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Asim Bajwa involved in dissolving Balochistan govt, Nawaz Sharif blames

And how did the military respond to that incident for the next 9-years? By imposing a unilateral ceasefire in Kashmir on 26 November 2003?

Or how about this in January 2002?

Wait where did mushi came into this discussion ??
Also, i thought nawaz sharif
Was the biggest fan of vajpaee..and he still is...
Boy you are confused..

What you should state here is what mushi did when india wanted war..he told them come & strike and you will our response..
Something the pussy sharif wouldnt have dared as we saw in 1999
Invaded? When did Pakistan get invaded? There is a massive difference between being invaded and violating the airspace.

As for response yes we shot down their planes, isn't this response to your satisfaction? What would you prefer, nuking Delhi?
No he would prefer doing nothing like 1999.
It's lesson for dictators, don't grow democratic plants in GHQ nursery ... A gift of Zia ul Haq .. @niaz @MastanKhan
Actully it's the colonial mindset more then these individuals trying to regrow the leadership and with thier limited social knowledge they brought up the worst always?
While they smacked the best under thier boots just because of thier wild egos?
Pakistanis are insects.. they can't ask anyone to disclose the information related to a three time Prime Minister.

Volume 10 of JIT was burried on the spot and no one in the country of over 200 million people asked what was there in that volume?
Who illbe rspponsible of that JIT and its fake reports? Will there ever ill be any investigations in it?
How about letting justice shukat and justice ESA start up the investigations?
And how did the military respond to that incident for the next 9-years? By imposing a unilateral ceasefire in Kashmir on 26 November 2003?

Or how about this in January 2002?


I am not a big fan of Mushy but this is an interview he gave to Indian journos,

If Mr Godfather "Nasoor Sharif" had a 1000 lives even then he would not have the guts to say these words............unless ofcourse someone mischievously wrote that on a parchi and he read out loud :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
Man Pakistani state is too kind. People like Nawaz and Zardari deserve nice big bullet holes in the middle of their foreheads not deals and NROs.

I hope the establishment have finally learnt their lesson.
They created altaf hussein and they created nawaz sharif aka altaf hussein 2.0.we people have to suffer thier wrong doings.
Who illbe rspponsible of that JIT and its fake reports? Will there ever ill be any investigations in it?
How about letting justice shukat and justice ESA start up the investigations?
OK, so JIT reports were fake.. but what prevented Sharif family from providing money trail? I mean money trail is one thing, they were not even coming clean on whether the family owns the flats or not.

I am not comfortable in seeing someone leading Pakistan who has been caught lying several times or whose documents were caught being forged. You can accept, I can't because I know the problems Pakistanis are facing today are because of these crooks. How can you assume that an individual who provides forged docs in the highest court of the country will prevent people from taking up jobs on fake degrees? PIA is in front of all of us.. Since the rulers at that time were themselves involved in forging documents, they thought it ok for pilots to fly planes on invalid/ questionable licenses. This is one institution, where the life of people is directly linked to the qualification of the officers.. what do you think how many we have in many other institutions where we aren't even affected.

Regarding JIT, my childhood friend was part of the team and I trust him completely. The day volume 10 surfaces according to him, these people may not find a place to hide.. Anyway, I don't agree with him on this claim as I can see plenty of people like you in Pakistan and that's why I say that the future of Pakistan doesn't look bright.
I still can't understand how can anyone still support the crook Nawaz Sharif. We don't have to go back to 90s (when he bought flats for which he couldn't show a single source of income). Just durnig his last term, his supporters shold be proud of his following actions:

- Not sending a judge in ICJ (we are still in deep shit because of that mistake)
- Not taking Kulbhushan's name ever (apologies if he has, once or twice)
- Dawn leaks scandal..
- Taking the country to the brink of default (yes, you read it write.. he left 24B dollars deficit and over 90B dollars loan)
- Never leaving a single opportunity to spread misinformation about Pakistan Army
- Allowing Modi and his other cronies to land in Pakistan without visa.. and then inviting them to his granddaighter's marriage.. wearing the turban gifted by a known butcher of Gujrat.. during the time when Indian started using pallet guns..

I have a long list.. but very less time.. I don't want to spend on this crook.. I voted for PTI.. and I am not happy with IKs performance.. however, my reason is purely performance related... while I consider Nawaz a traitor. Nawaz is even worst that Zardari.. Zardari spends his eid among his voters.. he probably hasn't favored India ever.. his only problem is extreme corruption and mismanagement.. but Nawaz (and his daughter).. are at a different level. The whole family is extremely corrupt, dishonest, arrogant, opportunist.. i mean you can find all the cuss words and they will perfectly fit Nawaz and his daughter (I am not including Shahbaz in potential traitors list).. But Nawaz and Maryam Safdar are in the league of PTM, MQM (London), BLA and Sindhudesh.

No idea why people still support him.

Cast card, punjabi leader, sindhi leader, pathan leader
OK, so JIT reports were fake.. but what prevented Sharif family from providing money trail? I mean money trail is one thing, they were not even coming clean on whether the family owns the flats or not.

I am not comfortable in seeing someone leading Pakistan who has been caught lying several times or whose documents were caught being forged. You can accept, I can't because I know the problems Pakistanis are facing today are because of these crooks. How can you assume that an individual who provides forged docs in the highest court of the country will prevent people from taking up jobs on fake degrees? PIA is in front of all of us.. Since the rulers at that time were themselves involved in forging documents, they thought it ok for pilots to fly planes on invalid/ questionable licenses. This is one institution, where the life of people is directly linked to the qualification of the officers.. what do you think how many we have in many other institutions where we aren't even affected.

Regarding JIT, my childhood friend was part of the team and I trust him completely. The day volume 10 surfaces according to him, these people may not find a place to hide.. Anyway, I don't agree with him on this claim as I can see plenty of people like you in Pakistan and that's why I say that the future of Pakistan doesn't look bright.
With all of 2 million pices of never ending JIT report, it jst brought an IQAMA to, take a PM out of office?
Then why that judge been preasured if Nawaz was guilty?
Why not to make ANOTHER JIT on the judges, that time all investigation agencies chief under some international court and then let's find real justice?
Our decades old, colonial mindset and the hunger of power from all walks of life has made pakistan a place, for the elites by the elites and it includes everyone, from Mayfair appartments, to papajones pizza to Australian islands to DAM funds to surey mahal to Spainish properties to illegally adopted banigala?
Nothing is right!
With all of 2 million pices of never ending JIT report, it jst brought an IQAMA to, take a PM out of office?
Then why that judge been preasured if Nawaz was guilty?
Why not to make ANOTHER JIT on the judges, that time all investigation agencies chief under some international court and then let's find real justice?
Our decades old, colonial mindset and the hunger of power from all walks of life has made pakistan a place, for the elites by the elites and it includes everyone, from Mayfair appartments, to papajones pizza to Australian islands to DAM funds to surey mahal to Spainish properties to illegally adopted banigala?
Nothing is right!
That's why education is very important.

Your ex PM was kicked out on the basis of undisclosed assets.. However, further cases were made on him that are still going on.

Supreme court IS NOT A TRIAL COURT. I think this much you should learn today from PDF. His cases were referred to the trial courts where he is being handed with appropriate sentences.

And no, no JIT is needed against anyone. Imran Khan took the case to court, if your ex PM has guts and single shred of evidence against anyone, he should immediately go to court to get all the parties indicted. But, we know, these are are baseless, false allegations.

Can you ask your ex-PM to comeback and file a case against Asim Bajwa and and other judges? Can he take action against other judges like the action being taken against the corrupt judge Isa?

A fugitive, who was sent abroad on humanitarian basis can't have guts.. seriously.

I don't know when will I see the day when I stop teaching about laws, courts and stuff to my fellow Pakistanis.
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