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Asia Cup 2022 thread

Fighting over a cricket match šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
And bringing ethnicity into it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

White man sees both Pashtun and Punjabi as ā€œdirty ****ā€. Yā€™all forget the real enemies and fight online like your both not Muslim.
Islam comes first and islam is against etho nationalism.

The afghan cricketer was in the wrong for provoking and got the reply by Asif. Thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s no ethnicity or any other touch in it. Iā€™m pretty sure if a Punjabi did that to Asif he would have replied the same.
Do you know me personally to be passing such judgements I knew you were Afghandu by the first interaction there was no doubt in that and i don't need brainfarts from an Afghani inbred like yourself to know where my dignity lies.
Well the word afghan in offical pakistan documents means pathan and if you pick up an land record you will see people labelled as afghans

Now we can fight all day why its like this..we are talking centuries of heritage ans langauage that cant be changed overnight but it is what it is.

Hence why even in afgahnistan when identity cards stated afghans there was big uproar stating that not all afghanistanis are afghans.
The north country was in uproar

What i dont get is why do people troll afghans

Let them be
Noone likes them not even pakistani afghans/pushtoons/pathans
If one Afghan Player misbehaved does not mean whole Afghan team is bad or anti Pak, most of them are very friendly and brotherly to Pakistani Players and Pakistan. Same with all the Afghan people, most are good, friendly and think of Pakistan as brothers.

I hope you don't actually believe the second part. Afghan people hate Punjabis more than anything, and Pakistan in general, this is not a new discovery.

They don't even respect Pashtuns that are pro-Pakistani and you think you mean anything to them. LOL.
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I hope Afghanistan pummel both India and Pakistan and go on to win the tournament. They deserve it more than anyone else.
Well both India and Afghanistan got their pants taken down by Pakistan and Sri Lanka loooool
They were very close matches and anyone could have won, so it's not exactly pants being taken off. But Indian team is disappointing for all the hype that surrounds them.
T20...all matches are close
All the bs in the Indian media and then their Afghan namak harams loool
So the place to show anger is on the pitch? And i bet my left nut not a single Pakistani player can dare touch an aussie or English player, atleast the afghan player sledged a team way more powerful than them. As a Pakistani i know well the mental slavery of west in tje society and the military. Jaa k kisi aur ko shoshay choro. Buzdili aur bahaduri ko pehle pehchano ullo.
Hey man donā€™t generalise ,us Pakistanis in UK do that shit from nursery school . You think any English man or Aussie can step upto us .
You are mad .

We never back down the day you back down theyā€™ll walk over you .

You know all these asylum seekers that cram in boats to come to UK they come here because Pakistanis are here and will support them and give them work as a sense of brotherhood . We look after the Afghans in the UK and alone no one else just us Pakistanis . Weā€™ve had long battles with the white man throughout our history and because of us the Sikhs and the Jamaicans we made UK safe for the new arrivals
Mother fuckers should pay royalty fees for paving the way for them
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