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At a time when Pakistan Iran relations are tanking, Saudi minister land in Pakistan.

Making peace with Israel will backfire... cannot do that for the foreseeable future
I am of the opinion, that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not our problem.

The only way Iran will ever cooperate and deal with Pakistan sincerely is when Pakistani population converts to Shiaism en masse.

Otherwise Shia Iran will never deal with it on the basis of equity and fairness.

Under Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi, the first visit of an Egyptian heads of state to Iran took place after 50 years and he made a genuine effort to mend the decades long impasse. Yet Iranian turned around stabbed MB in the back in Syria, thus paving the way for extremist groups and not mention the savage butchery of Assad regime.

Iran under present circumstances has built a system similar to Israelis where their whole governing and societal apparatus is setup to resist a supposed siege from all it's neighbors who have all ganged up on it and hell bent on it's destruction.
Not surprisingly, Saudi Arabia is fighting a proxy war with Iran.

We share more in common with Saudi Arabia than say the sectarian Shia Iran.
Dude this is getting ridiculous, I get it Iranians are idiots no doubt
but goddamn it who brought sectarian killings to Pakistan?

Yes Saudi inspired terrorists and who funded these yep citizens of UAE, Saudis
Outside of Pakistan, whose responsibility was it stop them
UAE and Saudi to make sure terrorists are not funded

They brought this cancer to Pakistan, Not only they killed and maimed Shia but the largest sect of Pakistan Barelvis were also killed (cause their practices made them "kaffirs"), propaganda campaigns to malign their image, systematically kicking them out of powerful places replacing them with Saudi influenced figures

What is TLP? response to all this BS peddled by SA, UAE inspired crap going on in Pak

So their historic role towards Pakistan should not be ignored and pushed to the side, but investigated and made sure their tasticalles in Pakistan are removed

Move on but A- GCC must put an end to the practice of funding sectarian terrorist who are targeting majority of Pakistanis B- money laundering
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this sect violence was a fallout of Afghanistan resistance how it all began. And our then army state , so no wrong in encouraging or stopping it as we feared for our country invasion from Soviet Union red army was coming . These warriors were recruited left to there own practices and independent in border regions to be influenced by uncontrolled forces. Iran and Saudis both guilty of importing it together , don’t kid yourself Iranian did it more stealthy by implanting Iranian sect agents into our civilians services in high places we need to clear all out.
this sect violence was a fallout of Afghanistan resistance how it all began. And our then army state , so no wrong in encouraging or stopping it as we feared for our country invasion from Soviet Union red army was coming . These warriors were recruited left to there own practices and independent in border regions to be influenced by uncontrolled forces. Iran and Saudis both guilty of importing it together , don’t kid yourself Iranian did it more stealthy by implanting Iranian sect agents into our civilians services in high places we need to clear all out.
both need to go but people here are making GCC sound like angels
Very one-sided view of some people here

Their practices resulted in a lot of bad thing for nation of Pakistan
Saudis have always been our Pakistans best friends during normal times and our crisis

I got nothing against our neighbour Iran they’ve been a invisible or against us on regional problems

we do share a border nothing else . Reason you see now them and india operating together
well said. KSA relation with Pakistan is unconditional and time tested. its not based on how we conduct ourselves with Iran or Turkey.

this may or may not be coincidence that Saudis are visiting when BLA is using Iranian soil and TTP/ daesh are using Afghan soil to launch attacks on Pakistan.
they have their own issue of dealing with the Yemen which has become a fish bone.

Indians are master planners they please Iranians, Saudis, Israelis, Afghans, Qataris and Emaraties at the same time and all these countries compete with each other to please the Indians.
Pakistanis must learn that art of diplomacy instead of complaining.
Simple. If Iran is truly destabilizing Balochistan through its terrorism... Make peace with Israel and invite them to Balochistan to exterminate the Mullah terrorist regime of Tehran.

Pak don't need Israel they can do it theirselves, time to make a proxy army and send them into Iran. Each bomb blast
in Pak should be responded 3 fold. Pakistan has been on the defensive for too long, you only win wars on the offensive.

As for Israel they have infiltrated the Iranian Army, they managed to knock Fuckrizadah, they also got Trump to knock
off Gen Soliemani.
Everyone the Saudis and Iranians and others are there for their own interests.

I for one will never forget UAE and Saudi attitude when Kashmir's autonomy was snatched and a demographic genocide started and they refused to call an OIC meeting. Money isnt everything.

May be if we have sent the army in yemen, this cold attitude of Saudis and emiraatis would never emerge but who knows. But their giving out medals to a war criminal will not be forgotten sorry.

As far as Iran is concerned, who stops us from tightening the screws on them via afghanistan. Iranian establishment should be confronted directly and ISI chief should be in Tehran if even a thread of irani zafran is discovered with any terrorist.
Dude this is getting ridiculous, I get it Iranians are a** no doubt
but goddamn it who brought sectarian killings to Pakistan?

Yes Saudi inspired terrorists and who funded these SOB's yep citizens of UAE, Saudis
Outside of Pakistan, whose responsibility was it stop them
UAE and Saudi to make sure terrorists are not funded

They brought this cancer to Pakistan, Not only they killed and maimed Shia but the largest sect of Pakistan Barelvis were also killed (cause their practices made them "kaffirs"), propaganda campaigns to malign their image, systematically kicking them out of powerful places replacing them with Saudi influenced figures

What is TLP? response to all this BS peddled by SA, UAE inspired crap going on in Pak

So their historic role towards Pakistan should not be ignored and pushed to the side, but investigated and made sure their tasticalles in Pakistan are removed

Move on but A- GCC must put an end to the practice of funding sectarian terrorist who are targeting majority of Pakistanis B- money laundering
Iranians started the sectarian war in Pakistan after 1979 revolution.

Think about this, Iran under the Shah was a great of ally and supporter of Pakistan and got along famously with the Arabs with ease, he's buried in Egypt of all places.

All the problems started after Khomeni took over and saw it his religious duty to expand and export the revolution to other countries.

Saudi funding only came in to counter Iranian revolutionary evangelism.

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