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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Now this thread is getting filled with Indian shit. Indians celebrating with s4itting all over the forum.

China is not anti-Islam like fascist hindus. Chinese doctrine is no to any religion but hindu fascist says no only to Islam.
China forcing birth control on Uighurs to suppress population

This is the biggest lie ever, Uighurs are among the fastest growing populations in China.

  • 新疆建设兵团汉族人口在实行独生子女政策十几年后改为允许生二胎,但是由于形成了“生育爬蚤心态”,“十五”时期,新疆建设兵团妇女总和生育率稳定在1.0左右(新疆城市汉族可能比这还低),而新疆少数民族妇女总和生育率仍在“三孩”以上。新疆目前汉族人口为37.52%,汉族新生儿比例为18%。
  • 根据《2015新疆统计年鉴》所供数据,2014年新疆总出生635,687人,汉族出生92,804人,汉族出生人口占比14.6%,这意味着少数民族出生人口比例突破85%。
Han family in Xinjiang averagely has one child each family and Uighur family averagely has over 3 children. in 2014, Xinjiang had 635,687 new borns, 14.6% were Han Chinese, 85% were minorities, mainly Uighurs.

China's birth contol policy was only imposed on Han Chinese, not on minorities.
Western media better accuses China of persecuting Han Chinese , that'll be much more tenable statistically.

Uighur population growth 19.88%, Han population growth:2.03%

China conducting mass sterilization on Muslim minorities that could amount to genocide: Report
China's treatment of Uighurs has come under increased scrutiny.
Conor Finnegan
Victor Ordonez
30 June 2020, 03:48
9 min read
tactics could amount to genocide.

China's treatment of Uighurs, the Muslim ethnic group that has historically lived in China's westernmost province, known as Xinjiang, has come under increased scrutiny in the last couple years, as the Chinese government ramped up what it casts as a "re-education" campaign that uses mass detention camps.

Those camps are used as a form of threat and punishment, with officials detaining women and families who fail to comply with pregnancy checks or forced intrauterine contraceptive devices -- more commonly known as IUDs -- sterilizations, and even abortions.

MORE: 'Nightline' granted rare tour of Chinese 'vocational' centers where Muslim citizens are allegedly held as prisoners
The result is a huge drop in birth rates among China's Muslim population, even as it moves Han Chinese, the country's main ethnic group, into the mineral-rich region. Birth rates in Uighur areas have plunged by over 60% in the last three years alone, according to the report published by the Jamestown Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington.

MORE: US says number of Muslim minorities in Chinese internment camps may be 'in the millions'
"I started to collect data on population growth in the area," Zenz told ABC News in an interview Monday. "To be honest, I did not expect this to be such a revolutionary report … until I stumbled upon finding after finding, and things became far more dramatic."

The Chinese Foreign Ministry called the accusations "simply groundless and false" during a media briefing Monday. ABC News has not independently confirmed the report's details. Previous reporting trips to the region were met with stonewalling by local officials.

Mike Pompeo, a vocal critic of Beijing, calling them "part of a continuing campaign of repression" against Uighurs and other minorities.

MORE: US holds China accountable for human rights violations amid trade war talks
The report's "revelations are sadly consistent with decades of (Chinese Communist Party) practices that demonstrate an utter disregard for the sanctity of human life and basic human dignity. We call on the Chinese Communist Party to immediately end these horrific practices and ask all nations to join the United States in demanding an end to these dehumanizing abuses," he added.

Women have come forward in recent years and recounted being forced to take birth control or undergo sterilization, particularly while in one of the detention facilities for the region's Muslim population. But the study found widespread use of IUDs, sterilizations and forced family separations since the mass detention campaign began in 2017.

MORE: Bolton dismisses Trump's tough talk on China: 'No telling' what deal he'd take if reelected
The report said 80% of all new IUD placements in 2018 in China were performed in Xinjiang province, which has only 1.8% of the country's overall population.

The measures have achieved huge drops in birth rate. Population growth in the two districts with the largest Uighur populations fell by 84% between 2015 and 2018 and even further in 2019. One Uighur region had an unprecedented near-zero population growth target for 2020, according to the report.

MORE: Trump administration compares Chinese prisons for Muslim minorities to 1930s detention camps
"I've been one of the strongest advocates to not use the term genocide without an adjective," said Zenz. "However, the suppression of births is one of the criteria of literal genocide per the U.N. convention -- so it's appropriate to start to talk about this moving into an aspect of genocide."
The reality on the ground

Why Uighur families have so many children? Her mother didn't give up after having 3 daughters, in the end it paid off and she got a boy.

She says it's just a tradition that Uighurs like to have big families so people can take care of each other, she feels sorry for people from only child families (Han families), saying there's no company when growing up and no siblings care and tend you when you are sick.

The reality on the ground

Why Uighur families have so many children? Her mother didn't give up after having 3 daughters, in the end it paid off and she got a boy.

She says it's just a tradition that Uighurs like to have big families so people can take care of each other, she feels sorry for people from only child families (Han families), saying there's no company when growing up and no siblings care and tend you when you are sick.

Finally you found the Xinjiang beautiful folder :lol:
Exiled Uyghurs submit evidence related to China's internment camps - Taiwan Times

Can you explain this simple logic question? can't you??

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
Finally you found the Xinjiang beautiful folder :lol:


Uighur women reportedly sterilized in attempt to suppress population - German Media DW

Can you explain this simple logic question? can't you??

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
Can you explain this simple logic question? can't you??

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
I have answered 100 times. You just ignore whatever answer you get and continue to spam your stupid questions because you are a supporter of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
I have answered 100 times. You just ignore whatever answer you get and continue to spam your stupid questions because you are a supporter of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Where is your anwser?Anyone died from this" mass genocide‘?’ can you give a single name?
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