies all over China, not really the camps western media portrays?

How did you know, you work for them?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?

If we really flex our muscle, we won't be the least physical presence in SCC. it's common sense.

Least ? Where else you deployed your navy... don't joke... china is real threat to Asia.. with its expansionist, coercive policies..
Least ? Where else you deployed your navy... don't joke... china is real threat to Asia.. with its expansionist, coercive policies..
China occupies least number of islands in that region, and what China develops navy have anything to do with SCS? Without SCS China wouldn't develop her navy? Strange mind.., China is the world second biggest economy but the percentage of military budget much small than US, are there any international laws dictate that only US can develop navies?

Least ? Where else you deployed your navy... don't joke... china is real threat to Asia.. with its expansionist, coercive policies..
China is a threat to India, true, but India is not Asia.
the year 1619. The first slave ships from AFrica landed on the US.

White euro colonists genocided the local indigenous population, stole their lands, then forcibly brought africans in to work those lands as slaves so they could live like kings.

this went on until 1865, when virtually the entire civilized world had loooooong ago banned slavery.

immidiatly after that caem "jim crowe laws"

Where black people were purposefully denied voting rights. Whereby you had to prove literacy and competency and intelligence and even pay a fee to vote. White illiterates were exempt with "grandfather law" where if you or your family could previously vote, you were still allowed to vote.

this resulted in about 1% black population voting in the american south. This law also legalized state sponsored segreagation. banned interracial marriage, and promoted government policies to advance whites in housing and jobs at the expense of blacks.

After enormous civil rights movements, and riots the US extremely reluctantly agreed to scrap these racist laws in 1965, and officially gave black people equal rights on paper. Though the unofficial industrial scale racism continues to this day.

this evil entity which has also invaded and destroyed half of the earth to enrich itself is now criticizing China for a supposed Genocide and being anti muslim.

what type of a braindead idiot do you have to be to fall for this sort of cheap american propaganda. A racist artificial genocidal country who has been a cancer on humanity since the miserable day those british landed on the continent and colonized it.

something is really reallllly wrong with this picture.
the year 1619. The first slave ships from AFrica landed on the US.

White euro colonists genocided the local indigenous population, stole their lands, then forcibly brought africans in to work those lands as slaves so they could live like kings.

this went on until 1865, when virtually the entire civilized world had loooooong ago banned slavery.

immidiatly after that caem "jim crowe laws"

Where black people were purposefully denied voting rights. Whereby you had to prove literacy and competency and intelligence and even pay a fee to vote. White illiterates were exempt with "grandfather law" where if you or your family could previously vote, you were still allowed to vote.

this resulted in about 1% black population voting in the american south. This law also legalized state sponsored segreagation. banned interracial marriage, and promoted government policies to advance whites in housing and jobs at the expense of blacks.

After enormous civil rights movements, and riots the US extremely reluctantly agreed to scrap these racist laws in 1965, and officially gave black people equal rights on paper. Though the unofficial industrial scale racism continues to this day.

this evil entity which has also invaded and destroyed half of the earth to enrich itself is now criticizing China for a supposed Genocide and being anti muslim.

what type of a braindead idiot do you have to be to fall for this sort of cheap american propaganda. A racist artificial genocidal country who has been a cancer on humanity since the miserable day those british landed on the continent and colonized it.

something is really reallllly wrong with this picture.
Ironically @mangekyo only provided us with Western sources and then Indians jumped in and now Turks.

The biggest supporter of Uyghur is Pompeo American fascist minister. Doesn't this ring a bell? They lied about Taiwan and Tibet. Why would they tell the Truth about China in case of Uyghur case? I have no doubt majority of Uyghurs would dislike American propaganda, the thing is Turkey is threatening Chinese territorial integrity on the bahalf of NATO Powers. Same in Chechen. Turkey IS NATO frontline annoying independent states of Asia. The only beneficiery of China losing Xinjiang would be USA. A Fresh land for occupation. Look at Syria, where these Turkistani terrorists beheaded innocent women and children. Chinese government hasnt sent millions of Uyghurs into concentration camps but a handful of ISIS supporting Elements brainwashed by Turkey. Turkey is the head of Snake in our region, they jumped for Chinese loan at same time they try to dismantle China. What kind of a country has this sneaky Policy? What kind of human are these people? Lack of shame, nothing else.
China occupies least number of islands in that region, and what China develops navy have anything to do with SCS? Without SCS China wouldn't develop her navy? Strange mind.., China is the world second biggest economy but the percentage of military budget much small than US, are there any international laws dictate that only US can develop navies?

China is a threat to India, true, but India is not Asia.

China is a threat in SCS, and its gift covid 19.. executing occupation plans during pandemic... disgusting mindset..
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