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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Because they regard the CCP so highly. I wonder if they care more for fellow Muslims more or for their Communist Atheist Chinese allies

Subject for different thread my friend, its OT. Read through this one more. We know BJP and RSS are garbage too...just like Indian politics at large. That doesn't put them anywhere close to CCP totalitarian setup and level of stuff CCP can get away quite easily with on its own citizens at such scale.
CCP bot whataboutism strawmanning is about the lamest cringiest disgusting thing you will find in this forum.

Its pretty pathetic they are unable to see that, and dont even attempt to try to change messaging tactics and strategy one little bit. Too hive minded and party loyalist at all cost first thing. Ew.
It really is like talking to a scripted bot. Their arguments really reflects what kind of society they have in China.
Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
Lies can not withstand simple logics.

It really is like talking to a scripted bot. Their arguments really reflects what kind of society they have in China.
We have our logic, you don't have yours, can you explain this??

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
Missed this doozie, are you saying apollo missions were all faked?
Can you explain this?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.

Rape, medical experiments, and forced abortions: Muslim Women describe horrors of Xinjiang concentration camps


Leaked China Files Show Internment Camps Are Ruled by Secrecy and Spying
A secret document reflects leaders’ struggle to manage Xinjiang sites swelling with Muslim detainees.


Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
Can you explain this?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.

OK I recognise what you position is on the uighur argument. I won't agree with it, but I know its lost cause to convince you of my position....and vice versa.

But now tell me, do you think the apollo landings were faked?
Western media can have their "inside reliable" sources about 3 million people being locked up in Xinjiang, Uighurs having their organs harvested and children taken away from their parents and families, China sending Han people to sleep with Uighur women, China destroying Uighur graves and forcing Uighur women to marry Han men and sterilizing Uighgur women...
How come they can't use those "inside reliable" sources to find even one single death from those persecutions??

And why China has to do this? just to show what crimes against humanity really are? Chinese leaders are level headed people ,they are not crazy man child like Trump. Any one with a mind can tell me why Chinese government has to commit all those crimes?
The Truth is, Turkey supports extremist Elements in Islamic countries. From ISIS to AlQaeda that destroyed Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egyptian Sinai etc. When they support a group in Chinese Turkistan, it rings a bell to me. First of all Turkey is bedfellow of NATO members, they would try their best to undermine territorial integrity of China, Russia and Iran. Secondly, Turkey is known for destroying Arab countries by supporting extremist separatists such as ISIS and AlQaeda. Turkey supports desteuctive Elements among Muslims.

All in all they have Zero sympathy for Muslims of Uyghur or Syria, they want to destroy Chinese and Syrian integrity on behalf of NATO gangsters. And it doesn't really matter that their excuse is either Uyghur or Tibet or Taiwan.
But now tell me, do you think the apollo landings were faked?
You can start another thread and allow people to discuss about it, for me I don't really know, I read articles of different opinions.
Lies can not withstand simple logics.

We have our logic, you don't have yours, can you explain this??

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
Uighur population have declined. They import Han chinese and force Uighur women to marry them, they deport Uighurs from Xinjiang and send to factories all over China and use them for slave labor. They brainwash them and strip them of their faith, language, culture and identity. What china does is the definition of ethnic cleansing

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