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Ask India transit to China

I will never object or condemn your opinion, But do not come up with this confused doctrine for India we will take care of ourselves :wave:

If we live long enough, we will see how things turn out in the long run. Aspiration and reality are sometimes not the same. Pragmatism helps us all in the end.
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon , giving India transit to NE is itself a self-destructive deal on BD's part as per political analyst. India has grand designs in S.asia and they want to keep china out of it. What makes U think they will agree to something that will see the economic integration and closer relationship between China & BD. Rather anything through India is never a good idea for BD. A BD-myanmar-china route is a safer bet. Also U guys have gwadar that's is a master stroke played by PAK & China. After establishing dominance in IOR with Gwadar & SL, BD can play its part by helping china stabilize S.asia and increasing its strength. It can definitely act as an alternate oil route parallel to gwadar and be a strategic partner of china IMO. But current political scenario is in BD is going from bad to worse and is very volatile.
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If we live long enough, we will see how things turn out in the long run. Aspiration and reality are sometimes not the same. Pragmatism helps us all in the end.

Indians are not dreamers they are humble in their opinions. What ever I have said about India becoming a force to recon on world stage is true going by the predictions and geopolitics.
Stop all the B.S you are doing by in this thread with some Chinese cheer leaders and anti India posters.

China has plans to divert water from Brahmaputra by building three huge dams, they are not even talking to India and BD related to this. where as India and BD are in talks related to Brahmaputra river. First address that issue which is a life line of BD then we can talk about Chinese Duplicity(oops diplomacy about transit).

Myanmar has already gone out of hands from Chinese by making the military junta a democratic set up and they are eager to establish relations with West, Mean while west is busy in making Myanmar another pivot in circling China. They have effectively blocked Chinese Dam in Myanmar.

BD is trying to balance arms purchases between Russia and China, mean while US has entered BD, things are not rosier for China in BD either. India already completed border agreement and Padma dam agreement, Talks are going to on Teesta water treaty which I am sure will happen before elections in BD.

It is China which is harming S.Asia by building Dams and diverting water and guess what BD already realized it, since China is doing it unilaterally.
Even if India offer transit the route has to go through Himalayas which will be in harsh conditions.

That’s wrong, this thread is not anti-India by all mean :feminist:, it’s just an idea to get transit road to China.

Build dams is not equal water diversion?, if you’re so sure about chinese water diversion, then mind to tell us where all these water go?:coffee:

As for myanmar, dam is just small issue because of Kachin problem but do you know pipeline from Kunming will be operation soon so we can bypass Malaca straite, it not out of hands as you claimed. :)

China harm S.Asia is just ypur pure fabrication, We built dams on our soil, we don’t need to report that to India, you just use it as excuse to harm BD interest and put all the blame on China. :sick:
Dude, India is dreaming that Bhutan and Nepal join India union, now you just pour cold water on their faces with independant Assam. :omghaha:

Oh do you mean in the same way Like China is claiming that entire South east Asia is China territory....
That’s wrong, this thread is not anti-India by all mean :feminist:, it’s just an idea to get transit road to China.

Build dams is not equal water diversion?, if you’re so sure about chinese water diversion, then mind to tell us where all these water go?:coffee:

As for myanmar, dam is just small issue because of Kachin problem but do you know pipeline from Kunming will be operation soon so we can bypass Malaca straite, it not out of hands as you claimed. :)

China harm S.Asia is just ypur pure fabrication, We built dams on our soil, we don’t need to report that to India, you just use it as excuse to harm BD interest and put all the blame on China. :sick:

There are concerns which has to be addressed by the other countries like India and BD, If you people want to go and do it with out addressing India's concerns fine with us, we will return that favor in another instance :cheers:
By the way those guys here will give you thanks in abundance sole purpose of this thread :lol:

Why not Xijingpin come to New Delhi and ask for that transit if you are that much generous(I highly doubt that going by the merchant nature of Chinese) ??

Ask your CCP to prepare a delegation for New Delhi and come with a treaty then we can discuss :cheers:
you better look at this one, a picture worth thousand word ;)


Good now make arrangements for all these river water to be transit via Myanmar.

I am absolutely sure Myanmar will give Transit to Bangladeshi water. The same Bangladeshis who were accusing them of war crimes just a few months ago. Calling them what not. I just hope someone from Myanmar sees this and replies. Also ensure Chinese build immediately pipelines to transport all the chinese water to Bangladesh Via Myanmar :omghaha:
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon , giving India transit to NE is itself a self-destructive deal on BD's part as per political analyst. India has grand designs in S.asia and they want to keep china out of it. What makes U think they will agree to something that will see the economic integration and closer relationship between China & BD. Rather anything through India is never a good idea for BD. A BD-myanmar-china route is a safer bet. Also U guys have gwadar that's is a master stroke played by PAK & China. After establishing dominance in IOR with Gwadar & SL, BD can play its part by helping china stabilize S.asia and increasing its strength. It can definitely act as an alternate oil route parallel to gwadar and be a strategic partner of china IMO. But current political scenario is in BD is going from bad to worse and is very volatile.

Thanks for your clarification, I admit that I don't know much the situation in BD, this is just an idea in case that India and BD have a serious discuss over the transit issue. Of course if transit proven to harm more BD than gain, might as well forget the deal. I think you're right BD-myanmar-china route is more viable, now China Pan-Asia railway is just completed, it shouldn't be hard to extend it to Bangladesh.

And since China has alot of friends over ASEAN countries (Laos, Myanmar, Thailand & Cambodia), I hope China should influence them to integrate BD to be ASEAN economical sphere, take part of regional dynamic & share the prosperity.

Oh do you mean in the same way Like China is claiming that entire South east Asia is China territory....

Our claim of SCS is official, but your gorvernment wouldn't dare to claim Bhutan nor Nepal but only Indian poster's bed dream :smokin:
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There are concerns which has to be addressed by the other countries like India and BD, If you people want to go and do it with out addressing India's concerns fine with us, we will return that favor in another instance :cheers:
By the way those guys here will give you thanks in abundance sole purpose of this thread :lol:

Why not Xijingpin come to New Delhi and ask for that transit if you are that much generous(I highly doubt that going by the merchant nature of Chinese) ??

Ask your CCP to prepare a delegation for New Delhi and come with a treaty then we can discuss :cheers:

Oh yeah sound like we care of Indian's department of concern, anything China did in Tibet was a concern to India:sick: : Railway, Dams, highway, water :P, airports...:cheesy:

Why Xi need to ask India, we don't really need any transit from India, it's just an idead that i have for BD. Gwadar port and Pan-ASEAN railway will keep use busy for at least a decade to come.

Good now make arrangements for all these river water to be transit via Myanmar.

I am absolutely sure Myanmar will give Transit to Bangladeshi water. The same Bangladeshis who were accusing them of war crimes just a few months ago. Calling them what not. I just hope someone from Myanmar sees this and replies. Also ensure Chinese build immediately pipelines to transport all the chinese water to Bangladesh Via Myanmar :omghaha:

There is no permanent enemy, BD and Myanmar will get alone one day at the expense of India :omghaha:, you Indians don't have the last laugh over water issue, now just make fun of BD:sick:, you certainly know who is the king of the hill :smokin:
Thanks for your clarification, I admit that I don't know much the situation in BD, this is just an idea in case that India and BD have a serious discuss over the transit issue. Of course if transit proven to harm more BD than gain, might as well forget the deal. I think you're right BD-myanmar-china route is more viable, now China Pan-Asia railway is just completed, it shouldn't be hard to extend it to Bangladesh.

And since China has alot of friends over ASEAN countries (Laos, Myanmar, Thailand & Cambodia), I hope China should influence them to integrate BD to be ASEAN economical sphere, take part of regional dynamic & share the prosperity.

Our claim of SCS is official, but your gorvernment wouldn't dare to claim Bhutan nor Nepal but only Indian poster's bed dream :smokin:

I also support the BD-Myanmar-China route, but currently Bangladesh has a problem with Myanmar over Rohingya issue. Hopefully this issue will be resolved and we can move forward with economic and trade relation with our one and only ASEAN neighbor country.

Bangladesh, according to its official Look East foreign policy, would like to become a full member of ASEAN, make ASEAN more China friendly and reduce Indian influence in ASEAN, specially on security matters, although trade integration should be welcome between ASEAN and India. I believe a strong and integrated ASEAN+ and Eurasia+ allied with China under SCO umbrella would be great for the future of Asia:

I am an idea peddler. Could not help but mention these ideas of mine.
Myanmar has already gone out of hands from Chinese by making the military junta a democratic set up and they are eager to establish relations with West, Mean while west is busy in making Myanmar another pivot in circling China. They have effectively blocked Chinese Dam in Myanmar.

This article for ignorant Indian

Pipelines will energize Myanmar economy, benefit China

Imagine a country being lucky enough to tap into neighboring sources of oil and natural gas that promise to substantially reduce its heavy dependence on coal and other fuels. Not only that, the new sources would also slash the number of tanker voyages required by that lucky country to bring oil from afar to provide energy for its industries.

Sounds like a complete pipe dream, you might think. How could such a super win-win deal be reached in this day and age? For decades, hasn't every possible source of oil and fuel been exploited to the last liter? Ah, you skeptics, you've forgotten about Myanmar's fabulous sources of oil and gas that have remained virtually forgotten for decades while the country has remained in the world's shadows, regarded by the West as a pariah state.

China, as a nation that keeps its nose out of other countries' internal affairs, had the wisdom to retain friendly relations with the government of Myanmar. And why not - after all, they share a common border at the southwestern corner of China, where Yunnan meets the northeast of Myanmar.
As China's economy virtually exploded in the 80s and 90s, its leaders surveyed the international scene and undertook a series of aid projects to help friendly but poorer countries to enjoy some modern benefits. Many beneficiaries were desperately undeveloped countries across Africa, where Chinese funding and expertise helped to build infrastructure such as roads, bridges, dams and housing projects. As a result, the countries' grateful inhabitants began enjoying greatly improved and much healthier lifestyles.

Then the aid program was extended to Myanmar. Although the country was rich in assets beneath its soil, its economy was in poor condition. The two countries began discussions on how best to stimulate a revival, and in 2004 feasibility studies began considering the construction of a gas pipeline between the two countries.

A year later, PetroChina signed a deal with the Myanmar government to buy natural gas for 30 years. Then in 2008, China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), PetroChina's parent company, contracted to purchase gas from Myanmar's Shwe oilfield.

By this time, however, China's energy needs had ballooned so dramatically that it was time for Beijing to consider a still bolder step - a massive oil pipeline project extending from Myanmar to Kunming, capital of Yunnan province.

Canny Chinese planners were highly enthusiastic, realizing that the pipeline would bring China a double benefit. As they pointed out, China was then using a fleet of tankers to voyage all the way to Middle Eastern or African ports to collect crude oil for its refineries. The tankers then had to make the long return voyage across the Indian Ocean, down Malaysia's west coast and through the Straits of Malacca to Singapore and then up the Vietnamese coast before finally reaching China. Once the pipeline opened, the planners explained, China's dependence on oil from those distant sources could be reduced correspondingly, with significant reductions in tanker usage.

Fast forward to today, and the good news is that the gas pipeline will start operations in April and the oil pipeline later in the year. For gas, the first stage will run from Myanmar to Kunming, and the next stages to Guizhou province and the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, totaling 2,806 kilometers. The oil pipeline will initially be limited to a 771 kilometer stretch from the Myanmar oilfields to Kunming. Construction of the two pipelines will cost China US$2.5 billion, but once they go into operation, both will immediately start paying for themselves.

Once it reaches full output, the oil pipeline will carry 12 million tons of crude oil to Kunming per year, where a refinery is also nearing completion.

The biggest indirect savings from the oil pipeline will come from a cut of 30 percent in the amount of crude China now buys from Middle Eastern or African countries via tanker ships.

CNPC holds a 50.9 percent majority stake in the combined oil and gas projects, with Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise holding the balance.

One of the most difficult sections of the project has been the construction of a railway linking Muse and Lashio in Myanmar's mountainous northeast. Although only 130 km long, it involved building 41 bridges, 36 underground tunnels and seven stations. With the pipeline about to begin operations, the difficult endeavor is nearly complete.

Pipelines will energize Myanmar economy, benefit China|Top News|chinadaily.com.cn
Thanks for sharing the article. Shows the true colors of China. Instead of giving all that OIL to Bangladesh you are going to suck every drop of OIL just like you are sucking away all the Bangladeshi Water from Tsang Po :china:

Make more sense if you replace the word "Bangladesh" with "India" in your sentence. :omghaha:

As I said before India is geographically condamned unless you beg BD for transit and comply to all of their demands. And don't wait too long because we're about to suck Myanmar oil and gaz to Kunming through the pipeline this April. As for ASEAN, now our rail is just finish connecting to ASEAN rail network this will even give us more trade advantage over India and business opportunity...you guys are always a step behind us...the best we can do it reserve some leftover for India:omghaha:


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