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Assad will fall in four months.

Stop saying Alasad is my god :disagree: Shame on you..
Eventually is not an option, either when the conflict started or never, and Syrians chose to keep their current leader Alasad
Again the POWER AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE CAN NOT BE BEATEN NO MATTER WHAT, NO GUNS NO WEAPONS CAN BEAT IT.. If the majority of Syrians wanted him out, then he would have been out, however Syrians support Alasad, which is why he is still in power.

yes he is your god, want proof ?


And yes the power of the people will eventually win.

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where are the people who support him. I have previously posted hundreds of videos not only from inside Syria but also syrian from overseas demanding the fall of Assad.

The only people that support him are the alawites which is the same as the assad thugs and only located in tartous and also they only represent less than 7% of Syrians. and almost all assad army and guards are alawites.
to all members this rant called himself syrian lion while he is a rat... watch the videos give me your thoughts...

who are these people aren't the Syrian people

are these the people whom you called along with your mullas in Tehran terrorist. real shame on you kid.
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^ hahaha that was before the rally started and here is the video of it

and the videos you posted is either after or before the rally.......

how can Syrian TV make up a live rally, plus Syrians live there and they would know....
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^ hahaha that was before the rally started and here is the video of it

and the videos you posted is either after or before the rally.......

how can Syrian TV make up a live rally, plus Syrians live there and they would know....

r you stupid or something. don't you here Assad is talking
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(CNN) -- The new normal in Syria's civil war involves mass killings, torture and sexual violence, the United Nations said Monday.
Scores of people were reported dead in the latest reports of fighting between rebels and government forces in several cities, including Aleppo, where an embedded journalist revealed her view inside a recent street battle.
Journalist Tracey Shelton was covering the Noor Den al-Zenke rebels, who, like countless comrades across Syria, hope to win democratic reforms against the nation's decades-old regime.
She spent hours with the rebels as they guarded a small patch of occupied street that had become a kind of makeshift home. They had set up lounge chairs and made tea in the middle of the street, said Shelton, a senior correspondent for Global Post.
McCain criticizes Obama over Syria Syria's children caught in conflict Life in Syrian refugee camps Rebels battle for 100 feet in Aleppo Girl hit by sniper bullet in Aleppo Aleppo civilians struggle with violence
Lookouts were posted at each street corner. They listened for snipers and approaching troops or tanks.
"When the assault came, it came with little warning," she said. A tank appeared in the street and fired at the rebels. Smoke from the clashes engulfed the street.
"We ran back from the tank and waited for the others to escape through the dust and debris," she said. "But no one came."
In that split second, "three men were reduced to broken, bleeding masses."
A few minutes later, a vehicle came to collect the bodies. "The survivors washed away the blood and flesh in a heartbreaking clean-up," she said.
New fighters came to replace their comrades at their posts. "And the battle continued."
Shelton's powerful photos of the clashes reveal the graphic details at the street level of a conflict that has attracted global attention at the United Nations.
U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay said Monday that mass killings and torture have become "the norm" in Syria since anti-government protests started in March 2011. Rapes and sexual violence against women, men and children are being reported, she said.
With 2.5 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and the government showing no sign of halting the violence, it's time for the case to go to the International Criminal Court, Pillay said.
"A referral will make it abundantly clear to all actors in Syria that they will not escape justice and will be held accountable for alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law," Pillay said, reiterating her call for the ICC to be involved.
Heart-rending choices in warzone hospital
The following are key developments in the country Monday:
On the ground
At least 110 people were killed, including 71 in the Damascus area, the opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria said.
The toll includes 36 people who were executed in the Damascus suburb of Mouadamiyeh, the group said.
On Sunday, 160 people were killed, including 17 children and 11 women, the LCC said.
Syria, meanwhile, said that 30 civilians, including women and children, were killed and 64 others were wounded Sunday in a "terrorist bombing" in Aleppo.
The attack took place in front of al-Hayat hospital, state-run news agency SANA reported Monday.
A car designed to transport food was rigged with explosives and left a deep crater after the blast, the report said.
Separately, another blast in Aleppo killed three people, including a 10-year-old girl, and wounded six other civilians, SANA said.
Baby survives as family dies in onslaught
The government said its forces inflicted "heavy losses" on "terrorists" and released 30 people who had been kidnapped by terrorist groups.
U.N. and Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said Monday that he will head to Damascus in a few days to meet with Syrian officials.
In Cairo, where he was meeting with Arab League officials, Brahimi said he is "fully aware" that his mission is "extremely difficult."
When asked whether he will meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Brahimi responded, "I have hope I will, but I don't know before I will get to Damascus."
United Nations meets
Pillay spoke at a meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council focused on Syria.
"Human rights abuses are rampant and have reached the point where mass killings, summary executions and torture are the norm," she said.
She called for an end to supplying ammunition to both sides of the conflict.
Reports that homes in Damascus were being bulldozed "may well amount to collective punishment and constitute a war crime or a crime against humanity," Pillay said.
She called for an investigation into killings in Daraya, which "deeply shocked" her.
One family's desperate story
"Both government and opposition forces deploy snipers who target civilians," Pillay said.
"As time has passed, opposition forces have also been increasingly implicated in kidnappings and abductions, including of foreigners perceived as being government supporters."
Delivery of humanitarian assistance "is hampered by the worsening security situation," she added.
She said she agrees with Brahimi that his job "appears at this point to be close to impossible."
Syria denounces Iraq violence
Syria, meanwhile, slammed a series of attacks that killed dozens Sunday in Iraq.
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs assures that these terrorist attacks that aim to destabilize the security and stability of brotherly Iraq and the killing of innocent Iraqis without discrimination, will not succeed to return Iraq backwards and cannot affect the solid will of the Iraqi people in moving forward in the advancement of their country and to establish stability," Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi said in a statement.
Scores reported dead in new Syria clashes - CNN.com
Death to ASSAD
how is this a lie???
Prove me THIS EXACT VIDEO IS A LIE :disagree:

thats the real video leave photoshop aside for moment Mr. Shabih

you can also listen to Assad while specking just a few alawit people

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Al- Assad has my support. A true friend of India. May he guide Syria out of these troubled times.
thats the real video leave photoshop aside for moment Mr. Shabih

you can also listen to Assad while specking just a few alawit people

This video have no Alasad, i said this video right here

plus the video you showed, is the side from the rally, get a top view
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Al- Assad has my support. A true friend of India. May he guide Syria out of these troubled times.

India has no words at all :lol:

This video have no Alasad, i said this video right here

plus the video you showed, is the side from the rally, get a top view

loool so the people came and left before Assad speech. what stupid... I said here is the real video.

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