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Asim Bajwa involved in dissolving Balochistan govt, Nawaz Sharif blames

In august 1999 india killed 20 pakistani soldiers INSIDE pakistan ans what did nawaz sharif DID


Nawaz sharif being coward is well known, literally there are 5 dozens books on this

No, they hit KPK and we only managed to target Indian Occupied Kashmir. Just the usual area where Pakistan has been dropping ordinance for 73-years.

The air battle was great. Full credit to the PAF. They won it hands down.
What was his auqaat for giving NRO in the first place after he lost the Kargil War?

Just so the blame doesn't fall on him, he overthrew a democratically elected Government instead of admitting his own pathetic defeat? Bloody loser.

Bro you are a funny guy :D

Tell me will a COAS spend a night in enemy territory if they are loosing? It was during retreat that we suffered casualties and that too less than India.

Nawaz Sharif brought shame to Pakistan. It is a well known fact.
By now every one would have listened to audio recording of nawaz sharif-mushi airoplane diversion that led to martial law in the first place..if not its pretty educational
... Tell me will a COAS spend a night in enemy territory if they are loosing?...

He should've stayed there and fought from the front line agar itna hi showk tha, not abandon the young boys there to be boffored to death.

Pakistani Army's mistake was that they underestimated Indian Army's stamina and will to prolong the bombardment of the area while at the same time preventing Pakistani forces to be re-inforced.

Did the Kargil Operation have a parliamentary backing that the Pakistani Government somehow was supposed to be held responsible for it?

Let me educate you brother:
PM Nawaz Sharif's Government publically approved, financed and launched Operation Zarb-e-Azb costing Rs 25 million a day is what PM Nawaz Sharif achieved, something that the military on its own couldn't do for 12-years.
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Military was so upset that you saw a martial law next week

And how did the military respond to that incident for the next 9-years? By imposing a unilateral ceasefire in Kashmir on 26 November 2003?

Or how about this in January 2002?

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He should've stayed there and fought from the front line agar showk tha, not abandon the young boys there to be boffored to death.

Pakistani Army's mistake was that they underestimated India Army's stigma and will to prolong the bombardment of the area while at the same time preventing Pakistani forces to be re-inforced.

Did the Kargil Operation have a parliamentary backing that the Pakistani Government somehow was supposed to be held responsible for it.

Let me educate you brother:
PM Nawaz Sharif's Government publically approved, financed and launched Operation Zarb-e-Azb costing Rs 25 million a day is what PM Nawaz Sharif achieved, something that the military on its own couldn't do for 12-years.

Military alone couldn't do? Did you fight in Zarb e Azb, or your media cell? 25 million a day, you talk like giving charity 2.5 crore that's less than Nawaz Sharif daily expense from public exchequer.

All I remember regarding entire tenure was constant abuse and humiliation of army. From Dawn leaks to political smear campaigns.
Man Pakistani state is too kind. People like Nawaz and Zardari deserve nice big bullet holes in the middle of their foreheads not deals and NROs.

I hope the establishment have finally learnt their lesson.

Simple answer, young bro, nope, they have not.
He is not gonna come back. He is now the new Altaf Hussian. Creating unrest while sitting in another country.

Not just another country. The same country that Altaf was sitting in. Coincidence? I don't think so.
I still can't understand how can anyone still support the crook Nawaz Sharif. We don't have to go back to 90s (when he bought flats for which he couldn't show a single source of income). Just durnig his last term, his supporters shold be proud of his following actions:

- Not sending a judge in ICJ (we are still in deep shit because of that mistake)
- Not taking Kulbhushan's name ever (apologies if he has, once or twice)
- Dawn leaks scandal..
- Taking the country to the brink of default (yes, you read it write.. he left 24B dollars deficit and over 90B dollars loan)
- Never leaving a single opportunity to spread misinformation about Pakistan Army
- Allowing Modi and his other cronies to land in Pakistan without visa.. and then inviting them to his granddaighter's marriage.. wearing the turban gifted by a known butcher of Gujrat.. during the time when Indian started using pallet guns..

I have a long list.. but very less time.. I don't want to spend on this crook.. I voted for PTI.. and I am not happy with IKs performance.. however, my reason is purely performance related... while I consider Nawaz a traitor. Nawaz is even worst that Zardari.. Zardari spends his eid among his voters.. he probably hasn't favored India ever.. his only problem is extreme corruption and mismanagement.. but Nawaz (and his daughter).. are at a different level. The whole family is extremely corrupt, dishonest, arrogant, opportunist.. i mean you can find all the cuss words and they will perfectly fit Nawaz and his daughter (I am not including Shahbaz in potential traitors list).. But Nawaz and Maryam Safdar are in the league of PTM, MQM (London), BLA and Sindhudesh.

No idea why people still support him.
So we get invaded by enemy, enemy loses aircraft or 2, we return the prisoner in haste, where is the response>?

well i am not a patwari, voted pti but you certainly seem to be brain dead ISPR intern or a niazi pujari
be civil and i will engage in civil discussion, otherwise shooo

Invaded? When did Pakistan get invaded? There is a massive difference between being invaded and violating the airspace.

As for response yes we shot down their planes, isn't this response to your satisfaction? What would you prefer, nuking Delhi?
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