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‘Asia will be divided if India joins US patrols’ : Chinese Media

@raktaka For how long you will keep licking Americans? Are you that blind to not see, that they only care about their interests?

Here are my paranoid thoughts,

Modi was denied visa by US to appease Muslims in US and India both, and Indian pseudo secular party voters. This decision wasn't revoked untill he became PM. US wasn't expecting him to win, and had all the support for Congress.

"Now that it looks like Modi will become prime minister, it's reasonable for the Obama administration to say it's been 12 years [since the 2002 riots], and we'll be happy to deal with him," says Nicholas Burns, the former undersecretary of state who supervised India policy during Mr. Bush's second term.

Not sure if it has any Nuclear connection but, India's Nuclear test under BJP, US was alerted. In between Italian American remote colonisation (2004-2014) a lot of NGOs came in hordes. I am sure US have India's all socio economic data, including caste based census which is not public yet (afterall whats CIA for) using which they are now assisting Congress strategise for next elections. Although some idiot @Cherokee libtards (they proved no one can fool libtards :D) went overboard and BJP took the opportunity while Pappu and party's predictive strategy of opposing everything BJP does failed. BJP was already alert, since it cleaned a lot of NGOs, but this incident will speed up things. Now BJP will be cleaning every instutution (PM will be addressing this) over this political mess and i am sure this will also be opposed by libtards, they will say sanghi trying to saffronize education :D.

Its better to be paranoid than closing eyes and pretending nothing happening around. Having said that, India is alone can't trust anyone. Maybe China in future, Modi is very diplomatic, there is a reason he rose to become PM, and i feel personally he is more inclined towards China. He used to visit China as CM while he had visa ban in US.
@raktaka For how long you will keep licking Americans? Are you that blind to not see, that they only care about their interests?

Here are my paranoid thoughts,

Modi was denied visa by US to appease Muslims in US and India both, and Indian pseudo secular party voters. This decision wasn't revoked untill he became PM. US wasn't expecting him to win, and had all the support for Congress.

"Now that it looks like Modi will become prime minister, it's reasonable for the Obama administration to say it's been 12 years [since the 2002 riots], and we'll be happy to deal with him," says Nicholas Burns, the former undersecretary of state who supervised India policy during Mr. Bush's second term.

Not sure if it has any Nuclear connection but, India's Nuclear test under BJP, US was alerted. In between Italian American remote colonisation (2004-2014) a lot of NGOs came in hordes. I am sure US have India's all socio economic data, including caste based census which is not public yet (afterall whats CIA for) using which they are now assisting Congress strategise for next elections. Although some idiot @Cherokee libtards (they proved no one can fool libtards :D) went overboard and BJP took the opportunity while Pappu and party's predictive strategy of opposing everything BJP does failed. BJP was already alert, since it cleaned a lot of NGOs, but this incident will speed up things. Now BJP will be cleaning every instutution (PM will be addressing this) over this political mess and i am sure this will also be opposed by libtards, they will say sanghi trying to saffronize education :D.

Its better to be paranoid than closing eyes and pretending nothing happening around. Having said that, India is alone can't trust anyone. Maybe China in future, Modi is very diplomatic, there is a reason he rose to become PM, and i feel personally he is more inclined towards China. He used to visit China as CM while he had visa ban in US.

LOL...... did you just accuse me of "licking" the americans ? :lol:

You are letting your emotion cloud your vision and judgement.

I don't care if Modi was denied visa by the US. When he was PM the US was forced to entertain him. That is the best revenge.

Finally I would like to think INDIA is the FUTURE, not China.

I would love for China and India to come together and contain US in the IO and in the Pacific region. But you cannot clap with one hand. US OTOH is smart enough to engage with India and address our interests and that is why this engagement is moving forward the way it is.

Purely due to China's short sight and inability to work with others and form alliances.

Wishful thinking is not reality. We have to deal with the world as it is.
To be honest, Chinese have nothing to offer India.

They export 10 times more into India, so, any adverse action by India would impact Chinese economy more than India.
They already are fingering in every anti-Indian activity, be it by taking Pakistan's side, or formenting trouble in east or south.

I am not really sure what to make of when Chinese say Asia will be divided as they have already taken side of Pakistan against India!

India has zero incentive to do anything pro-china when the other side is blatantly anti-India!
To be honest, Chinese have nothing to offer India.

They export 10 times more into India, so, any adverse action by India would impact Chinese economy more than India.
They already are fingering in every anti-Indian activity, be it by taking Pakistan's side, or formenting trouble in east or south.

I am not really sure what to make of when Chinese say Asia will be divided as they have already taken side of Pakistan against India!

India has zero incentive to do anything pro-china when the other side is blatantly anti-India!

China has plenty to offer India, biggest being a stable neighbourhood and that is priceless.

But its about time China talk to India in a language we understand too. Threatening India has NEVER worked, not by the US and certainly not by China. I don't understand why they would continue with the same failed policy in-spite of historic evidence that it has never worked.

Maybe some Chinese member can help us understand ?
Basking on this lack of response from India and perceived success Chinese went on to nuclear submarine docking in Sri Lanka. While things have gone in India's favor with regime change in Sri Lanka.

Chinese have already made their move, ball is in India's court.
Indeed, and there are better ways to respond than by sending our fleet directly in SCS.

We can arm Vietnam or other SCS countries (overtly or covertly) with Ballistic Missiles that can hit Beijing. Else we can transfer tech to them which allows them to 'indigenously' build Ballistic and Cruise Missiles.

We can supply them ships on credit lines.

We can sign a defensive treaty with them that any invasion of mainland Vietnamese or any other SCS country would imply war with India.

That would allow these countries to be more aggressive at sea while countering China and push Chinese on backfoot over any kind of direct attack on these countries mainland.

There are a hundred different ways to respond.
Not a smart guy, are you ?

Just because the Indian Ocean is named that way, that does not mean India owns or even control that area. There are legal and physical limits on how far India can exert her control.
Practically speaking, it is indeed ours.

We exercise enormous influence across the other countries there - Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Singapore, Maldives, Mauritious, Seychelles.

Some are close to being our protectorates. We are setting up naval bases across them and synchronizing their naval radars and surveillance with ours to form a single grid.

And lastly two most important points -
Our particular geography - a dagger like shape jutting in the Indian Ocean, coupled with very long range planes means we are at the very heart of the IO.

And lastly, our own Island territories which are being turned to military bases which ensure land based fighter aircraft access access to areas which are not accessible from our mainland.

All of these ensure that Indian Ocean is India's ocean with one notable exception - USN. It is USN's sheer technological and quantitative advantage that can beat us in what is our backyard for the reasons highlighted above.
Other than that, there is no single country including China or Russia that can fight and win(convincingly ie not a Pyrrhic victory) in Indian Ocean against us.
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Indeed, and there are better ways to respond than by sending our fleet directly in SCS.

We can arm Vietnam or other SCS countries (overtly or covertly) with Ballistic Missiles that can hit Beijing. Else we can transfer tech to them which allows them to 'indigenously' build Ballistic and Cruise Missiles.

We can supply them ships on credit lines.

We can sign a defensive treaty with them that any invasion of mainland Vietnamese or any other SCS country would imply war with India.

That would allow these countries to be more aggressive at sea while countering China and push Chinese on backfoot over any kind of direct attack on these countries mainland.

There are a hundred different ways to respond.

Patrolling in SCS is merely sending China a message if you dock nuclear submarines near Indian waters, expect our IN in SCS.

If this leads to open confrontation, then we respond the same way in IO region.

Assisting Vietnam's space program to built its own space launch vehicles could be an easy indirect way to nurture their long-range ballistic missile program
We are neither USN nor it is Indian ocean, What Gambit is asking us do is the same mistake we did in 61, with no military capability you want us to provoking our neighbor? We have other options than SCS patrol. We go with helping Vietnam which is good form the point of view u made but other than that a big no.

Well, its a tricky one tbh.

The thing is every country looks after their interests first and foremost. If it is in INDIA'S interest to join USN in patroling and securing its interest in SCS, then India should(and will) join.

People forget that even China was once a strong U.S/western ally just 3-4decades ago, when U.S,U.K,France ,China and other western powers all allied against the Soviet Union and its asian allies/proxies like Vietnam. China was crucial in helping western powers undermine/bring down the soviet union which China rightly considered its biggest threat, which also led to China opening up to western investment/trade and even arms sales.

As you can all see every country only follows their national interests, even when it means allying with an unusual country/former enemy. :) As far as it serves your country's interest, who cares???

So if India thinks it will benefit/serve its wider interests by joining the U.S then it should not hesitate to do so. As far as it serves your country's interests. So India meeds to examine the implications of doing so and how things plays out between her, China and, pakistan in future.
But its about time China talk to India in a language we understand too. Threatening India has NEVER worked, not by the US and certainly not by China. I don't understand why they would continue with the same failed policy in-spite of historic evidence that it has never worked.

China is supporting terrorists attacking India in UN.
On top of all that their support to Pakistan against India is well documented.

So, like I said, India has zero incentive NOT to stand against China, especially considering China is actively anti-India.

I think it's time to be blatantly anti-china in our policies and see what happens!
Its misunderstanding on both sides. Over generations the message gets lost.

Sending terrorists in bunches one after another into India, to kill or maim, is not a mere misunderstanding, mate!

Why is this romantic and sentimental attachment of Asian countries uniting? Unite against who? If you say western world, there's almost nothing homogenous about US and Europe anymore. They are as diverse today as India itself.

Asia, like any other continent, is just another geographical entity! There is nothing common that unites all Asians, especially among those countries that will go out of their way to screw India!
Pakistan against the rest of Asia! Where did you get this from? Apart from India, Pakistan has strong ties across the board with Asia.
no sir, Pakistan is not that big for the need for the rest of Asia to unite against her. my post indicated who will be on China's side.

Pakistan against the rest of Asia! Where did you get this from? Apart from India, Pakistan has strong ties across the board with Asia.
no sir, Pakistan is not that big for the need for the rest of Asia to unite against her. my post indicated who will be on China's side.
China is supporting terrorists attacking India in UN.
On top of all that their support to Pakistan against India is well documented.

So, like I said, India has zero incentive NOT to stand against China, especially considering China is actively anti-India.

I think it's time to be blatantly anti-china in our policies and see what happens!

US too is supporting terrorists attacking India in UN and by selling weapons to pakistan and giving aid to pakistan.

Russia is selling jet engines for JF-17.

This is the unpleasant reality of the world. Learn to deal with it.

Since all these nations are Anti-India too, India needs to choose between the deep sea and the devil. Make that the Deep SCS and the Devil :P

It is time to be blatantly Pro-INDIA policies to be put in place and see where that takes us.
US too is supporting terrorists attacking India in UN and by selling weapons to pakistan and giving aid to pakistan.

As long as their interests aren't compromised, US has helped India where ever it can.
Please let me know where China has helped India?

Regarding your line about Indians interests to be prime - I agree.

Right now India's interests dictate that India show the mirror to China so that it backs off in our backyard.
As long as their interests aren't compromised, US has helped India where ever it can.
Please let me know where China has helped India?

Regarding your line about Indians interests to be prime - I agree.

Right now India's interests dictate that India show the mirror to China so that it backs off in our backyard.

India and China has worked together in WTO against he US. Similarly India & China has worked together in Climate change Sumit. We have also worked together in BRICS Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank etc.

US has not "helped" India, it has worked with India for mutual gain.

The Only person who IS in our backyard i.e Indian Ocean and Pakistan is the US :cheesy: .......... not China.
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