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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

No, Iran only supports China to keep US busy, also because of sanctions there are few countries who're willing to trade with Iran. There is no doubt that the sanctions are unfair, but ME is unstable, but IMO Iran and Turkey can ensure better stability in the region.

I know Mohammed guy doesn't believe so, and he says we support extremism, but that is not true, I need not remind ppl that all those extremists were shut/hurdled in the idlib region by US, RU, (maybe Assad too), and unfortunately Turkey got the job of disarming them and at the same time protect the some 3+ million civilians in the region.

Turkey supports Syrias territorial integrity just as we support Iraq's. Our politicians are very clear about that, but these countries are not able to clean PKK/YPG/SDF by themselves. Historical facts, you can google it.
Two wrongs doesn't make a right. Thats the difference between being biased and unbiased. Just because I disagree with the western foreign policy and western media, doesn't mean I should develop a bias towards China and turn a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and mass genocide. Your argument is better suited against a closed fascist state like China, not a free world. We are of two completely different worlds with completely different morale and values.
Values? You claim to support Iran and soleimani, the same Iran government support China measure taken to stop terrorist and separatist movement in China. And yet when comes to China, suddenly, you think Iranian government make a wrong judgement. Stop being flip flop and selective. I seriously doubt you even support soleimani and real iranian. Iran government is not some blind who support other countries just for sake of their own economy benefit. They are a soverign nation who can make correct judgement of what other countries doing is correct or wrong.
India , biggest buyer of Iran oil and import many iranian product didn't receive extra benefit when Hindu extremist attack Muslim in India. They didn't keep quiet just becos india is a big economy partner of them.


Why didn't Ayatollah khamenei issue the same condemn statement against China if China really systematic abuse Muslim uighur?
But unfortunately you don't represent Iran, your government does, too bad for you, lol..
We don't give a shiit about you, and the fact that we only approached you when everything else went south proves it. You are just our last option. When everything returns to normal we will continue to not give a shiit about you. You are just a human slave factory for US and Europe.
So sad.. CCP is Terrorist organisation
Lol.. nice paid video. Of cos they need to describe how bad CCP is to qualify under political refugee and claim full benefit. This kind of tricks is common.
We don't give a shiit about you, and the fact that we only approached you when everything else went south proves it. You are just our last option. When everything returns to normal we will continue to not give a shiit about you. You are just a human slave factory for US and Europe.
Whatever you say, spokesman of Iranian government, lol..
Yes a very good friend. A friend that kept Corona virus a secret and sent Chinese people to Iran when you knew from months in advance about the Corona virus. You are no friend of anyone. You are just a fascist state
Corona was an American virus. Period.

Americans were suffering from virus before it hit Chinese cities thanks to American soldiers who transfered the virus into China.

Go Read the history of COVID19 and the American patients suffering without even knowing the reason.

It wasn't a Chinese aircraft carrier that was full of COVID hit soldiers. Guess what China couldn't infect the crew of American navy ship. So how Come they were ill even way before the virus spread in China?

USA has been hitting China with different knids of viruses mostly aimed at destroying their labor and domestic industries such as swine flu, bird flu etc. I am well aware that Chinese companies were forced into buying American agricultural products as a side effect of biological attack on their industries. Maybe USA is an angel in your thoughts but not mine dear brother.

COVID19 was the most dangerous weapon in the hands of USA, and it backfired on themselves.
Values? You claim to support Iran and soleimani, the same Iran government support China measure taken to stop terrorist and separatist movement in China. And yet when comes to China, suddenly, you think Iranian government make a wrong judgement. Stop being flip flop and selective. I seriously doubt you even support soleimani and real iranian. Iran government is not some blind who support other countries just for sake of their own economy benefit. They are a soverign nation who can make correct judgement of what other countries doing is correct or wrong.
India , biggest buyer of Iran oil and import many iranian product didn't receive extra benefit when Hindu extremist attack Muslim in India. They didn't keep quiet just becos india is a big economy partner of them.


Why didn't Ayatollah khamenei issue the same condemn statement against China if China really systematic abuse Muslim uighur?
I am not going to discuss Iranian internal politics with a Chinese genocide and ethnic cleansing supporter.
We don't give a shiit about you, and the fact that we only approached you when everything else went south proves it. You are just our last option. When everything returns to normal we will continue to not give a shiit about you. You are just a human slave factory for US and Europe.
Lol.. somebody gets mad and try insult. We are slave and trump shouldn't sanction us since we are slaving for American benefit.

And I didn't know a slave can accumulate 14 trillion economy and USD 3.1 trillion foreign reserve?

Why Trump need to be so angry against China if we slave for them? :lol:

I am not going to discuss Iranian internal politics with a Chinese genocide and ethnic cleansing supporter.
Why u need to discuss? Cos you have no answer for my inquiry. Soleimani will be upset with a fool iranian like you if he is still alive. Why ayotollah make statement against India but not China?

I know typical CIA agent skill , they will claim to be genuine supporter of Iran or Pakistan against US to paint they accuse against China looks legitimate.
Of course you are slaves. Americans and Europeans wants cheap goods so they use you for slave labor, you make some money and now you think you are somebody lol. Please.
We are slaves, Uighur are slaves, everyone is a slave, you are masters, whatever claim that makes you happy is fine.

Of course you are slaves. Americans and Europeans wants cheap goods so they use you for slave labor, you make some money and now you think you are somebody lol. Please.
@LeGenD @BHarwana

Please help to handle this insult which has no meaning in this thread. I think you need a warning here if you want this thread to be continue.
We are slaves, Uighur are slaves, everyone is a slave, you are masters, whatever claim that makes you happy is fine.

We are not masters, but we are not slaves like you. We live and die with pride and dignity. We are not a human slaveyard for foreign products.
We are not masters, but we are not slaves like you. We live and die with pride and dignity. We are not a human slaveyard for foreign products.
Good, whatever you think we are, it doesn't matter, we are slaves, making money from masters, that's fine with us.

We are not masters, but we are not slaves like you. We live and die with pride and dignity.
Great statement, full of courage and national pride.


We are not masters, but we are not slaves like you. We live and die with pride and dignity. We are not a human slaveyard for foreign products.
Indeed, Iran government make a great call to praise China on uighur issue and yet some hypocrite who claim to be support of this Iran can flip flop and changes his stance selectively to suit his own personal agenda.
Thread requires cleansing.

China is pretty much the only sovereign entity that can counter and correct the terrible imbalance in this world, what China does in China is Chinas business, if you start to question Chinas local policies be prepared to have China in your local policies as well.
Iran condemns US’ meddling in China’s affairs
6 December 2019 - 13:10


TEHRAN, Dec. 06 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi slammed a recent bill adopted in the US House of Representatives against China.

“With a disgraceful record in genocide of indigenous people, black slavery and massacres of civilians, as well as the killing of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Palestine and Yemen, and the pardoning of war criminals, America is the least qualified to comment on ethnicity, races and Muslims,” Mousavi said on Friday.

The remark came as the US House of Representatives approved a bill that requires President Trump to toughen response to Xinjiang, where Washington claims China is holding re-education camps for Muslims.

“Repeating such blatant violations against the principles of the international law is just stressing the fact that interfering in internal affairs of other countries has become a tenet of America’s anti-normative foreign policy,” added Mousavi.

Condemning the recent measure taken by the US Congress against China, Mousavi warned the international community against threats of such behaviors that endanger global peace and stability.

The spokesman also called on independent countries to react to uncontrolled US behavior and unilateralism.

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