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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Two wrongs doesn't make a right. Thats the difference between being biased and unbiased. Just because I disagree with the western foreign policy and western media, doesn't mean I should develop a bias towards China and turn a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and mass genocide. Your argument is better suited against a closed fascist state like China, not a free world. We are of two completely different worlds with completely different morale and values.
Anyone died from this" mass genocide‘?’ can you give a single name?
BJP and RSS leaders even visited China most likely to learn such tactics from the CCP. I wonder what Pakistanis make of India implementing Chinese system in Kashmir.

The problem is not what you want to build, it's where you want to build. No f***s given as long as it's in non-occupied territory.
Two wrongs doesn't make a right. Thats the difference between being biased and unbiased. Just because I disagree with the western foreign policy and western media, doesn't mean I should develop a bias towards China and turn a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and mass genocide. Your argument is better suited against a closed fascist state like China, not a free world. We are of two completely different worlds with completely different morale and values.

CCP bot whataboutism strawmanning is about the lamest cringiest disgusting thing you will find in this forum.

Its pretty pathetic they are unable to see that, and dont even attempt to try to change messaging tactics and strategy one little bit. Too hive minded and party loyalist at all cost first thing. Ew.
They learned all they needed to know on the matter from the witch-hag and her "emergency". Glad India survived that (mass forced villager sterilization and all)...phew.

Just desserts for that party today that came closest to CCP....very extended slow and painful (for them)....and I suppose this final hurrah with brain-dead princeling "leader" is as good cherry on top as any. One of the delicious ironies of Indian political scene.

Oh they're to be taken credibly on Modi/BJP criticism too.....good one. Most "unlikely" this time.

Why does this matter to wonder about? We saw what they think and continue to think about their own system implemented on a whole former eastern half. Why would a hypothetical CCP system in some new hypothetical situation matter?

We hold ourselves to much higher standard.
Because they regard the CCP so highly. I wonder if they care more for fellow Muslims more or for their Communist Atheist Chinese allies
Only one solution. Independent observer must inspect the camps. Without distriction. NOW!
This quote suggests That Western spies in UN disguise must be sent to China. We had white helmets experience with Western hypocrites that Based their report on Turkish supported AlQaeda. The only beneficiery of undermining Chinese territorial integrity is NATO.
I see you are going to extreme lengths to derail this thread and protect China. Is your Qibla in Beijing?
Looks like you are losing your patience man. Calm down and Stop spreading NATO stuff in the forum.
We are discussing China here. You are desperately trying to derail and troll the thread to please your Chinese masters.

I am not a believer of "if they can do it then so can I"
So you refuse our government. Wondering about your true intention, are you trying to protect Muslims by siding with NATO gangsters?
Thats not what he said lol. He literally said that its better to arrest and reeducate someone they suspect has the potential to commit a crime before he actually commits the crime. Meaning they can arrest anyone on the basis of being Muslim because as long as he is Muslim, he has the potential to become a terrorist.
Most of ISIS terrorists were tansfered from your beloved extremists into Syria. ISIS and AlQaeda were supported by Turkey in the First years of Syrian war, they were organized to destroy Central Asia, Russian lands in South West and other areas to pave the way for NATO.
At least you admit you support the concentration camps
Thats not concentration camp. For all i know about Uyghurs and the rumors on the Web.

Would you agree that ISIS takes over Turkistan of China like Syrian lands?
Watch towers and barbed fences around Chinese schools? Stop lying dude.

China is killing religious and ethnic minorities and harvesting their organs, UN Human Rights Council told
Lawyers for independent China Tribunal say UN member states have ‘legal obligation’ to act
The Chinese government is harvesting and selling organs from persecuted religious and ethnic minorities on an industrial scale, the UN Human Rights Council has been told.

Speaking at the council’s headquarters in Geneva on Tuesday, lawyer Hamid Sabi presented the findings of the China Tribunal, an independent tribunal on allegations of forced organ harvesting.

Mr Sabi told the council that UN member states have a “legal obligation” to act after the tribunal’s final report in June found that “the commission of crimes against humanity against the Falun Gong and Uighur [minorities] had been proved beyond reasonable doubt”.

The China Tribunal was chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, a prosecutor at the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia who led the case against Slobodan Milošević, and heard evidence from human rights investigators, medical experts and witnesses.

It concluded that there was clear evidence China had been extracting organs from, and thereby killing, members of the Falun Gong spiritual group for at least 20 years, and that the practice was ongoing today.

Detainees were “killed to order... cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale”, the tribunal’s final judgement said.

China mosque demolitions raise fears of more Uighur Muslim persecution

The tribunal said there was also possible evidence, though in less volume, of forced organ harvesting in detainees from the Uighur Muslim minority, as well as Tibetans and some Christian sects.

China’s campaign of detention and “re-education” of more than a million Uighurs in the northwestern Xinjiang province has gained significant international attention and condemnation. The tribunal found evidence they were “being used as a bank of organs” and subjected to regular medical testing.

China has repeatedly denied the use of unethical organ transplant practices, and said that it stopped using the organs from executed prisoners in 2015. In a statement earlier this year, it accused the London-based China Tribunal of perpetuating “rumours”.
But Sir Geoffrey, also speaking on Tuesday at a separate NGO-hosted UN event, said the evidence collated by the tribunal meant the international community “can no longer avoid what it is inconvenient for them to admit”.

The organ transplant industry is estimated to earn China more than $1bn (£801.4m) a year, according to the tribunal. Sir Geoffrey called on the International Transplant Society and national medical associations dealing with transplant surgery to “face up to what is revealed in the China Tribunal judgment and act”.

Some countries, including Italy, Spain, Israel and Taiwan, already have restrictions in place for those seeking to travel to China for organ transplant surgery.

And the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (Etac), which initiated the China Tribunal, said it expects a private members bill to stop unethical organ tourism will be tabled in the UK parliament in October.

Etac is hoping its findings will prompt the Human Rights Council to open up a UN Commission of Inquiry into forced organ harvesting in China, said Susie Hughes, the organisation’s executive director.

In his speech, Mr Sabi said that the targeting of minority groups for organ harvesting amounted to a “possible charge of genocide”, and compared it to other examples of mass religious or racial persecution in recent history.

“Victim for victim and death for death, the gassing of the Jews by the Nazis, the massacre by the Khmer Rouge or the butchery to death of the Rwanda Tutsis may not be worse than cutting out the hearts and other organs from living, blameless, harmless, peaceable people,” he told the Human Rights Council. “It is the legal obligation of UN Member States to address this criminal conduct.”
UN human Rights Council has been accusing Iran for years for non existent things, most of unfair sanctions on our people are imposed on behalf of UN biased reports. Are you really trying to say that UN who Based its report on AlQaeda white helmets reports has any credibility?
I think that says all.....

Those overseas pakistanis or iranian living in western countries wouldbt even shed a tear if Muslim or their heritage countries got bombed it destroy by US.
He is confused. There are lots of anti China news outlets in West. He must change his thoughts otherwise he will fall into Western traps.

@mangekyo your Source is BBC? Seriously?
Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, I didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps.

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim.
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