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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

In becharay sipahion ka kia qusoor. They are just following orders.

I think there needs to be a division between the Army, a fighting institution, and the military establishment, the political player.

Police say 11 shells recovered, out of which 9 are of the pistol, 2 of another weapon.

Perhaps a weapon of the security team? Should be easy to know whether the security team fired any shots or not.

Secondly, if the second shooter was far away, you won't find the shells near the container.

The DJ who is claiming he saw someone fire from a rooftop needs to be asked to pinpoint the exact location so that area can be combed as well.

More importantly though, why tf was the guy taken to Kunjah and who recorded the video and released it and why?
Looking at the size of some of those holes on metal and having "some" knowledge of ballistics, velocity, tumbling, spread patterns, number of injuries, handgun usage, state of injuries (wounds), number of contacted bullets - this was not the work of a single assassin, nor the work exclusively of a 9mm projectile.
@Areesh @HRK
where is that @El Sidd guy... So annoying, but haven't seen him lately..
He’s on a break

I dare hypocrites to misbehave with Mods in this thread. One is banned for seven days in this thread as a starting point. Disciplinary line is drawn.

Be mindful of Forum Rules.
This. Please be respectful people, we can all agree that everyone has different views and opinions. You don’t have to like or agree with them but you have to agree to respect people’s rights to an opinion and also at the same time as this is a forum and you are interacting with human beings and not NPCs - please be respectful.
I dare hypocrites to misbehave with Mods in this thread. One is banned for seven days in this thread as a starting point. Disciplinary line is drawn.

Be mindful of Forum Rules.
Can you point out who is PDF and why is Amaa'n even a mod. His judgements is pathetic emotional and totally lota
On the other hand you are pretty fair.
He’s on a break

This. Please be respectful people, we can all agree that everyone has different views and opinions. You don’t have to like or agree with them but you have to agree to respect people’s rights to an opinion and also at the same time as this is a forum and you are interacting with human beings and not NPCs - please be respectful.
Yesterday we were granted multiple negative ratings just because we disagreed with a certain Staff member and @AgNoStiC MuSliM had to step in. This goes both ways and authority and power should not be misused.
Today we have reached a point that.
1. Army is clearly against Pakistan. By army I mean top brass and not the brave jawaans.
2. PEMRA is a mouth piece of the establishment and enemy of the people.
3. Midnight courts are the enemy
4. Police that button charge and shell peaceful people are teh enemy.
5. Politicians like zardari his gay son. Shareefs all need to be exterminated as they are 100% the enemy.

6. PDF staffer that keeps giving negative ratings is also the enemy of Pakistan and against free speech.

Now anyone that's defending the above is against Pakistan

Pakistan is at a watershed moment.
It has become clear and apparent that:

1: The public has lost all confidence of the COAS on a scale never seen before.

2. The too brass have sold out Pakistan to the highest bidder. It’s not about what’s good for Pakistan but what’s good for the generals.

3. Considering the above points, the public is openly asking, what the point of having a army that only excels in plots, investing abroad, running army owned businesses in Pak and manipulating politicians and media in Pak.

There focus simply is not warfare.

This army have never won a war.
Let that sink in.

No other country has a COAS who behaves like a foreign minister or meets politicians ( to manipulate them ) like the COAS in Pakistan .

We need treason charges against Bajwa or we could potentially head towards another 1971 situation.
Can people find out where the following live where their kids go to school. Which parlour their wives use. Where they buy groceries etc.
Their villages etc

1. CoAS
2. Rana Sanullah
3. Head of ISI

Make it public knowledge.

Let the people have the freedom to express their gratitude to these traitors

Khawaja Asif shifts blame of assassination attempt onto Imran, claims incident being used for ‘political objectives’

November 4, 2022

<p>Defence Minister Khawaja Asif addresses the National Assembly on Friday. — DawnNewsTV</p>

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif addresses the National Assembly on Friday. — DawnNewsTV
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif in an inflammatory address on Friday shifted the blame of the assassination attempt on PTI chief Imran Khan onto the former prime minister for what he described as “crossing the red lines of religion”.

He expressed these views during the National Assembly (NA) centering on yesterday’s assassination attempt on the former prime minister, which he alleged was being used to further “political objectives”.

Imran, who has been leading an anti-government protest march to the capital for almost a week, survived a gun attack on Thursday in Punjab’s Wazirabad. He sustained a wound in his shin when the container was hit by a volley of bullets.

A PTI supporter was killed in the incident and 14 others, including lawmakers, were injured. A suspect was arrested who, in a leaked video, confessed that he attempted to kill Imran.

Addressing the NA today, Asif attempted to shift the blame onto the former premier, saying: “The suspect’s videos that have surfaced … they show that religious fanaticism motivated the attack.

“Time and time again, the former prime minister came close to crossing boundaries — or he crossed the boundaries — he crossed the red lines of religion because of which a man attacked him.”

The minister went on to quote the suspect as proof that Imran had brought the attack upon himself.
He began his speech by saying that the incident was a “cause of embarrassment for the nation”.
“And we, the federal government, want that if there is a conspiracy behind it, it should be brought to the fore.”
The defence minister stressed that “we should not refrain from taking any step that will prove to be helpful for us in this matter” and that the investigation into the incident and efforts to “go to the bottom of the matter” should not be politicised.

Asif also criticised the suspension of the police station staff in the remits of which the incident took place. “Staff there have been suspended not because the incident took place, but because the suspect’s video was leaked. And the [Punjab] chief minister then transferred the case to [a police station] in his own district.”

The defence minister saw the move as “efforts to sabotage the matter, make it political and [use it to] achieve political objectives”.

“For God’s sake, the entire nation is looking towards us … and we are letting this incident fall victim to politics,” he regretted.

The minister called for the culprits and those backing them to be exposed and constituting a joint investigation team on the incident.

“Don’t let this incident fall victim to politics,” he reiterated, while adding: “They should go after the suspects, but all that they have been doing [demonstrates] that they are not interested in the investigation. They have made Rana Sanaullah, the prime minister and DGC culprits.”

He recalled that Imran previously said he had contacts in the establishment. “And now those contacts are being named in the murder attempt [case],” the minister said. “By naming politicians and a senior army officer, they are taking the matter in a direction where they will not find any clue or suspect.”

Furthermore, he said, there were also reports that shots were fired from both sides — “that a guard also fired”. “And not just bullet casings from a pistol — said to have been used by the suspect — but also those from a submachine gun were found at the site of the incident,” he added, citing social media reports.

“And today, people trust social media more than the other media.”

The minister also said Imran, too, had previously given “warnings” of the occurrence of such an incident.

Then on October 28, the Intelligence Bureau informed the Punjab government an incident of such nature could take place “against you in the area or its vicinity”.
“There was a [prior] warning.”

But now, the minister claimed, the incident was being used to achieve political objectives. “And I condemn it.”

He also condemned what he described as using the event to defame any individuals or institutions, and at the same time, gave assurances that the federal government would fully support any steps taken to complete an inquiry into it and meet the “merits of justice”.
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