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ASQ I reported your post
ERA has been approved to become mod of the Iranian section. Keep trolling and you'll get banned any day now.

Sorry, how did I offend you guys with that post? "Bastardized word" means that the original word has been altered. And actually I'm happy that you guys have examples of our cuisine, my words was not meant in any negative way.

ASQ is so obsessed with Iran; it's almost creepy. I believe he is AtillaA from MP.net too. He is probably even searching 24/7 on the web to find topics about Iran, or Iranian Azeris.

I don't have any account there.
I don't have any account on "MP.net", but actually I saw Abii on another forum and encountered with him aswell, I'm there with the username "Bozqurd" a forum called skyscrapercity, he is quite the troll there aswell. As for the obsession, I'm not the one who posts "genetic tests" and other creepy stuff. Its actually funny that you just use the post to describe yourself, and not me.

I still believe you are that guy, but even if you're not, it only confirms my image that many Azerbaijanis have some kind of obsession with Iran and Azeris. He too always shows up when the topic is about Iranian Azerbaijanis. I'm not obsessed with genetics; I've knowledge about a great range of topics, but if I'm discussing history, genealogy is a important factor.
Why would I hide it, this is not the first time that you guys "imagine" things. South Azerbaijan is a important topic for us, actually it is a great wish of many to see our capital in Tabriz. And Southern Azerbaijan is not the only traditional lands of ours that are away from us, there is also the Western Azerbaijan (present-day Armenia), Borchali and Derbent. But Tabriz has a special place. Do you know Elchibey?

"Genealogy" has no place in history, you just prove your ignorance on history actually by claiming such thing. You just use it because exactly of your lack of knowledge on history. You are hardly interested in history, you just copy-paste wikipedia and other sources (everyone can find type something in google and find the information) when there is a discussion. Actually, the greatest source for history is still the books.
Anyway, back ontopic. Era should be promoted to moderator very soon, and Azerbaijan must be placed under banned topics. No Azerbaijan in this section anymore. And ASQ should be boycotted, or even banned.
That would be good. But don't make it look like as if it is us who brings up the discussion, don't forget this section have seen a guy like "Tabriz Azari", who posted (I don't know if he still does) the same propaganda on other websites.


I haven't done anything that would justify or require a ban.
I haven't done anything that would justify or require a ban.

My last post to you; you have called us gypsies, used in a derogatory way, more 10 times. You deserve to be banned. If you continue this way, I'm sure you will be in the end.
And Persian users here have used the derogatory term of "Torke Khar" and so on. What is even more sad about this is that this term exists in Persian culture, me calling Persians a name does not mean that much.
I wonder if US sends people to create fights in the Iran sub-sections of every forum... how come Iran isn't looking for allies at this time. By the way sasquatch-they are our cousins. We have the same white-mania they do. On another forum I noticed even Afghans (nation) have it. Its crazy and stupid... but no one understands it.
@Surenas... why does every other fight here involve you? Good question I believe.

I have a question about Iran? No country can remain isolated:
1) What is being done about making some allies?
2) Do most Iranians agree with the foreign policy (particularly towards USA)
3) What about the current regime-in terms of human rights, mullah rule? How is it?
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LOL! It's true isn't it? Iranians outside of Iran are desperate when trying to prove themselves as whites!

Don't provoke them... let them fight their own fights.

Frankly the story of Iran's frustration with US as an ally in the 70's which culminated in the fall of the Shah is echoed here. Personally I would like to be on friendly terms with this nation but everywhere I go I see Iranians fighting. With arabs, I saw that before but even turks and azeris are not friends. Afghanistan hates both Iran and Pakistan. Many Pakistanis depending on whether we are Wahabis too close to Saudi or Americino's... lol usually don't look at Iran positively, while in the other sections of society there is no real think-tank about foreign policy.
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