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Ask India transit to China

He made it a point to repeat the word. Hoping for an unbiased approach here, though after this reply I think it is within my right to give this user a "Suitable" reply, but I will wait for the PDF rules to apply here.

@Loki @Oscar @Jungibaaz

yuuuu, these guys make their rules and enforce them zealously, banning me most time of the year in fact. but that doesn't mean i will not continue to demonstrate my contempt for yindoos, debazi, nipponzi, bonzi, viets and my hatred of jews, turkics, and angloamericans in the few days i am not banned. besides, just because my views are uniformly racist it doesn't mean they aren't articulate and well-reasoned and perfectly reasonable and justified.
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yuuuu, these guys make their rules and enforce them zealously, banning me most time of the year in fact. but that doesn't mean i will not continue to demonstrate my contempt for yindoos, debazi, nipponzi, bonzi, viets and my hatred of jews, turkics, and angloamericans in the few days i am not banned. besides, just because my views are uniformly racist it doesn't mean they aren't articulate and well-reasoned and perfectly reasonable and justified.
I figured it well enough. You need love. If i could i would adopt you.
1. The name of the religion is Hindu, not yindoo, or yindu.

2. You should only use the word "Hindu" while discussing religious issues, for political matters refer us as India and Indians; Hindus are not the only religious group of India, neither they are the only decision makers.
@Loki @Oscar @Jungibaaz

A quick question - isn't India is also known as bharat and Hindustan ? India and Hindustan both are used officially in your country.right ? So, Hindustani ppl means - ppl of/from Hindustan, in short Hindu,right? Be that punjab,Kashmir,bihar,Kerala.or Muslim,Sikh,Christian.or is it wrong?
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I figured it well enough. You need love. If i could i would adopt you.

He needs a doctor.

A quick question - isn't India is also known as bharat and Hindustan ? India and Hindustan both are used officially in your country.right ? So, Hindustani ppl means - ppl of/from Hindustan, in short Hindu,right? Be that punjab,Kashmir,bihar,Kerala.or Muslim,Sikh,Christian.or is it wrong?

1. Yes, India is also known as Bharat and Hindustan, so he can use these names also.

2. He can use the word "Hindu" in case of a discussion related to religion, but not in case of a political discussion. And I believe this is a PDF policy also.

3. He has no right to distort the name of the religion like the way he is continuously & deliberately doing.

4. In India Govt. is not run by Hindus only, so any Govt. decision is not a Hindu decision.

5. Think about it; in this thread only if we replace the name "Bangladesh" with "Muslims" and that too with some distorted word for Muslims, will it be proper?
yuuuu, these guys make their rules and enforce them zealously, banning me most time of the year in fact. but that doesn't mean i will not continue to demonstrate my contempt for yindoos, debazi, nipponzi, bonzi, viets and my hatred of jews, turkics, and angloamericans in the few days i am not banned. besides, just because my views are uniformly racist it doesn't mean they aren't articulate and well-reasoned and perfectly reasonable and justified.

Were you destined for abortion?

According to china's one child policy, if you already have a male child, your foetus would be aborted.

Looks like doctor made a hash of his job and you were born anyway. But chronic neglect due to CCP enforced laws has made you bitter towards everybody.
1. At Partition it was assumed Pakistan would get a corridor linking the two wings. BD should seek direct rail and road links to Pakistan for travel and trading with that nation and beyond in W Asia.

2. With China an Eastern Silk Road needs to be built.

3. India will only accede to these if forced to. Never out of good intention.
yuuuu, these guys make their rules and enforce them zealously, banning me most time of the year in fact. but that doesn't mean i will not continue to demonstrate my contempt for yindoos, debazi, nipponzi, bonzi, viets and my hatred of jews, turkics, and angloamericans in the few days i am not banned. besides, just because my views are uniformly racist it doesn't mean they aren't articulate and well-reasoned and perfectly reasonable and justified.

are you some kind of chinese muslim lol? why you hate jews?
I got an Idea, if Indians want BD to give transit to their nord eastern territory, BD can ask in return a direct transit to Tibet. By doing this BD can use it own sea port to deliver oil to Tibet either by pipe or by train and make a great deal of money. Does it make sense?


Sorry To Go A Bit Out Of Topic But A Similar Idea Is Also Being Floated In Pakistan Nowadays.The Iranians Have Time and Again Asked Pakistan For Transit Access To China.The Government Is Now Seriously Considering Agreeing To This Demand Upon The Condition That Iran Also Allows EU Transit From Gwadar Through it's Territory.This Will Mean That Two Multi Trillion $ Economies(EU and China) Will Benefit of Coastal Port Facilities in Makran.Gwadar or Any Other Makran Port Developed Can Provide An Alternative To The Piracy Infested, Longer, and Ever Increasingly Unstable Red Sea Route

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