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As they say in Kerala, there's more to life than GDP - The Globe and Mail

LOL. One more lucid argument by the Sickular :lol:

Frauds will always be frauds..

No Thorium magically appeared in kerala in 2014 :P

No one in Kerala knew of its use at that time.Do you even know when commercial power producing Nuclear Reactors came into existence?

You forgot to mention the saving of souls done by the church too :lol:
But as far as social indicates and education are concerned, the reforms started way back in 1815 with Maharani Gowri Parvati Bayi. The ONLY role of the church was to play a role in eliminating sanskrit from the education system in kerala and thus destroy the thread that sustained Hinduism and related morality and turned them into beef eaters.

Even by 1920 the education system was FAR SUPERIOR to the rest of India. ONLY because of the efforts of the Varma kings. The first legislative council was set up in kerala in 1888 and it was they who reorganized the entire Medical system.

Yeah 'eliminate sanskrit'.As though every one in Kerala was studying sanskrit back then.:omghaha::omghaha:And it was the 'sanskrit studying upper classes' who were eager to join christian run schools.The fuss made by Brahmins when children of lower caste were admitted into same class are well recorded.

It was German & English protestant missionaries (CMS,LMS)who started introducing modern education,& it was catholic church who started introducing it on a widespread basis 'A school along with every church' starting from 1863.There are church run schools & Colleges in Kerala that are older than a century.

Thats why schools were known as 'Pallikoodam' in malayalam (Palli=church)
Frauds will always be frauds..

Hence christian sickulars like you stand exposed

No one in Kerala knew of its use at that time.Do you even know when commercial power producing Nuclear Reactors came into existence?


Monazite ore was discoved in kerala in 1908 by Herr Schomberg, a German chemist who found the presence of monazite in the sand remnants of contaminants of coir imported from Kerala. He then started a thorium oxide in gas mantle which was in great demand those days. The first plant was established by Schomberg at Manavalakurichi in 1910 for separation of monazite and then another plant at Chavara.

In 1914 British took over these plants and continued operations. In 1920, Hopkins and Williams (H & W), yet another London based English Company started operation at Manavalakurichi and Chavara. The first export of ilmenite from Chavara took place in the year 1922 and the Indian ilmenite maintained a virtual monopoly in the world market as basic raw material for titania pigment (white) till 1940 when four plants belonging to Travancore Minerals Ltd (TMC), Hopkins & William Travancore Ltd (H&W) and Fx Pereira & Sons (FXP) together exported as high as three hundred thousand tons of ilmenite from Chavara.

Yeah 'eliminate sanskrit'.As though every one in Kerala was studying sanskrit back then.:omghaha::omghaha:And it was the 'sanskrit studying upper classes' who were eager to join christian run schools.The fuss made by Brahmins when children of lower caste were admitted into same class are well recorded.

It was German & English protestant missionaries (CMS,LMS)who started introducing modern education,& it was catholic church who started introducing it on a widespread basis 'A school along with every church' starting from 1863.There are church run schools in Kerala that are older than a century.

Thats why schools were known as 'Pallikoodam' in malayalam (Palli=church)

:coffee: ... both my parents had to study Sanskrit in school when they were kids. It was one of the compulsory subjects. And they were most certainly NOT church schools.

By you own weird logic since there was church with school, there will be millions of church in Kerala :lol:

Even the lower caste started schools in kerala in 1902 under Sri Narayana Guru and even those schools taught Sanskrit :lol:

The reality is apart from the church propaganda schools the real mass education took place in govt. schools build by the Varmas.

preach your rantings somewhere in Gujarat,please...

LOL..... new recruit ? ..... what is your real id kiddo ? :lol:
...than endhe type ayalum yende pengala chegedetha reply thanolum....poi chodiche utharam medichonde vaa.
are you a Kerala iyer???if so..please,stay away..we don't need religious nuts like you in Kerala.go and preach in front of your Dravidian brothers in Tamilnadu ..
romba nantri
Is it true that some Muslim youth from Kerala went on to wage Jihad against IA in Kashmir and were shot over there a few years back???
are you a Kerala iyer???if so..please,stay away..we don't need religious nuts like you in Kerala.go and preach in front of your Dravidian brothers in Tamilnadu ..
romba nantri

LOL..... why don't christian sickular's like you come back with your real id ?

Its quite pathetic when you have to create new id just to troll. :lol:
At what cost? Malayalis make Indians look bad frankly speaking. Arabs have a negative view of Indians because of these Malayalis who tend to be extremely docile and submissive people by nature. A malayali will prefer to work as a slave for an arab rather than for an Indian. Even if he gets the same wage, he prefers Arabia to India. Call me a racist but I don't like their attitudes one bit.
LOL..... why don't christian sickular's like you come back with your real id ?

Its quite pathetic when you have to create new id just to troll. :lol:
LOL..... why don't christian sickular's like you come back with your real id ?

Its quite pathetic when you have to create new id just to troll. :lol:
why are you here??just to insult Kerala???both Gujarat and Kerala has its own merits and demerits....try to understand..
Vitukala mashay chill out

peace out...

why are you here??just to insult Kerala???both Gujarat and Kerala has its own merits and demerits....try to understand..

I am here to force people to face the truth.

No one is denying the merits of kerala. I am one of the merits aren't I ? :P .......... people just do not want to accept some of the very serious flaws.

The popular perception of the Kerala model is NOT a model that should EVER be replicated pan India.
Hence christian sickulars like you stand exposed

Its your photoshop fraud that is exposed.:omghaha::omghaha:

In 1914 British took over these plants and continued operations. In 1920, Hopkins and Williams (H & W), yet another London based English Company started operation at Manavalakurichi and Chavara. The first export of ilmenite from Chavara took place in the year 1922 and the Indian ilmenite maintained a virtual monopoly in the world market as basic raw material for titania pigment (white) till 1940 when four plants belonging to Travancore Minerals Ltd (TMC), Hopkins & William Travancore Ltd (H&W) and Fx Pereira & Sons (FXP) together exported as high as three hundred thousand tons of ilmenite from Chavara.

Hello..wake up.ilmente is ore of Titanium.What I said is that no one in India recognized Thorium as a source of nuclear power,till Homi J Bhabha proposed three-stage nuclear program in 1954.And we are yet to select a site for our first Thorium AHWR.

:coffee: ... both my parents had to study Sanskrit in school when they were kids. It was one of the compulsory subjects. And they were most certainly NOT church schools.
By you own weird logic since there was church with school, there will be millions of church in Kerala :lol:
Even the lower caste started schools in kerala in 1902 under Sri Narayana Guru and even those schools taught Sanskrit :lol:
The reality is apart from the church propaganda schools the real mass education took place in govt. schools build by the Varmas.

I have never seen such a fool like you.I referred to condition of Kerala before 20th century.Of course,now Sanskrit is a subject that is part of syllabus of Kerala State (arabic is also optional ) in upper primary section.It is now taught at most Schools,run by government/Church/Nss or anyone

The 'School for every parish' motto has been adopted by catholic church,starting from 1863.Thats one of reason for high number of Christian educational institutions.

'Church propoganda schools'-No propaganda is taught there.For us Pallikoodam is a place of great importance,don't equate it to a RSS study camp.

Keep parroting BS.It was a christian missionary who establshed first English school in Travancore.
peace out...

I am here to force people to face the truth.

No one is denying the merits of kerala. I am one of the merits aren't I ? :P .......... people just do not want to accept some of the very serious flaws.

The popular perception of the Kerala model is NOT a model that should EVER be replicated pan India.

Its your photoshop fraud that is exposed.:omghaha::omghaha:

Hello..wake up.ilmente is ore of Titanium.What I said is that no one in India recognized Thorium as a source of nuclear power,till Homi J Bhabha proposed three-stage nuclear program in 1954.And we are yet to select a site for our first Thorium AHWR.

I have never seen such a fool like you.I referred to condition of Kerala before 20th century.Of course,now Sanskrit is a subject that is part of syllabus of Kerala State (arabic is also optional ) in upper primary section.It is now taught at most Schools,run by government/Church/Nss or anyone

The 'School for every parish' motto has been adopted by catholic church,starting from 1863.Thats one of reason for high number of Christian educational institutions.

'Church propoganda schools'-No propaganda is taught there.For us Pallikoodam is a place of great importance,don't equate it to a RSS study camp.

Keep parroting BS.It was a christian missionary who establshed first English school in Travancore.
why are you bringing religion into it???
its due to the secular nature of Hinduism,we Christians are thriving here..don't ignore that..otherwise we were f..ked like in syria or Lebanon..
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Wow Commies.....................Lal Salam................

Kerala survive on beneficence of Gulfies. Else it is a Epic basket case like every communist economy that has ever existed.

Even after receiving $71 billion in remittances comprising of 16% of GDP, it is one of the most indebted state in India.
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