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As they say in Kerala, there's more to life than GDP - The Globe and Mail

Kerala survive on beneficence of Gulfies. Else it is a Epic basket case like every communist economy that has ever existed.

Even after receiving $71 billion in remittances comprising of 16% of GDP, it is one of the most indebted state in India.

Gulf is helpful,but there are more people working in other states as well and that too is a huge number
Its your photoshop fraud that is exposed.:omghaha::omghaha:

Yawn ....I have explained the pics multiple times. :coffee:

Hello..wake up.ilmente is ore of Titanium.What I said is that no one in India recognized Thorium as a source of nuclear power,till Homi J Bhabha proposed three-stage nuclear program in 1954.And we are yet to select a site for our first Thorium AHWR.

Do you have reading comprehension issues ? ...... blame it on chuch education.

I have never seen such a fool like you.I referred to condition of Kerala before 20th century.Of course,now Sanskrit is a subject that is part of syllabus of Kerala State (arabic is also optional ) in upper primary section.It is now taught at most Schools,run by government/Church/Nss or anyone

...Except sanskrit it used to be taught at lower primary as well as a compulsory subject before kerala went 'secular'.

The 'School for every parish' motto has been adopted by catholic church,starting from 1863.Thats one of reason for high number of Christian educational institutions.

Funnily the Hindu's never had Schools for every temple concept. They just had schools for every kid :lol:

You see the Hindu's kept the propaganda out. But thank you for confirming what I was saying. We can now all see who is the fool here :P

'Church propoganda schools'-No propaganda is taught there.For us Pallikoodam is a place of great importance,don't equate it to a RSS study camp.

Keep parroting BS.It was a christian missionary who establshed first English school in Travancore.

LOL.....you just Failed. I guess you are just too dumb to realize it.

More importantly the first Mathematical school was established in kerala in the 14th century. Kind of more important than an 'english' school, wont you say ? I guess you wont.
Gulf is helpful,but there are more people working in other states as well and that too is a huge number

But only Kerala's economy is dependent on remittances to such an extent that they form 16% of State's GDP.

Kerala government is the very definition of vampire government which sucks out wealth of it's citizens which they have acquired with their sweat and blood.
why are you bringing religion into it???
its due to the secular nature of Hinduism,we Christians are thriving here..don't ignore that..otherwise we were f..ked like in syria or Lebanon..

Who brought religion into this?It was @Manvantaratruti who brought religion into this thread,doubting secular credentials of another Indian member (who happen to be a christian )
Yawn ....I have explained the pics multiple times. :coffee:

Whats there to explain,its a photoshop work...and a really bad work in that..:omghaha:

Do you have reading comprehension issues ? ...... blame it on chuch education.

Do you know how to read?blame RSS brainwashing.What I said is true-No one recognized the potential of Thorium as a nuclear fuel till Dr.Bhabha's propsal in 1954.

Except sanskrit it used to be taught at lower primary as well as a compulsory subject before kerala went 'secular'

Oh really?And weren't Sanskrit part of Syllabus in modern schools established in Kerala?And you think Sanskrit was taught to everyone in Kerala,irrespective of caste before Modern schools were set up.

Funnily the Hindu's never had Schools for every temple concept. They just had schools for every kid :lol:

Yeah right.Although such schools were established by christians,who even sold gold & silver processional crosses for funding such a project,admissions were open for every one.And these were first institutions in which communities considered as 'low caste ' were taught in same way as so called 'high castes' breaking barriers of caste hierarchy.Every village,that had a catholic parish got a modern school in this way.The oldest colleges & schools of central Travancore were built by Christians and many of them are older than a century.

And funnily temple run schools ( I dont mean religious ones ) are rarity in Kerala.Meanwhile Christians established many schools in which Hindu students (irrespective of caste) could easily get admission.

LOL.....you just Failed. I guess you are just too dumb to realize it.

No one can be as dumb as a saffronist propaganda bot peddling crap every time against minorities.

More importantly the first Mathematical school was established in kerala in the 14th century. Kind of more important than an 'english' school, wont you say ? I guess you wont.

Its like an academy,something like 'Royal Society of London'.its not some primary school to teach children.[/quote]
..thousands beaten to death with sticks ? ....sound like jihadi propaganda :lol:

Read about it, even the official figures state that the number of deaths surpassed the thousand in 1969 and 2002.

And I did not say that all of them were beaten to death with sticks, learn to read carefully.... there is a difference

The next time 'minorities' feel like burning hindu women and children pilgrims returning form the holy city of Ayodhya, they will think twice and maybe thrice.


I f***** dont care whether the dead were Muslims, Hindus or whatever because I am not a retarded medieval age moron who puts religion into such an important spot. People were slaughtered so senselessly that it simply hurts.

I have already justified ALL my statements unlike others here. Time for you to start proving what you claim.

Tell which claim I should prove and I will do it. And I asked you to prove it now, if you cant its BS.
Prove me that religious and political murders are higher or equal in Kerala than in Gujarat!

According to official figure 1044 people were killed in the 2002 riots and over 200 just disappeared.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Gujarat riot death toll revealed

Tell me how can even this single event be surpassed by what ever happened in Kerala?
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Malayalees are proud of their Secular ceredentials, but if Tipu Sultan was not stopped in Aluva by Travancore Army and had he marched to Trivandrum and ransacked Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple....our Secular History would have been very different.
Kerala survive on beneficence of Gulfies. Else it is a Epic basket case like every communist economy that has ever existed.

Even after receiving $71 billion in remittances comprising of 16% of GDP, it is one of the most indebted state in India.
If you are a Keralite or not Have you heard about a Famous Phrase of Nair Tea Shop on Moon...........They Survived and were Prosperous before the Gulf Boom and will remain soo..............Wake from your sleep .............Kerala is Less debted tah most of BJP & Congress Ruled States ,even below Gujarat State Debt & Liabilities : Outstanding Debt Of States As At The End Of The Year: Ministry of Finance, Government of India
And also Kerala Economy is Growing a 9.5% highest in southern states At 9.5%, Kerala growth story remains intact -The New Indian Express
If you are a Keralite or not Have you heard about a Famous Phrase of Nair Tea Shop on Moon...........They Survived and were Prosperous before the Gulf Boom and will remain soo..............Wake from your sleep .............Kerala is Less debted tah most of BJP & Congress Ruled States ,even below Gujarat State Debt & Liabilities : Outstanding Debt Of States As At The End Of The Year: Ministry of Finance, Government of India
And also Kerala Economy is Growing a 9.5% highest in southern states At 9.5%, Kerala growth story remains intact -The New Indian Express

All this prosperity is a direct result of this gulf boom. NRI remittances helped many people to come out of poverty and helped their children get better education if otherwise was not possible. Moreover it helped our Govt to control the unemployment, a luxury not available for other state governments.

From the same article that you posted:

NRI remittances at a whopping Rs 55,000 crore continued to be the mainstay of Kerala’s growth story,
Who brought religion into this?It was @Manvantaratruti who brought religion into this thread,doubting secular credentials of another Indian member (who happen to be a christian )

Wrong I called you a christian sickular, not your whole community. Are you now the self proclaimed spokesperson and defender of the faith in pdf ? :P
Read about it, even the official figures state that the number of deaths surpassed the thousand in 1969 and 2002.

And I did not say that all of them were beaten to death with sticks, learn to read carefully.... there is a difference

Sorry. That is exactly what you said. "Thousands beaten to death with sticks". :sick: ..... at last count of the ~1000 dead, 184 died in the police firing.

I f***** dont care whether the dead were Muslims, Hindus or whatever because I am not a retarded medieval age moron who puts religion into such an important spot. People were slaughtered so senselessly that it simply hurts.

I DO CARE that the slaughtered were Hindu Women and Children pilgrims returning from Ayodhya. See that is the difference between you and me.

They were punished for being Hindus and daring to go to Ayodhya.

You are a modern moron who wants to dismiss this attack on Hindusim under the burkha of secularism. No can do.

Tell which claim I should prove and I will do it. And I asked you to prove it now, if you cant its BS.
Prove me that religious and political murders are higher or equal in Kerala than in Gujarat!

In 1921 the Mopilla riots killed and converted Hindus and drove away more than 1,00,000 Hindus in Kerala. It does not register for you because those are Hindus dead and displaced. :tdown:

Or is 2002 and 1969 a magical cut off figure for you ?

The total political killings betwen CPI CPM RSS are in Hundreds, close to 400 people.

The last political / religious murder was just a couple of months back ....

BJP worker hacked to death; hartal tomorrow in Kannur, Kerala | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

According to official figure 1044 people were killed in the 2002 riots and over 200 just disappeared.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Gujarat riot death toll revealed

Tell me how can even this single event be surpassed by what ever happened in Kerala?

When was the last time Hindu pilgrims were burnt in Kerala ? .......nowdays they just send out terrorists to bomb other parts of India.
Sorry. That is exactly what you said. "Thousands beaten to death with sticks". :sick: ..... at last count of the ~1000 dead, 184 died in the police firing.

I DO CARE that the slaughtered were Hindu Women and Children pilgrims returning from Ayodhya. See that is the difference between you and me.

They were punished for being Hindus and daring to go to Ayodhya.

You are a modern moron who wants to dismiss this attack on Hindusim under the burkha of secularism. No can do.

In 1921 the Mopilla riots killed and converted Hindus and drove away more than 1,00,000 Hindus in Kerala. It does not register for you because those are Hindus dead and displaced. :tdown:

Or is 2002 and 1969 a magical cut off figure for you ?

The total political killings betwen CPI CPM RSS are in Hundreds, close to 400 people.

The last political / religious murder was just a couple of months back ....

BJP worker hacked to death; hartal tomorrow in Kannur, Kerala | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

When was the last time Hindu pilgrims were burnt in Kerala ? .......nowdays they just send out terrorists to bomb other parts of India.

Repost this again, its not posted properly
All this prosperity is a direct result of this gulf boom. NRI remittances helped many people to come out of poverty and helped their children get better education if otherwise was not possible. Moreover it helped our Govt to control the unemployment, a luxury not available for other state governments.

From the same article that you posted:

If the govt. controlled the unemployed then 90% of kerala women would not be scared to walk down the streets of kerala after sundown or 73% would not consider kerala an unsafe place.

Reality is this lopsided development fueled by a falling Rupee is tearing apart the social fabric of kerala. I personally think it has already torn apart the social fabric.

God forbid if the Rupee becomes Rs. 10 to the dollar, kerala economy will be in the dump.
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