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‘Asia will be divided if India joins US patrols’ : Chinese Media

what a fantasy fairy tail scenario, China to command Indian Ocean???:rofl::rofl::rofl: we rather command the Pacific all the way to US west coast...LMAO too funny
What you 'rather' do is not the same as what you COULD do. For China to command the Pacific is that 'fantasy tail', but what China practically NEED to do is ensure access to Africa, and that mean going thru the Indian Ocean.

But I have said it before, that if China and India have a tense relationship, if not outright a shooting fight, in the Indian Ocean, it will benefit US in the long run. It will bog down China in many ways, from political to economic. My personal advice to the Indians is meant to stimulate their intellectual curiosity towards at least a nominal alliance with US in the SCS issue.

Before we have nothing to hold US by the balls, now we have SCS option to make bargain with US...we have no problem with reciprocity.
A single US carrier fleet in the SCS and the area is ours.
India patrolling SCS is a trap laid by G2 (US & China) and India should avoid walking into this trap.

The fact is

1) US is more than capable to confront China on it's own and does not need minnows like India, Japan or Vietnam in this endeavor

2) US is the biggest supporter of China's defense technologies through publicized Chinese espionage of US defense technologies. Do people really believe US cannot protect it's nuclear and aerospace secrets? Nothing can happen without US consent. Sometimes the consent is overt (like Israel's sharing of defense tech with India and sometimes it's covert like the Chinese espionage)

3) Majority of the US manufacturing is still done in China. US has been and still is the biggest supporter of the Chinese economy.

LOl seems like you know more US than Americans themselves.:lol: here my respond to your listed points:

1-Very true, Americans is very capable to deal with China alone but by dragging India, Japan, they want to make these countries as China's enemy so they can play divide and rule in Asia...American very bad boy:astagh:

2-Indeed, there is lot thing go under the table, all China tech are not fallen from sky, we learn a great deal from US technology secrecy :lol:

3-You said all, why US manufacturing company chose China and not India despite the fact the American government so anti-China, they could have just order these company to stop dealing with China, there must be a rational explanation for this:lol:

What you 'rather' do is not the same as what you COULD do. For China to command the Pacific is that 'fantasy tail', but what China practically NEED to do is ensure access to Africa, and that mean going thru the Indian Ocean.

But I have said it before, that if China and India have a tense relationship, if not outright a shooting fight, in the Indian Ocean, it will benefit US in the long run. It will bog down China in many ways, from political to economic. My personal advice to the Indians is meant to stimulate their intellectual curiosity towards at least a nominal alliance with US in the SCS issue.

A single US carrier fleet in the SCS and the area is ours.

And why we need to command Indian Ocean as you stated earlier when access to Africa? we can cooperate with India and not to make an enemy for nothing, Indians and Chinese Scholars know what US has in mind by invite India to patrol in SCS....not all Asians are retards like American...LMAO

Sure both China and India have some territory dispute but we're not swear historical enemy, before the arrival of the western people in Asia both nation live peacefully...and it's only in American wet dream to see the rip between China and India by trying to instigate and stir up trouble for both and expect both to escalate further the tension but I must said again India and China are both mature old civilization, we know the limit of line that we don't want to cross.

you can continue bragging US carrier fleet, but most likely Guam and Hawaii will be annexed by China as Japan did in WW2, only the cowards used nukes to win the desperate war.
And why we need to command Indian Ocean as you stated earlier when access to Africa? we can cooperate with India and not to make an enemy for nothing, Indians and Chinese Scholars know what US has in mind by invite India to patrol in SCS....not all Asians are retards like American...LMAO
Not a smart guy, are you ?

Just because the Indian Ocean is named that way, that does not mean India owns or even control that area. There are legal and physical limits on how far India can exert her control.

But the lesson of the SCS is evident, that even if China cannot exercise effective total control of the SCS, China can have command of vital travel lanes that China can use to influence or even exclude other countries.

Looks like it is YOU who are the retard.

you can continue bragging US carrier fleet, but most likely Guam and Hawaii will be annexed by China as Japan did in WW2,...
That is a 'fantasy tail'.

...only the cowards used nukes to win the desperate war.
And guess who needed foreign help in that desperate war.
You are assuming that India is using this situation to settle it's disputes with China but it could actually be

1) US is using India to push back China

2) China using SCS to bargain it's foray into Indian Ocean

In the Ukrainian and Syrian wars, the winners would always be US & Russia and never be Ukraine, Poland, Syria or Turkey.

In the same way, India would never be a winner in this SCS war. India would always be a pawn ready to be sacrificed at the alter of US & China agreement in the end.

Pakistan did great by steering clear from the wars in Yemen and Syria. India should take a leaf of Pakistan's page and should steer clear from getting entangled in the SCS mess.

Of course the US is using us and we are using them. Isn't that how things work ?

Chinese interest in IO is quiet well known. So no surprise there either.

The last time US tried to defend pakistan, we ended up creating Bangladesh. :disagree: Since then India has only grown stronger and US has grown weaker. I hardly think anyone can use India as a pawn :lol:

Pakistan had no choice but to steer clear of Yemen and syria, their economy will not permit it and their forces are engaged inside pakistan trying to keep the country together.

India should continue to do what ever is in its best interest. You have to talk to china in a language it understand and that is what India is doing in the SCS. Once they get the message, our engagement will be a lot smoother.
Nice try @gambit :rofl:, what US can do beside begging India, Japan and Australia to join the Patrol, that's about it but we continue with the reclamation of these islands and arm its...nothing prevent China to arm and militarize SCS. Only stupid Indians will fall into your trap or US trap...that's why Indian strategists learned not to mess in SCS because we have plenty of options to scratch India's sensitivities in Indian Ocean, they gain nothing to antagonize China.

you Viet can continue to cry for hopeless help.:rofl:

Pakistan :D

it's not that we need them to fight with us, but it's a show of solidarity on the issue.

the U.S navy on it's own is plenty to handle the PLAAN.

your face is going to be red when Vietnam and U.S hold war games right in the middle of the SCS or worse yet when Vietnam allows the Imperialist Yankees to set up on their island just a stones throw away from your own :rofl:

you thought THAAD being deployed in SK was a bad another one on Vietnam would be just down right mean :angel:
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Their single mindedness with Pakistan

Very true. This would be exactly like USA sizing itself up against Canada or Spain or Colombia. In terms of population these countries have the same relationship toward USA. - As India with Pakistan at 6.5 times differantial.*

To put it bluntly India needs to act is belly size not it's penis size.

* 1,260 million v 195 million.
your face is going to be red when Vietnam and U.S hold war games right in the middle of the SCS or worse yet when Vietnam allows the Imperialist Yankees to set up on their island just a stones throw away from your own :rofl:

you thought THAAD being deployed in SK was a bad another one on Vietnam would be just down right mean :angel:

Source: ‘Asia will be divided if India joins US patrols’ : Chinese Media | Page 4
The Vietnamese don't require USN help. They have the Onix but i'm not sure of its range. This is enough to keep any PLAN ship off its coast. Not to mention, the Vietnamese are being trained in Indian academies from all 3 branches. However, weapons sales is what those exercises are about. Its been said, that the Vietnamese are the ones who helped India set up its jungle warfare school in the NE which is touted as the best of its kind in the world.
it's not that we need them to fight with us, but it's a show of solidarity on the issue.

the U.S navy on it's own is plenty to handle the PLAAN.

your face is going to be red when Vietnam and U.S hold war games right in the middle of the SCS or worse yet when Vietnam allows the Imperialist Yankees to set up on their island just a stones throw away from your own :rofl:

you thought THAAD being deployed in SK was a bad another one on Vietnam would be just down right mean :angel:

We don't have problem if India want to show some solidarity but come to our turn to use the same excuse, they will have nothing to say, we can reciprocate. Vietnam can have war game with who ever it want but do it right in the middle of SCS, they should expect us to return them the same favor as we shown the 981 drill platform when they tried to invite foreign oil company to prospect oil in SCS:cool:. Vietnam can sell their entire country to US, we don't give a rat a$$ but let foreigner to step into the contested islands that we consider to be our, they will have to pay a heavy price.

Not a smart guy, are you ?

Just because the Indian Ocean is named that way, that does not mean India owns or even control that area. There are legal and physical limits on how far India can exert her control.

But the lesson of the SCS is evident, that even if China cannot exercise effective total control of the SCS, China can have command of vital travel lanes that China can use to influence or even exclude other countries.

Looks like it is YOU who are the retard.

That is a 'fantasy tail'.

And guess who needed foreign help in that desperate war.

Don't you know Indian Ocean is Indian's Ocean:lol:, they have more influence and control that you Viet could imagine. As for SCS, time will tell if we will effectively control it once we positioned our defense and declare ADIZ.:lol:
You are missing the point @gambit is making.

If India stays in the Indian Ocean we fight a defensive war with Chinese. Defensive wars are very risky for the defender, given its on their homeland the conflict takes place and aggressor has nothing to lose.

The only way to prevent China from making way to IO is to take the fight to SCS and ensure Chinese fight a defensive war in SCS

Our lack of intention to challenge Chinese will be seen as a lack of capability and make Chinese even more hegemonic.

For example, when Chinese assisted Pakistan's nuclear capability, we Indians did nothing similar in Chinese neighbourhood,

Basking on this lack of response from India and perceived success Chinese went on to nuclear submarine docking in Sri Lanka. While things have gone in India's favor with regime change in Sri Lanka.

Chinese have already made their move, ball is in India's court.
We are neither USN nor it is Indian ocean, What Gambit is asking us do is the same mistake we did in 61, with no military capability you want us to provoking our neighbor? We have other options than SCS patrol. We go with helping Vietnam which is good form the point of view u made but other than that a big no.
We are neither USN nor it is Indian ocean, What Gambit is asking us to do is the same mistake we did in 61, with no military capability you want us to provoking our neighbor? We have other options than SCS patrol. We go with helping Vietnam which is good form the point of view u made but other than that a big no.
Acknowledging the point you make in regard to 1961

However, Chinese military actions against Indian naval vessel in SCS will have repercussions in IO region.

This is the major reason why they have not taken any military action against our oil exploration in disputed SCS region.

Very true. This would be exactly like USA sizing itself up against Canada or Spain or Colombia. In terms of population these countries have the same relationship toward USA. - As India with Pakistan at 6.5 times differantial.*

To put it bluntly India needs to act is belly size not it's penis size.

* 1,260 million v 195 million.

Very vulgar reference to Pakistan
Acknowledging the point you make in regard to 1961

However, Chinese military actions against Indian naval vessel in SCS will have repercussions in IO region.

This is the major reason why they have not taken any military action against our oil exploration in disputed SCS region.
I agree with you , I only have say it is not right time for us to go for patrol in SCS and that too with USN.
But I have said it before, that if China and India have a tense relationship, if not outright a shooting fight, in the Indian Ocean, it will benefit US in the long run. It will bog down China in many ways, from political to economic. My personal advice to the Indians is meant to stimulate their intellectual curiosity towards at least a nominal alliance with US in the SCS issue.

The exact opposite will happen. Right now, the Chinese do not have a direct need for resources from Africa, neither does India. China has better access to that from Australia and Brazil.

However, China has more pressing needs around its immediate neighbourhood. Their bickering with Japan over airspace and island disputes, and with Korea over the EEZ line and more island disputes. Their bigger dispute with Taiwan. Their island disputes in the SCS. With all these in their plate, they don't have the time to antagonize India over some rocks in the Himalayas, and they have no issues with access to Africa and the Middle East today.

So the US will be bogged down in dealing with China over all these issues, not India. That's why it's not surprising that the US is doing everything possible to bring India to its side.

What's special about ASEAN is it has half the population of India's. It has an economy that's slightly bigger. It will eventually have the same economic clout as Europe in the future. So China will have to deal with them before they have to deal with India over access to the IOR.

A single US carrier fleet in the SCS and the area is ours.

This is a very temporary advantage, probably won't even last 5 years. The Chinese navy is growing too much too fast. Over the next 10 years, PLAN will be a 400-450 ship navy. In comparison, India will be a 200 ship navy and the US will be a 250 ship navy. By then, China will have a bigger defence budget than the US.

India will outnumber China in the IOR, but China will outnumber the US+allies+ASEAN in the Pacific. The US can only park 60% of its navy in the Pacific, 'cause there's Russia around as well. Not to mention maintaining a US presence in the Middle East, that's another advantage for India because the US has interest in controlling the Red Sea.

India is not disadvantaged by this situation. The US is completely disadvantaged. I am open to cooperation between IN and USN over SCS, but this will most likely be possible only on Indian terms. And this will entirely depend on how well the US deals with Pakistan to our advantage.
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