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At least 23 killed in multiple attacks in Afghanistan

The result of Trump giving bigger role to India in Afghanistan.
For India its just a place to use against pakistan, they do not care about Afgans or peace.
Responsibility is on Afghans to see who is with them and who is just using them, and USA and India has no use of stable Afghanistan.

Only Pakistan has to live with them, and consider them on of its own Bother country, but what can namak harams can see.....
afghans think that its okay if Afghanistan burns a along as they hope for collapse of Pakistan..so they can retake what is rightfully their the KPK and Baluchistan

now elite has successful even brain washed the middle class, if things go wrong they always have plan B..get asylum in any country(if they are already not dual citizens)

they know that their is no danger for afghan territorial integrity, no neighboring country wants to take any part of the barren waste land

Only people like Ashraf Ghani, being puppets, to be held responsible for all the losses. There is no strategy for stability & peace in Afghanistan and Kabul cannot act for a single thing without dictation. Once Afghans get rid of puppet regime and vouch for the right leadership, people may see peace. These failures that put a question mark over US, NATO and Afghan Government progress, highlights that most of Afghanistan land and its security is out of hands of these big names.

What if military powers have no ambition to restore peace in Afghanistan which seems like they all are hell bent to keep the status quo of unrest & instability for own presence in the region and to contain neighboring rivals. Despite all the claims by US allies, Ashraf Ghani & his warlords, one can only wish & pray that may the sanity prevail.

Afghanistan peace depends upon interest & efforts of neighboring nations and stake holders whereby, US & allies are only working for containment and keeping the neighbors out of development which actually harms any progress. Pakistan do hold a major stake in this regard but as the US needs an SHO like India in the region, supported its presence in Afghanistan whom has no aim but to work against Pakistan & China. Every time, when there is any chance of talks and progress, either US or Kabul rejects any possibility and create a vacuum till next loss.

Until & unless, right parties are not taken into confidence and all stake holder does not join the table for talks, I am afraid, we may be keep seeing such situations in future.
they tend to realze that once they are not i power and are no longer milking the cow
Insider attack killed 23 soldiers in Afghanistan
By BR Web Desk on December 14, 2019
  • The incident took place at a military base in Ghazni Province.
  • The Afghan Ministry of Defense has confirmed nine deaths in the incident.

KABUL: As many as 23 soldiers were killed in an insider attack in eastern Afghanistan, officials said on Saturday.

The report suggests that the deceased soldiers were sleeping at the time of the attack that took place at a military base in Ghazni Province.

Officials said the on duty infiltrator opened fire on his colleagues resulting in almost wiping out the whole unit. The attacker then seized all weapons and equipment in the base and joined the insurgency.

The Afghan Ministry of Defense has confirmed nine deaths in the incident. The exact number of casualties was unclear.

As per the New York Times, Taliban claimed 32 causalities in the attack.

Meanwhile, a member of the provincial council Esmatullah Jamuradwal claimed 23 causalities, and said that only one soldier, out of 24 in the Territorial Army unit, had survived.

“The attacker packed all weapons and ammunition in a Humvee and drove to the Taliban," he said.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense said that officials had begun an investigation into the attack.

Really sad, RIP all the innocents who died. Some times it worries me what will happen when US leaves Afghanistan, these beasts will turn towards Pakistan.
and some people want these Afghani's to become Pakistani citizens, so they will come here in millions and kill thousands of Pakistani's in cold blood . Seal the Fcuking border and deport all of them back to their country .
Disloyal fckr ! Switched sides when confronted with a powerful enemy
Rest In Peace the martyred soldier’s
and some people want these Afghani's to become Pakistani citizens, so they will come here in millions and kill thousands of Pakistani's in cold blood . Seal the Fcuking border and deport all of them back to their country .
We have Karachits that vote for Hindu MQM on indian payroll. Any traitor from the inside should be thrown out too. Let's start with people that hate very other ethnicity in pakistan. Aka people of Karachi
So this guy managed to wipe out an entire unit, steal all their equipment, and then defect?

Did they not have patrols or guards while they sleep? Do they not sleep near their weapons? Surely the Afghans must have picked up even the most basics of military procedure from the two decades NATO wasted training them.
We have Karachits that vote for Hindu MQM on indian payroll. Any traitor from the inside should be thrown out too. Let's start with people that hate very other ethnicity in pakistan. Aka people of Karachi
Ok retard since you have gone completely retard with your blind hatred for the karachiites, let me clear some of your delusions, us karachiites have a bigger heart than lowlifes like you lived and le5 lived over 2.5 months pakhtoons in Karachi alone. All the strategic corners of Karachi are being encroached by your kind so that you could continue your drug and ammunition businesses. Your kind is the only one who provided sanctuaries to talibans and btw which ethnic group talibans are from, can put some light on it.

It’s us karachiites who are suffering because of the transport mafia and still have to go through pain of travelling in those buses, care to explain who owns them.

Urdu speaking karachiites are the most educated community of the country do you wanna know why, cause we have no shitty tribal system with no sardars or Maliki to decide our fate.

Did you pakhtoons not voted for ANP all these years a known red brigade. MQM was founded due to quota system and suppression of the Urdu speaking community but the moment we found out altafs intentions look what we did to him, do you have balls to do the same with red brigade you lowlife.

Inspite of all this yet we still consider pakhtoons as our brothers and respect to the core. What a high class looser you are.
Really sad, RIP all the innocents who died. Some times it worries me what will happen when US leaves Afghanistan, these beasts will turn towards Pakistan.

Are u a moron? Who is innocent in war? Taliban are legitimate rulers. They are winning so u call them beasts while those who use cluster bombs and MOABs are humans? Morons like u also think its fine to quarantine one million ppl in kashmir. By the way indians must be shitting their pants seeing taliban rising coz if anything, india is their next target.

Disloyal fckr ! Switched sides when confronted with a powerful enemy
Rest In Peace the martyred soldier’s

Taliban are smart and have injected hundreds of under cover agents into the afghan army. Insider attacks have devastated them. I have no sympathy for losers who fight for the enemy against his own countrymen. Such soul less bigots deserve it.
Ok retard since you have gone completely retard with your blind hatred for the karachiites, let me clear some of your delusions, us karachiites have a bigger heart than lowlifes like you lived and le5 lived over 2.5 months pakhtoons in Karachi alone. All the strategic corners of Karachi are being encroached by your kind so that you could continue your drug and ammunition businesses. Your kind is the only one who provided sanctuaries to talibans and btw which ethnic group talibans are from, can put some light on it.

It’s us karachiites who are suffering because of the transport mafia and still have to go through pain of travelling in those buses, care to explain who owns them.

Urdu speaking karachiites are the most educated community of the country do you wanna know why, cause we have no shitty tribal system with no sardars or Maliki to decide our fate.

Did you pakhtoons not voted for ANP all these years a known red brigade. MQM was founded due to quota system and suppression of the Urdu speaking community but the moment we found out altafs intentions look what we did to him, do you have balls to do the same with red brigade you lowlife.

Inspite of all this yet we still consider pakhtoons as our brothers and respect to the core. What a high class looser you are.
What hatred? Nice of you to have a civilized discussion. Very amusing, prove to me my hate for the people of Karachi.

Ok retard since you have gone completely retard with your blind hatred for the karachiites, let me clear some of your delusions, us karachiites have a bigger heart than lowlifes like you lived and le5 lived over 2.5 months pakhtoons in Karachi alone. All the strategic corners of Karachi are being encroached by your kind so that you could continue your drug and ammunition businesses. Your kind is the only one who provided sanctuaries to talibans and btw which ethnic group talibans are from, can put some light on it.

It’s us karachiites who are suffering because of the transport mafia and still have to go through pain of travelling in those buses, care to explain who owns them.

Urdu speaking karachiites are the most educated community of the country do you wanna know why, cause we have no shitty tribal system with no sardars or Maliki to decide our fate.

Did you pakhtoons not voted for ANP all these years a known red brigade. MQM was founded due to quota system and suppression of the Urdu speaking community but the moment we found out altafs intentions look what we did to him, do you have balls to do the same with red brigade you lowlife.

Inspite of all this yet we still consider pakhtoons as our brothers and respect to the core. What a high class looser you are.
Calling me retard and calling native pakhtoons lowlifes. Very nice

Yet I clearly made a distinction between thos4 that votes for the kinds of MQM and other law abiding people of Karachi who had taken no part in that terrorism. This shows the lack of education and thought processing on your part.

@Dubious @Arsalan @waz prove to me that what I said was wrong
What hatred? Nice of you to have a civilized discussion. Very amusing, prove to me my hate for the people of Karachi.

Calling me retard and calling native pakhtoons lowlifes. Very nice

Yet I clearly made a distinction between thos4 that votes for the kinds of MQM and other law abiding people of Karachi who had taken no part in that terrorism. This shows the lack of education and thought processing on your part.

@Dubious @Arsalan @waz prove to me that what I said was wrong
Your ignorance will not take you anywhere, living in Canada wont automatically qualify you as an intellectual who spew crap and venom towards karachiites. Don’t worry about my education, I maybe a middle school graduate yet I have more maturity than your kind, btw you never answered me about Maliks and sardars and the sanctuaries your people provided for TTP goons in Karachi.

FYI I never voted for mqm.
Your ignorance will not take you anywhere, living in Canada wont automatically qualify you as an intellectual who spew crap and venom towards karachiites. Don’t worry about my education, I maybe a middle school graduate yet I have more maturity than your kind, btw you never answered me about Maliks and sardars and the sanctuaries your people provided for TTP goons in Karachi.

FYI I never voted for mqm.
Those are all traitors and terrorists themselves. Why would I ever support the killing of my own countrymen?

And I dont mean anything about your education as a whole. I meant just on that topic. You could be a primary school pass, and have more information then me. Its never about how many years you do of formal education. So I didnt mean any offence in that form.

Since you never voted for that filth then I see you with the same light as I see all the other nationals that don't rejoice on ethnic kills.

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