Those who use their 'religion' as pretext to harm innocents -- do not represent their Religious Faith nor do they represent the True believers of their faith.
In my opinion, Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is an Abrahamic Religion -- that centers on theme of morality and understanding Providence' Final Judgment. No where in any of these religions advocates the sinning of acting like Providence by dispensing Providence' Justice. I know well enough and have studied Islam long enough to appreciate that True Islam is a religion of Peace.
It is when people who become deluded by mis-interpretation of some Hadiths , by the way -- Hadith is not even in Holy Q'uran -- that some people may become radicalized. This is why it is important to read, study, and meditate on the Holy Q'uran with help of peace-minded Muslim Theologians.
Too often where we have these recent-convert or youtube imams , who never even went to an Islamic Seminary -- preaching and advocating a hate-based, biased, twisted version of Islam.