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Question : How to prepare the best Khoresht possible ? Preferably beef or chicken. I dont like lamb.
Question : How to prepare the best Khoresht possible ? Preferably beef or chicken. I dont like lamb.
there are many kind of khoresht with different tastes.for some of them fish is needed and for some chicken.anyway i quess lamb is the best option for qorme sabzi(my favorite khoresht).
Why do you try so hard to be European yet extremely proud of your culture and heritage? Contradiction?
there are many kind of khoresht with different tastes.for some of them fish is needed and for some chicken.anyway i quess lamb is the best option for qorme sabzi(my favorite khoresht).

I was really hoping for some kind of local knowledge on the exact amount of spices you dump in. I have never tried fish......I'm hoping to experiment with king fish next weekend.
I was really hoping for some kind of local knowledge on the exact amount of spices you dump in. I have never tried fish......I'm hoping to experiment with king fish next weekend.
what about shrimp?my best Iranian dish(actually my favorite dish ever) is estanboli(rice with sth) with shrimp filled with tart spices and tamarinda.you can only find this dish in Persian gulf islands or southern provinces.im sure rest of Iranian members here have not tasted that.
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