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‘Asia will be divided if India joins US patrols’ : Chinese Media

Exactly.... it will be expensive but an alternative which can be used in case of a naval blockade to meet emergency requirements while global economic shock forces US to back down.

yeah but like I said even CPEC wouldn't be able pick up the slack of China losing its home ports

World needs a war. Economies are going down. War is required for some destruction then growth.
World needs a war. Economies are going down. War is required for some destruction then growth.

Don't worry. To make war is in the nature of man, its his dharma.

What matters is what side you pick and how its fought.
World needs a war. Economies are going down. War is required for some destruction then growth.

Don't worry. To make war is in the nature of man, its his dharma.

What matters is what side you pick and how its fought.
Asia must unite, and i know it will in future. Europe must be the first target.
Oh, I don't think so. The United States has very close strategic ties with many of the countries of in the SCS region, (including many of the same ones that India does.), and are building new strategic alliances with countries like Vietnam, Singapore, etc. I think you misunderstood my views toward such a partnership with India. I think American efforts at building such a partnership are totally misguided so in that, you and I are much more in agreement that you think. India does not want it and America would be fools for pursing it. I posted that just recently...

IRIN to hold joint military drills with Indian Navy | Page 3

As I said there, it's better to be honest with each other about it than pretend that any such partnership could ever be a "good fit" for India or America.

Okay, your earlier commend misled me then.

Anyway, the current level of partnership seems to be aimed at tapping the Indian defence market rather than building some sort of alliance. And this is the highest level the two countries will reach in the foreseeable future. Both will continue seeing eye to eye in some aspects and not in some others. So at best, both will at least have some sort of positive relationship for areas of common interests, like SCS.

There is great scope for partnership in around 15 years from now. But there is also an equal chance that India may end up creating a 4th or 5th power block apart from the US, EU, Russia and China, and that won't be in American interests.

At the same time, I think India will have a much larger hold over ASEAN than the US or any other power ever will, especially since ASEAN is collectively India's largest trade partner. And this is going to be key to controlling the seas around the region. And I think India's proximity to Africa, especially the ones that dot the IOR, will lean more towards India than China.
Okay, your earlier commend misled me then.

Anyway, the current level of partnership seems to be aimed at tapping the Indian defence market rather than building some sort of alliance. And this is the highest level the two countries will reach in the foreseeable future. Both will continue seeing eye to eye in some aspects and not in some others. So at best, both will at least have some sort of positive relationship for areas of common interests, like SCS.

There is great scope for partnership in around 15 years from now. But there is also an equal chance that India may end up creating a 4th or 5th power block apart from the US, EU, Russia and China, and that won't be in American interests.

At the same time, I think India will have a much larger hold over ASEAN than the US or any other power ever will, especially since ASEAN is collectively India's largest trade partner. And this is going to be key to controlling the seas around the region. And I think India's proximity to Africa, especially the ones that dot the IOR, will lean more towards India than China.
Well, you just misunderstood or made an assumption about my views that was incorrect. There was no misleading, on my part. And while there may be a desire to tap into the Indian defence market, (And I personally, think that is a bad idea on America's part as it is simply not worth the strategic cost.), I think you are correct about it not being a development of any alliance. India has no desire for one with America, and given Indian hostility to any such arrangement or close relationship with the USA, America would be fools to pursue one where it is not wanted. As I said before, in any number of areas, India and the United States have had and have now, conflicting interests. It does no good for either country, to pretend otherwise. In the SCS they may coincide to some extent, but I also think the idea of any sort of joint action or patrols is not something that my country should pursue and I think that is the current position of the US government. The USA will continue to maintain our close alliances with our friends in South-East Asia, regardless of India's relationship with those same countries but I think any speculation on the future is just that...pure speculation.
Its misunderstanding on both sides. Over generations the message gets lost.

:cheesy: it is ? The Jihadi's have misunderstood that they have been told to Kill Indians ? or have we misunderstood that their intentions to kill us is in our best interest ?

Please give us the message before its lost :P
I respectfully disagree, India has great latent potential and similar values to that of American System.

It is but obvious that US- American relationship is a multidimensional and cannot be held hostage to single issue. Just like we have allies like Pakistan, India has freedom to build relationship with countries who are not at the best of terms with us. That said there are lot of areas where we see future alignments and co-operation with India.

Only thing which I wish is that India were a bit more mature in their foreign policy engagements. Their single mindedness with Pakistan greatly limits the role they can play in Global Arena

There is no single mindedness with Pakistan .That was our policy in previous decade .
Now we are pursuing maximum benefits for national interest .

On topic :India dont need a CCP tabloid to learn more about our national interests.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction .If you unnecessarily involves in our dispute with a third party then you can expet the same from our side .SCS is definitely not our concern .But your actions in our disputed Kashmir made that inevitable .Or you pushed us for that .India wouldnt been behaved like this if your actions was only in AP disputed area .
You can see more Indian involvement in SCS in coming decades .If things goes like this we can see the beginning of supplying of lethal weapons to Vietnam and other SCS nations after two decades from India
India patrolling SCS is a trap laid by G2 (US & China) and India should avoid walking into this trap.

The fact is

1) US is more than capable to confront China on it's own and does not need minnows like India, Japan or Vietnam in this endeavor

2) US is the biggest supporter of China's defense technologies through publicized Chinese espionage of US defense technologies. Do people really believe US cannot protect it's nuclear and aerospace secrets? Nothing can happen without US consent. Sometimes the consent is overt (like Israel's sharing of defense tech with India and sometimes it's covert like the Chinese espionage)

3) Majority of the US manufacturing is still done in China. US has been and still is the biggest supporter of the Chinese economy.
Your loss. The US will not allow China to control the SCS by any means. Right now, we are taking the diplomatic route as much as possible. But even if China cannot gain complete control of the SCS, China can still harass the smaller countries into submission, leaving a path all the way to the Indian Ocean. Either India help US today, or pay a higher price tomorrow.

Nice try @gambit :rofl:, what US can do beside begging India, Japan and Australia to join the Patrol, that's about it but we continue with the reclamation of these islands and arm its...nothing prevent China to arm and militarize SCS. Only stupid Indians will fall into your trap or US trap...that's why Indian strategists learned not to mess in SCS because we have plenty of options to scratch India's sensitivities in Indian Ocean, they gain nothing to antagonize China.

you Viet can continue to cry for hopeless help.:rofl:

soo, what countries are in the Chinese camp when it comes to the SCS ?

Pakistan :D
India patrolling SCS is a trap laid by G2 (US & China) and India should avoid walking into this trap.

The fact is

1) US is more than capable to confront China on it's own and does not need minnows like India, Japan or Vietnam in this endeavor

2) US is the biggest supporter of China's defense technologies through publicized Chinese espionage of US defense technologies. Do people really believe US cannot protect it's nuclear and aerospace secrets? Nothing can happen without US consent. Sometimes the consent is overt (like Israel's sharing of defense tech with India and sometimes it's covert like the Chinese espionage)

3) Majority of the US manufacturing is still done in China. US has been and still is the biggest supporter of the Chinese economy.

I don't think we need to fret too much.

India is just sending subtle message to China to work towards settling all outstanding issues with India. It is in their best interest to do so.

US is looking at an alliance with India to contain china and India is looking to expand our strategic space in dealing with China.

The ball is in China's court. Their philosophy towards India will determine the relationship status and alignment.
Because either you help contain China in East Asia, or you confront China off your shore. China does not need to have complete control of the Indian Ocean to make life difficult for you. Just COMMAND of the Indian Ocean will do.

Command of a sea is to control vital lines of travel and communication. If anything, China does not even need to command all of the Indian Ocean, just control of strategically important sea lanes that China need to link to East Asia. And if China can have effective control of those lanes, China can intimidate others to stay out of those lanes. So not only does your India lose, so will other countries who relies on the many seas for their economic life.

what a fantasy fairy tail scenario, China to command Indian Ocean???:rofl::rofl::rofl: we rather command the Pacific all the way to US west coast...LMAO too funny

you know how easy it would be to mine up the passages from the India ocean to the South China Sea.

China wants to play games we can play games. they can have their little islands, but once war starts that passage for Global shipping will be stopped it means they are F-ed. good luck getting your shipping and warships through that gauntlet.

they will deny us some access to the SCS and we'll deny them total access to the Indian Ocean in return


Before we have nothing to hold US by the balls, now we have SCS option to make bargain with US...we have no problem with reciprocity.

moving goods all the way across China and through Pakistan will be more expensive and time consuming than using it's own ports on the east coast.

CPEC is wonderful idea , but China couldn't rely solely on that to move it's goods and receive goods if a blockade was to be enforced :bunny:

while the U.S can receive goods from the Pacific and Atlantic, cutting China off from Indian ocean would be catastrophic to it's economy and war machine :wave:

LMAO you think you will cut China off so easily?? :rofl: US is not the only one who know how to ambush civilian cargo ships, you can kiss and say good bye to your sea trade route too, sure you can say that you have access to Atlantic but go to check your trade book, how much trade was done in Pacific sure if you're willing to scarify US west coast region...that's fine with us.

And you seems to forget that China is most connected to Asian continent, we have SA, South East As, Central Asia and Russia as land connection, Sea trade is only important for our coastal cities but we're not gonna die because of that. And what about those depend on "MADE IN CHINA" products American???:rofl:.

Oh, I don't think so. The United States has very close strategic ties with many of the countries of in the SCS region, (including many of the same ones that India does.), and are building new strategic alliances with countries like Vietnam, Singapore, etc. I think you misunderstood my views toward such a partnership with India. I think American efforts at building such a partnership are totally misguided so in that, you and I are much more in agreement that you think. India does not want it and America would be fools for pursing it. I posted that just recently...

IRIN to hold joint military drills with Indian Navy | Page 3

As I said there, it's better to be honest with each other about it than pretend that any such partnership could ever be a "good fit" for India or America.

Building a new strategic alliance like Vietnam and Singapore?? :rofl::rofl: such ignorance, Vietnam depend on China more than US :economically and geostrategic: if we decide to cut off the water from the Red river (Song Hong), then entire north Vietnam will be on serious trouble, 1/3 of population will have to beg China for drinking water. Vietam only want use US for SCS issue but they have not forgotten the Agent Orange that Americans had administrated to their civilian population during the Vietnam war..that why you see a pro-China faction on the rise, if you relied on few anti-China Vietnamese posters here to make up your strategic alliance, you just delude youself

You are missing the point @gambit is making.

If India stays in the Indian Ocean we fight a defensive war with Chinese. Defensive wars are very risky for the defender, given its on their homeland the conflict takes place and aggressor has nothing to lose.

The only way to prevent China from making way to IO is to take the fight to SCS and ensure Chinese fight a defensive war in SCS

Our lack of intention to challenge Chinese will be seen as a lack of capability and make Chinese even more hegemonic.

For example, when Chinese assisted Pakistan's nuclear capability, we Indians did nothing similar in Chinese neighbourhood,

Basking on this lack of response from India and perceived success Chinese went on to nuclear submarine docking in Sri Lanka. While things have gone in India's favor with regime change in Sri Lanka.

Chinese have already made their move, ball is in India's court.

Today China go to Indian Ocean solo, we didn't invite other to gang up against India and no one prevent India to come to SCS but if you think that's good idea to join US against China, than one day when the table turn, we will be gladly return you the favor. If you can't challenge China along and need US in order to keep China on defensive then you Indians are hopless, what happen if US abandon India as how they did in 1970s and China-US relation was very good at that time...so we can gang up against India in Indian Ocean to weakening further India...it's what you tried to say??

There is no permanent friends nor permanent enemies but only permanent interest. I think you know this as well.
I don't think we need to fret too much.

India is just sending subtle message to China to work towards settling all outstanding issues with India. It is in their best interest to do so.

US is looking at an alliance with India to contain china and India is looking to expand our strategic space in dealing with China.

The ball is in China's court. Their philosophy towards India will determine the relationship status and alignment.

You are assuming that India is using this situation to settle it's disputes with China but it could actually be

1) US is using India to push back China

2) China using SCS to bargain it's foray into Indian Ocean

In the Ukrainian and Syrian wars, the winners would always be US & Russia and never be Ukraine, Poland, Syria or Turkey.

In the same way, India would never be a winner in this SCS war. India would always be a pawn ready to be sacrificed at the alter of US & China agreement in the end.

Pakistan did great by steering clear from the wars in Yemen and Syria. India should take a leaf of Pakistan's page and should steer clear from getting entangled in the SCS mess.
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