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Ashok Leyland to supply 200 trucks to Bangladesh as part of $2-bn line of credit

Bangladesh mostly imports raw materials ( cotton), edibles, and motor vehicles from India. I don't have any issue with raw materials as once value added this cotton brings in more export money. The food imported from India is probably the cheaper in cost and shipping comparing to other nations. Our motor vehicle industries are not producing enough for domestic needs.
Line of credit Facilities were for military hardware procurement if I am not wrong. May be Bangladesh govt decided to use that credit for something else to satisfy Indian.

Yes that is correct. I'd rather we buy other capital manufacturing engineering goods from India like sheet metal benders, punches and lathes with the credit money, if they are twisting our arms.

Trucks need to be reliable and you depend on them every day, and AL trucks are anything but reliable. Moreover, Ashok Leyland is also a military equipment supplier to Indian Military who uses their equipment to oppress Kashmiri population. Ditto for Tata. On principle we should not be buying Tata and AL buses or trucks in our country, given that they are supplying an oppressing murderous regime.
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Bangladesh mostly imports raw materials ( cotton), edibles, and motor vehicles from India. I don't have any issue with raw materials as once value added this cotton brings in more export money. The food imported from India is probably the cheaper in cost and shipping comparing to other nations. Our motor vehicle industries are not producing enough for domestic needs.

We should be placing para tariffs and NTB on Indian products like trucks and buses, to help our local vehicle assemblers and manufacturers. India and Pakistan does the absolute same. If we don't help our own mfrs. grow then who will??

We have helped Indian industry for fifty years as an "easy" market. Enough is enough. We need to grow our own truck/bus industry, rather than help other countries grow their's.

Current market volume for trucks/buses in Bangladesh can support six/seven low volume assemblers, if not one large mfr. outright.

If we have to import anyway, there are far better truck import options for our money, from China and even Indonesia. Indian should not even be our tenth choice as an import source for these.

Only way these faaltu Tata and AL can sell these trucks and buses in our country is by bribing some corrupt India-shill ministers in the AL cabinet.

Like I said before, these AL minister ba$tards need to be outed and named/shamed. The current transport minister Obaidul Quader is the number one culprit.

Also, the Tata agent, this ba$tard Matlub Ahmed of Nitol motors is another SOB. He is the chairman of the India Bangladesh Chamber of commerce.
A - it's throwaway disposable quality Indian trucks being sold to a foreign country only under the "offered credit" trickery. They can't really find buyers otherwise.

B - It's only 200 of them.

C - This further widens the trade deficit between us and India.

I see no reason why Indian trucks force-fed to Bangladesh market should be a source of joy to us.

Money wasted - in my opinion (as these will become inoperable in about 6 months). And another reason for these Indian bhakt gadhas to chest-beat.

These are the only dehati people I know who think they did us a favor by exporting something to us, which we bought with cold hard cash (that too only for govt. sector).

This India-shill ministry ba$tards keep on buying Indian garbage.

It is possible to say "no" to Indians, we should find out who okayed these purchases from India, and publicly name and shame these ba$tards.

A - *Ahem*
While Ashok Leyland’s overall exports grew over 1.5 times in FY21 to 15,139 units year-on-year, the company's
LCV exports rose almost three times to 4,503 units.
Read more at:

Bangladesh has no comparable platform.

B - It's only 200 of them.
Because that much only Bangladesh asked / needed.

C - This further widens the trade deficit between us and India.
And what you gonna do about it?

I see no reason why Indian trucks force-fed to Bangladesh market should be a source of joy to us.
Cry us a river

Money wasted - in my opinion (as these will become inoperable in about 6 months).
Your opinion is like your anus, you have it and it stinks. And ofcourse, you have nothing to prove it.

We should be placing para tariffs and NTB on Indian products like trucks and buses, to help our local vehicle assemblers and manufacturers. India and Pakistan does the absolute same. If we don't help our own mfrs. grow then who will??
Face it, Bangladesh does not have any real heavy vehicle industry.

These baniyas are the worst Ch*tiya Haremkhor suwars the world has ever seen.
@waz @WebMaster : Do your thing, or let me do my thing.
Plus these electronic export they talk about are highly price incompetent to whatever we have in same price range

WTH are you talking about??

Bangladeshi assembled electronics (Samsung cellphones for example) cost at least 15~20% less in Bangladesh than it does in India. Ditto for LED TV's. Aircons, Refrigerators (even double door ones) and almost all other electronic items like electronic notepads and laptops.

Your mfrs. are inefficient and can't compete on price. Hence Para tariffs and NTB to block Bangladeshi imports.
And i am asking how ? We can't force our people to buy from Bangladesh , international trade never works like that , we aren't dumping or involved in over production or trying to destroy your companies by manipulating prices , nor we are trying to sabotage your efforts of industrialization , we buy where u match price competition , we can't where u don't , as simple as that , and we aren't forcing you to buy our product or providing lower quality stuff , tata and Ashok Leyland trucks as mentioned in the title , are exported to more than 50 countries

International trade is dictated by governments policies. The private sector follows government frameworks.
Which product they don't allow?.... Unless they are already producing those in abundance...but if not....they can't block it....they are bound by WTO treaty.

Take a look,

That's one heck of a credit line :)

Credit lines in this case was to match Chinese credit line which is twenty times larger.

In any case, credit lines always benefit the creditor country, always.
Can we leave the personal insults please.
WTH are you talking about??

Bangladeshi assembled electronics (Samsung cellphones for example) cost at least 15~20% less in Bangladesh than it does in India. Ditto for LED TV's. Aircons, Refrigerators (even double door ones) and almost all other electronic items like electronic notepads and laptops.

Your mfrs. are inefficient and can't compete on price. Hence Para tariffs and NTB to block Bangladeshi imports.
I know both sides of border, you mean electronics in BD are 15-20% less than India?

Sumsung has its largest cellphone manufacturing plant in India. It has also plant in 3 other countries and BD is none of them. Still you meant Samsung cellphone price in BD are 15-20% less than India?
Trivia - Samsung cellphone parts meant for BD are made in India or Vietnam.

almost all major electrical and electronics companies has their mfg plant in India. They dont assemble, they manufacture.

Now please enlighten why BD buy a lot from India? Though it has better options of China or Indonesia.
Yes that is correct. I'd rather we buy other capital manufacturing engineering goods from India like sheet metal benders, punches and lathes.

Trucks need to be reliable and you depend on them every day. Moreover, Ashok Leyland is also a military equipment supplier to Indian Military who uses their equipment to oppress Kashmiri population. Ditto for Tata. On principle we should not be buying Tata and AL buses or trucks in our country, given that they are supplying an oppressing murderous regime.

Military line of credit is separate 500 million usd. That’s not related to the line of credit for civilian projects.
You place is this much my dear: A disease filled, flooded country where 25 babies die for every 1000 live births and shit flows on streets.

Thats the capital of your pathetic country.

Enjoy your pathetic life :rofl:

I'm not from Dhaka and neither does any Bangladeshi deny that Dhaka doesn't have it's fair share of problems..

Atleast it isn't deemed the rape capital of the world 😂😂

My pathetic life ? Came down to personal insults real quick huh... Seems like you've mistaken forum decorum for the one that was followed in your household growing up 😂😂

Or are you one of those slumdog millionaires,.. minus the millionaire part of course 😂
I'm not from Dhaka and neither does any Bangladeshi deny that Dhaka doesn't have it's fair share of problems..

Atleast it isn't deemed the rape capital of the world 😂😂

My pathetic life ? Came down to personal insults real quick huh... Seems like you've mistaken forum decorum for the one that was followed in your household growing up 😂😂

Or are you one of those slumdog millionaires,.. minus the millionaire part of course 😂

These ignorant bhakt slumdog cockroaches are hatched by the millions in India and they keep invading this forum in droves every few months.

I think there should be some minimum current affairs and education qualification tests incumbent on new Indian PDF members because bhakts ask such stupid basic questions without checking facts. Mostly uneducated low lifes from the cow belt I'm afraid.

Any half-educated person knows that Bangladesh is ahead of India in basic health indicators including neonatal ones, and of course open defecation (massively so). Fully 2/3rds of Indians do their business in the open while in Bangladesh the rate of open defecation is basically zero.

Life expectancy at birth is higher in Bangladesh than in India by far, and so is nominal per capita GDP.


I mean - how does one drill these simple facts into bhakt brains?
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''easing in the open''
rather nice way to put it

OMG !!

A supposedly educated IPS senior level Police officer - promoting defecation out in the open, as if it was some holy Indian tradition !

No wonder they also promote the consumption of cow-$hit and cow-pee.

Banging on pots and pans to drive away Corona.

"hygienic to do so outside at no cost"

Is everything connected to cost??

How much does it cost to keep yourself clean and prevent diarrhea, child stunting and other diseases?

How backward are these people?

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