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At least 149 dead, dozens injured in Halloween stampede in Seoul, South Korea

At least 149 people were killed and between 65 to 150 more hurt in a stampede during Halloween festivities in the Itaewon district of Seoul, South Korea — the first outdoor, mask-free celebration of the holiday since the 2020 COVID pandemic, local media reported.

There were about 100,000 revelers out celebrating in the popular nightlife area, according to Yonhap News.

Officials warned the death toll could rise further, with 19 of the injured in serious condition.

Videos posted online showed people in fancy costumes being pushed through the narrow streets. Some appeared to climb walls on either side in an attempt to escape.

Source: https://nypost.com/2022/10/29/at-le...d-in-halloween-stampede-in-seoul-south-korea/
OMG, this is why I stick to small town and never follow the crowd, this is the worst kind of death!

RIP to all victims.
Sure, then you guys shouldn't feel offended when there are literally no one care about brown death in similar sitaution.

Two can play this game you know.

What a stupid a$$ argument.

We don't. We don't argue on PDF on such topics. If something happens in Iraq and Yemen this is a concern for the authorities in these countries to fix.

It is you who is yearning for sympathy and arguing how a bunch of spoilt brats deserve compassion. They don't deserve sympathy.

This stampede could have been avoided easily. The people who rushed to this place for some pathetic American tradition can only blame themselves.
How do people not see the harm they are doing and stop causing the crush that has led to the loss of life??? It's not as if it was a panic crush, no this was an attempt to see a 'celebrity' for Christ sake. Utter madness. Complete and utter madness.
That right, they have the selfish mentality despite people ahead r already crushing but they still continue push ahead from behind. This led to heavy death toll.
Here we come with the casualties comparison again, can we not?
Korean christianity is very weird and mostly consist of cults.
Some are CIA created like the Unification Church to fight communism.
American protestantism mostly. If I remember correctly,Evangelicals and various heresies.
PDF really has this disgusting tradition where people always compare casualties and then point fingers at each other society.
I've seen this with the Chinese earthquake, US flooding and the Chinese tragic plane crash.

It's like a competition each time a tragedy happens.
Crime happened, stampede happened. Rape also happen to every countries but it's the frequency and severity that differential a developed countries and developing nations.

I never say it cannot be occured in developed nation. As what u say , slacking and third world countries mentality of the management for SK to cause such mass death.
again, it's called "Accident" and accident do happens whether or not you are in a first world nation or third world nation.

**** = t dot me


Watch out for a very violent video - this is what the epicenter of a crush in Seoul during Halloween festivities looked like, 18+

The footage shows the situation at the epicenter of a crush in Seoul during a Halloween celebration in the popular hangout district of Itaewon. A man was broadcasting live and people around him can be seen screaming in pain and asking for help. Many of the victims were taken to hospitals in cardiac arrest, local media reported.

Most of the dead were young men under the age of 30. The death toll, according to the latest figures, exceeds 150, including 22 foreigners, among them 3 Russians. The youngest girl from Russia was 21, two other girls were 25 and 27. The situation, it should be recalled, was exacerbated by the fact that many businessmen refused to let people in who were trying to escape the crush.

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**** = t dot me

🇰🇷⚡️146 Dead and around 150 injured in Seoul, South Korea during Halloween Festivities. It is said the Stampede occurred in an ally way in downtown Seoul. Reports suggest that the crowd was "unruly" and was very hard to control leading up to the fatal event.
We don't. We don't argue on PDF on such topics. If something happens in Iraq and Yemen this is a concern for the authorities in these countries to fix.

It is you who is yearning for sympathy and arguing how a bunch of spoilt brats deserve compassion. They don't deserve sympathy.

This stampede could have been avoided easily. The people who rushed to this place for some pathetic BRITISH tradition can only blame themselves.
You do know Halloween stem from Gaelic Protestant tradition, right? There are NOTHING American about Halloween...You like to hate, but at least do some basic research before you open your mouth.

There, I corrected it for you

As for you other point. Again, two can play the same game, I don't care about you people, you don't care about mine, nobody ask you to care about my people, certainly nobody ask me to care about yours
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Stampede mass death usually occurs with developing countries with poor management control and lower educated population mindset.
England is not a third world country with poor crowd control record yet the Hillsborough disaster happened resulting in many deaths.
human being as an individual maybe normally smart but as a crowd he is like a sheep and gives up the common sense to the crowd behavior whether he is from a rich educated background or from an impoverished and illiterate society.
the herd mentality of flight from the scene triggers in that saps all reasoning. the results are usually always tragic regardless of nationality.
England is not a third world country with poor crowd control record yet the Hillsborough disaster happened resulting in many deaths.
human being as an individual maybe normally smart but as a crowd he is like a sheep and gives up the common sense to the crowd behavior whether he is from a rich educated background or from an impoverished and illiterate society.
the herd mentality of flight from the scene triggers in that saps all reasoning. the results are usually always tragic regardless of nationality.
England hooligan soccer fans are well known. Is those South Korea partier hooligans too? Plus, its more than 30 years ago incident where old stadium, outdated management there exist. Its quite incomparable between this incident 30 years ago with 2022 one. England learn their lesson and thats why no such mass stampede happened, right?
remember that apart from the natives, Americans have no culture of their own. All their traditions originate from other countries. Yes, they may celebrate Halloween more than other countries, but it doesn't mean that that's where it comes from.some very Strange comments , when so many have lost their lives..
Death by nationalities:
Korean stampede death by nationality.jpg

Surprised by the iranians and russians.
Anyone who have seen itaewon near festivities should know that place was a ticking time bomb for tragedy. Itaewon is a crazy place teeming with foreigners ,especially american GI. There is a sense of wildness in the area, I was there 4 years ago ,just passed by it on route to the matrimonial hall via itaewon ,that place didn't feel Korea from the seer no.of foreigners.That region is out of control .

S.Korea is the test lab of imploding east Asian society by the action of western agents.China and the rest must learn from them. How did S.korea ended up with this crazy halloween frenzy? thanks to the US military base with 30-50k us soldiers + their families stationed there, so many Koreans died a tragical death over western cultural practice and individualism.
What a waste of young life in a nation already suffering from lack of birth.

This is the sort of price korea pays for relentless western appeasement and letting in western ideas rot their own natural values.
Without all those westerners ,itaewon wouldn't have turned out like that.
Most foreigner death are women.
What are foreigner women doing alone in Korea? Is this the K-pop craze?
Hopefully this incident will make the women feel more scared of going into foreign country alone.
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